Update on Allan (WinAce)


New member

Thanks for letting all of us know. He will be in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong for him Jessica. It may be hard, but from what little I know about WinAce, I do know that he loves YOU. Hang in there and dont give up.




New member

Thank you for posting. I have always enjoyed "Winace's" posts and have been worried about his health. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

Maria (mother of three daughters, the youngest, Samantha w/cf)


New member
I don't know Allan, but I know that you deserve a great deal of thanks from all of us here for inspiring him to keep going. I'm not religious but it's times like these that I wish I were. You and Allan are in my thoughts and hopes. Stay strong.


New member
My thoughts are with you both - pulling for you both to make it through even stronger than before!!!

36 w/CF


New member
try to stay strong. I love Allan's posts and I'm looking forward to seeing more. You take care of yourself! I will be praying for all of you and I wish I could say/do more to help but no words can let you know how much we all care and how important Allan and You are to all of us. Best wishes sweetie!


New member
Thank you for the update. I will be keeping him and you in my thoughts and prayers. Let hin know we are all thinking of him.


New member
OMG she is the cutest baby! So adorable. And Jessica you and Allan are in my thoughts and I hope things start to get better very soon!!


Hope he gets feeling better soon, he's a fighter after all. My thoughts are with all of you.


New member

My heart sank when I saw that you had logged in.... I don't know what to say to you, I just know that you being there with Allan means the world to him, you have made and make his life so much better than he could have imagined it.

Thank you for posting, my thoughts and prayers are with both of you.. Please keep us posted....

33 w. CF and Addison's


New member
As of this morning, Allan was doing slightly better. He's still on the ventilator, and probably will be for a while. It's at a very high, uncomfortable setting, so they're keeping him sedated. His doctors keep stressing how difficult it is for CF patients with his level of lung disease to come off the vent, especially with b. cepacia. Even if they can get the infection under control, getting him off the ventilator will be another huge obstacle.

His fevers seem to have come down a bit, as well. There have been some problems, though. I was at home sleeping because I stayed the night at the hospital last night, and his dad just came back to the apartment. He said they're giving Allan a blood transfusion--something wrong with his hemoglobin? I don't know what it's about yet, and it's nearly impossible to get information out of his father because he has limited English and likely doesn't understand much about the situation himself. I can't go back to the hospital just yet because the nurses would be changing shifts right about now and they kick everyone out for that. I will go back in about an hour, though, and stay with him through the night again, and hopefully I'll get a better idea of what's going on. His parents and I are staying with him in shifts--right now his mom and stepdad are with Allan, and tonight his dad and I will be with him.

This morning there was some worry about his gallbladder, too. He's not having any specific symptom that alarms them. But, from what I understood, a lot of patients in his condition have inflamed gallbladders so they were going to do an ultrasound to try to see if there's anything wrong. If it is inflamed, then they'll try to treat it with drugs. Eventually his gallbladder may have to be removed, but there's no way he'd survive such a surgery in his current condition.

The amount of carbon dioxide in his blood has continued to decrease, too, so that's good. That's about all I know, for now. I haven't been over there since this morning, but if there were any significant changes his parents would have called me.

I love him so damned much. I know many of you love him, too, and are feeling the same frustration and helplessness about this. When Allan 'twitched' the other day while I was talking to him, I had been saying this:

"I know that when we met, you were worried about getting into a relationship with me, because you were ill, and didn't want to hurt me. I had known this was going to happen I'd have still been with you in a heartbeat. You are the best part of my life, you are everything to me, and I love you. It's so hard for me to express how much I care. Being with you is worth every moment, and no matter how much time we have together, it's worth it." I don't know if I've ever clearly stated that to him before, but I hope he knows. And I hope that if he has heard nothing else since being sedated, he heard that.