U don't look like u have CF


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>onlyoneloveinmylife</b></i>

I've had nurses ask me when I got CF. Man it gets old. But the worst one
was when a RT said she couldn't come in the room until I was done w/
my nebs, sais she was allergic to the mist. I felt like saying " Get a new job then moron"</end quote></div>

LMAO so much it's making me cough <img src="">

What kind of idiot gets a job as an RT when they're allergic to the meds they have to administer?!

Just had to add - it really, REALLY irks me when people say stupid sh*t about wishing they could eat whatever they wanted and never get fat or how great it must be that I only have to work part time... I know it's just out of not knowing any better, but it still really pisses me off. LOVED Lance's response: "Hahaha, yeah it rocks, FORCING yourself to eat and having to do 4 hours of medication every day and knowing you'll probably be dead in a couple years! Woo! haha!" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>onlyoneloveinmylife</b></i>

I've had nurses ask me when I got CF. Man it gets old. But the worst one
was when a RT said she couldn't come in the room until I was done w/
my nebs, sais she was allergic to the mist. I felt like saying " Get a new job then moron"</end quote></div>

LMAO so much it's making me cough <img src="">

What kind of idiot gets a job as an RT when they're allergic to the meds they have to administer?!

Just had to add - it really, REALLY irks me when people say stupid sh*t about wishing they could eat whatever they wanted and never get fat or how great it must be that I only have to work part time... I know it's just out of not knowing any better, but it still really pisses me off. LOVED Lance's response: "Hahaha, yeah it rocks, FORCING yourself to eat and having to do 4 hours of medication every day and knowing you'll probably be dead in a couple years! Woo! haha!" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>onlyoneloveinmylife</b></i>

I've had nurses ask me when I got CF. Man it gets old. But the worst one
was when a RT said she couldn't come in the room until I was done w/
my nebs, sais she was allergic to the mist. I felt like saying " Get a new job then moron"</end quote></div>

LMAO so much it's making me cough <img src="">

What kind of idiot gets a job as an RT when they're allergic to the meds they have to administer?!

Just had to add - it really, REALLY irks me when people say stupid sh*t about wishing they could eat whatever they wanted and never get fat or how great it must be that I only have to work part time... I know it's just out of not knowing any better, but it still really pisses me off. LOVED Lance's response: "Hahaha, yeah it rocks, FORCING yourself to eat and having to do 4 hours of medication every day and knowing you'll probably be dead in a couple years! Woo! haha!" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>onlyoneloveinmylife</b></i>

I've had nurses ask me when I got CF. Man it gets old. But the worst one
was when a RT said she couldn't come in the room until I was done w/
my nebs, sais she was allergic to the mist. I felt like saying " Get a new job then moron"</end quote>

LMAO so much it's making me cough <img src="">

What kind of idiot gets a job as an RT when they're allergic to the meds they have to administer?!

Just had to add - it really, REALLY irks me when people say stupid sh*t about wishing they could eat whatever they wanted and never get fat or how great it must be that I only have to work part time... I know it's just out of not knowing any better, but it still really pisses me off. LOVED Lance's response: "Hahaha, yeah it rocks, FORCING yourself to eat and having to do 4 hours of medication every day and knowing you'll probably be dead in a couple years! Woo! haha!" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>onlyoneloveinmylife</b></i>

I've had nurses ask me when I got CF. Man it gets old. But the worst one
was when a RT said she couldn't come in the room until I was done w/
my nebs, sais she was allergic to the mist. I felt like saying " Get a new job then moron"</end quote>

LMAO so much it's making me cough <img src="">

What kind of idiot gets a job as an RT when they're allergic to the meds they have to administer?!

Just had to add - it really, REALLY irks me when people say stupid sh*t about wishing they could eat whatever they wanted and never get fat or how great it must be that I only have to work part time... I know it's just out of not knowing any better, but it still really pisses me off. LOVED Lance's response: "Hahaha, yeah it rocks, FORCING yourself to eat and having to do 4 hours of medication every day and knowing you'll probably be dead in a couple years! Woo! haha!" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Wheezie</b></i>
What kind of idiot gets a job as an RT when they're allergic to the meds they have to administer?! </end quote></div>

This interesting because I just had this conversation with my clinic RT the other day. He said that when he administers 20+ Albueteral treatments a day in a closed up hospital room, it starts to get to him. He goes home and his heart is racing!!!! And when some RT quit their jobs, they start having trouble because their lungs get used to inhaling Albueteral all day for 8 hours.

I never thought about it like that before, opened my eyes to their occupational hazards!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Wheezie</b></i>
What kind of idiot gets a job as an RT when they're allergic to the meds they have to administer?! </end quote></div>

This interesting because I just had this conversation with my clinic RT the other day. He said that when he administers 20+ Albueteral treatments a day in a closed up hospital room, it starts to get to him. He goes home and his heart is racing!!!! And when some RT quit their jobs, they start having trouble because their lungs get used to inhaling Albueteral all day for 8 hours.

I never thought about it like that before, opened my eyes to their occupational hazards!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Wheezie</b></i>
What kind of idiot gets a job as an RT when they're allergic to the meds they have to administer?! </end quote></div>

This interesting because I just had this conversation with my clinic RT the other day. He said that when he administers 20+ Albueteral treatments a day in a closed up hospital room, it starts to get to him. He goes home and his heart is racing!!!! And when some RT quit their jobs, they start having trouble because their lungs get used to inhaling Albueteral all day for 8 hours.

I never thought about it like that before, opened my eyes to their occupational hazards!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Wheezie</b></i>
What kind of idiot gets a job as an RT when they're allergic to the meds they have to administer?! </end quote>

This interesting because I just had this conversation with my clinic RT the other day. He said that when he administers 20+ Albueteral treatments a day in a closed up hospital room, it starts to get to him. He goes home and his heart is racing!!!! And when some RT quit their jobs, they start having trouble because their lungs get used to inhaling Albueteral all day for 8 hours.

I never thought about it like that before, opened my eyes to their occupational hazards!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Wheezie</b></i>
What kind of idiot gets a job as an RT when they're allergic to the meds they have to administer?! </end quote>

This interesting because I just had this conversation with my clinic RT the other day. He said that when he administers 20+ Albueteral treatments a day in a closed up hospital room, it starts to get to him. He goes home and his heart is racing!!!! And when some RT quit their jobs, they start having trouble because their lungs get used to inhaling Albueteral all day for 8 hours.

I never thought about it like that before, opened my eyes to their occupational hazards!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">


New member
yeah, i get the whole "boy, you need to eat something" or "i wish i had your metabolism" thing to which i reply "i wish i had your fat a$$!!" that's usually is met with negativity. i guess poking at people's weight is okay unless you're talking about fat people.

my personal fav on those lines came from people who were moderately familiar with cf. it's the "hey, you don't have to wear a condom" bit. i'd politely remind them that cf doesn't protect against vd. and they'd usually feel appropriately stupid.


New member
yeah, i get the whole "boy, you need to eat something" or "i wish i had your metabolism" thing to which i reply "i wish i had your fat a$$!!" that's usually is met with negativity. i guess poking at people's weight is okay unless you're talking about fat people.

my personal fav on those lines came from people who were moderately familiar with cf. it's the "hey, you don't have to wear a condom" bit. i'd politely remind them that cf doesn't protect against vd. and they'd usually feel appropriately stupid.


New member
yeah, i get the whole "boy, you need to eat something" or "i wish i had your metabolism" thing to which i reply "i wish i had your fat a$$!!" that's usually is met with negativity. i guess poking at people's weight is okay unless you're talking about fat people.

my personal fav on those lines came from people who were moderately familiar with cf. it's the "hey, you don't have to wear a condom" bit. i'd politely remind them that cf doesn't protect against vd. and they'd usually feel appropriately stupid.


New member
yeah, i get the whole "boy, you need to eat something" or "i wish i had your metabolism" thing to which i reply "i wish i had your fat a$$!!" that's usually is met with negativity. i guess poking at people's weight is okay unless you're talking about fat people.

my personal fav on those lines came from people who were moderately familiar with cf. it's the "hey, you don't have to wear a condom" bit. i'd politely remind them that cf doesn't protect against vd. and they'd usually feel appropriately stupid.


New member
yeah, i get the whole "boy, you need to eat something" or "i wish i had your metabolism" thing to which i reply "i wish i had your fat a$$!!" that's usually is met with negativity. i guess poking at people's weight is okay unless you're talking about fat people.

my personal fav on those lines came from people who were moderately familiar with cf. it's the "hey, you don't have to wear a condom" bit. i'd politely remind them that cf doesn't protect against vd. and they'd usually feel appropriately stupid.


New member
Stupid People. Isn't this world an imperfect place?

When I was in college I had a handicap card for parking, but I don't anymore. Anyway, I was having these crazy fevers (98.6 to 105.6 to to 97 in the span of three hours). Anyway, they exhausted me to say the least. About an hour after one of my fevers, I drove up to this little shopping center to pick up food for myself. I was elated when i saw that the handicapped parking was empty...I scooted on in.

I ran in, got my food and came back out and found that some woman had scribbled "WHAT IS YOUR HANDICAP" in red lipstick across my window. I just started crying. Just because I look fine does not mean I am, you butthole.

Two days later, I felt a fever coming on and tried to drive to my docs house. Well, the fever hit and I became disoriented and got lost in that little shopping center. An ambulance finally had to get me because I couldn't remember how to call my doc from my car phone. When they picked me up, my fever was 106 and I told them I had AIDS...which I don't. I was trying to tell them my immune system was going crazy and in my delerious state I guess AIDS made sense...go figure.

Anyway, sometimes I wonder if that terrible woman saw them loading me into the ambulance and felt bad....I doubt it, but then again, a girl can always hope, right????


New member
Stupid People. Isn't this world an imperfect place?

When I was in college I had a handicap card for parking, but I don't anymore. Anyway, I was having these crazy fevers (98.6 to 105.6 to to 97 in the span of three hours). Anyway, they exhausted me to say the least. About an hour after one of my fevers, I drove up to this little shopping center to pick up food for myself. I was elated when i saw that the handicapped parking was empty...I scooted on in.

I ran in, got my food and came back out and found that some woman had scribbled "WHAT IS YOUR HANDICAP" in red lipstick across my window. I just started crying. Just because I look fine does not mean I am, you butthole.

Two days later, I felt a fever coming on and tried to drive to my docs house. Well, the fever hit and I became disoriented and got lost in that little shopping center. An ambulance finally had to get me because I couldn't remember how to call my doc from my car phone. When they picked me up, my fever was 106 and I told them I had AIDS...which I don't. I was trying to tell them my immune system was going crazy and in my delerious state I guess AIDS made sense...go figure.

Anyway, sometimes I wonder if that terrible woman saw them loading me into the ambulance and felt bad....I doubt it, but then again, a girl can always hope, right????


New member
Stupid People. Isn't this world an imperfect place?

When I was in college I had a handicap card for parking, but I don't anymore. Anyway, I was having these crazy fevers (98.6 to 105.6 to to 97 in the span of three hours). Anyway, they exhausted me to say the least. About an hour after one of my fevers, I drove up to this little shopping center to pick up food for myself. I was elated when i saw that the handicapped parking was empty...I scooted on in.

I ran in, got my food and came back out and found that some woman had scribbled "WHAT IS YOUR HANDICAP" in red lipstick across my window. I just started crying. Just because I look fine does not mean I am, you butthole.

Two days later, I felt a fever coming on and tried to drive to my docs house. Well, the fever hit and I became disoriented and got lost in that little shopping center. An ambulance finally had to get me because I couldn't remember how to call my doc from my car phone. When they picked me up, my fever was 106 and I told them I had AIDS...which I don't. I was trying to tell them my immune system was going crazy and in my delerious state I guess AIDS made sense...go figure.

Anyway, sometimes I wonder if that terrible woman saw them loading me into the ambulance and felt bad....I doubt it, but then again, a girl can always hope, right????


New member
Stupid People. Isn't this world an imperfect place?

When I was in college I had a handicap card for parking, but I don't anymore. Anyway, I was having these crazy fevers (98.6 to 105.6 to to 97 in the span of three hours). Anyway, they exhausted me to say the least. About an hour after one of my fevers, I drove up to this little shopping center to pick up food for myself. I was elated when i saw that the handicapped parking was empty...I scooted on in.

I ran in, got my food and came back out and found that some woman had scribbled "WHAT IS YOUR HANDICAP" in red lipstick across my window. I just started crying. Just because I look fine does not mean I am, you butthole.

Two days later, I felt a fever coming on and tried to drive to my docs house. Well, the fever hit and I became disoriented and got lost in that little shopping center. An ambulance finally had to get me because I couldn't remember how to call my doc from my car phone. When they picked me up, my fever was 106 and I told them I had AIDS...which I don't. I was trying to tell them my immune system was going crazy and in my delerious state I guess AIDS made sense...go figure.

Anyway, sometimes I wonder if that terrible woman saw them loading me into the ambulance and felt bad....I doubt it, but then again, a girl can always hope, right????


New member
Stupid People. Isn't this world an imperfect place?

When I was in college I had a handicap card for parking, but I don't anymore. Anyway, I was having these crazy fevers (98.6 to 105.6 to to 97 in the span of three hours). Anyway, they exhausted me to say the least. About an hour after one of my fevers, I drove up to this little shopping center to pick up food for myself. I was elated when i saw that the handicapped parking was empty...I scooted on in.

I ran in, got my food and came back out and found that some woman had scribbled "WHAT IS YOUR HANDICAP" in red lipstick across my window. I just started crying. Just because I look fine does not mean I am, you butthole.

Two days later, I felt a fever coming on and tried to drive to my docs house. Well, the fever hit and I became disoriented and got lost in that little shopping center. An ambulance finally had to get me because I couldn't remember how to call my doc from my car phone. When they picked me up, my fever was 106 and I told them I had AIDS...which I don't. I was trying to tell them my immune system was going crazy and in my delerious state I guess AIDS made sense...go figure.

Anyway, sometimes I wonder if that terrible woman saw them loading me into the ambulance and felt bad....I doubt it, but then again, a girl can always hope, right????