What to eat to gain weight


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I am going to back up Dea, there is no way that your diet can effect your chance of CFRD. I was skeptical even after my doc assured me that I could eat anything and have no more of a chance getting diabetes, but after research I realized he was right (how about that lol) With that said, do not overload on sugar and try to eat things with lots of vitamins and healthy stuff so you can grow big and strong since this is your prime growing time...also drink lots of milk cause CFers tend to be more likely to get osteoperosis.


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Hey Mike; I was in the same boat as you were when i was a teenager.Up until I was 16 I weighed roughly 120/125 lbs.Depserate to gain weight I tried any/everything eating wise.Then I was introduced to weights.From 17-20 I went from 125 to roughly 154 an maintained a somewhat lowbodyfat of 10 % ( <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> thats the cool thing w/ C.F. if you eat right you'll looked ripped...lol..constant coughing contracts your abs) It may sound awkward b/c weight lifting is thought to burn so much calories but if you are a newbie to it you pack on weight at unbelievable pace.And yes you would have to eat somewhat more cals..but it can be easily gotten from everyday food.My staples I use are Milk (sometimes a gallon a day) and tuna for protein & sweet potato's an macaroni as my carbs staple.And if you decide to try this way to add weight;don't believe all the hype that you may see/hear in magazines or those stupid adds you see on ESPN.Alot of supplements are a waste of time.Good solid nutrition an heavy weights is what did it for me.Geez..I'm staring to ramble & sound like those add sin the back of old comics... but If you would like more info contact me @ : kindred_ape@yahoo.comByron 24 w/c.f.Post Tx 1yr 3months.


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Mike sure has it right. Weightlifting is one of the most effective ways to put on the pounds. But you may fit into a group of people that will not gain weight with most workout routines. Check out the book series BRAWN. Extremely abbreviated routines can work well for us skinny guys. Also, if you high really high metabolism, weight gain, especially with workouts can be worthless. I am lucky to have a brother four years older than myself. I can tell you that my gains will probably be minimal for the next three years or so cause his was and my father's was. Then I have to take into account I have CF and that I will prolly not finish growth for a couple more years. Another way to pack on the weight can be with MCTs. Medium Chain Tryglicerides. Not sure if I spelled that right. We don't get enough of em. But if you buy some MCT oil take it in small amounts, with food, otherwise you will be the king of the Throne for awhile!Jake


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Oh yeah, although milk is great for packing on the weight, it is known that dairy products can cause the thickening of mucas. So experiment, but I have found that less dairy means thinner mucas. Then again you should be getting enough cause CF males are more likely to get osteoperosis. Jake


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Brawn is a great book;as Jake recomended; I belive thereS also a Brawn 2#.Another awesom book is 'SUPER SQUATS".Most C.F. males will not put on the 30lbs. as the book says a person will but there will definately be a gain.The heavy breathing squats will also really open up your chest an airways.After each workout I would release more mucus than after an aerosol an p.t. session. Also I don't know about the MCT's; it's mainly cocnut oil I think.Personally it made me sick an cramp;but then again everyone is different.Flaxseeds can be added to cereal (or oil in shakes) I belive has a better cal. count for the EFA's you get.Alot of Omega 3's an 6's.Again thats just my opinions.Some awesome link:www.exrx.net has excercise examples of every excercise imaginable an stretches an all sorts of helpfull health calculators.www.wannabebig.com has an excellent message board w/ everything from bodybuilding/powerlifting to diet to health to general info.also there is a section of the message board that lets you keep log of your workouts (completely free) & the online community there is full of comradery.No matter what you goals.Theres skinny ppl trying to gain weight there's overweight ppl trying to lose weight to hardcore lifters.They accept anyone no matter of what a persons goals are..Byron 24 w/c.f.Post Tx 1yr 3months. Ape. (my name on the message boards)


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make sure your taking enough enzymes and have you tried scandi shakes?they have like 600 calories. and they even have a booklet of recipessign,elisabeth


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>make sure your taking enough enzymes and have you tried scandi shakes?they have like 600 calories. and they even have a booklet of recipes for the shakessign,elisabeth<hr></blockquote>


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You might be little me and have high metabolism and want gain weight until you turn an certain age. But careful of what eat. the only time i gain weight was when i was pregnant i started off 100 pounds and ended up being 140 and since I ha my baby i'm back 103.


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Mike, Do this and ull gain at least 15 pounds.LIFT weights.. high weights , low number of lifts...EAT PROTIEN AND CARBS.bannanna and peanut butter sandwiches are a great weight booster, so is tuna fish.. before you work out about an hr before drink a protien shake (thats the best time)and right before you go eat a little something with sugar (candy bar) then at bedtime drink another shake .theres also alot of protien shakes out... id go to a local health store to find the best. Some taste like mud others are acutally great. Ull have to try them till you find one u like.BUT dont get TOO much protien because it can become toxic. also if u have cf diabtes try a protien shake with low carbs.. if not ENJOY the carbs!You wont notice yourself getting bigger untill about four weeks, then you will notice a slight change, then usually a huge change shorty after... total 6-8 weeks.I have CF and actually worked as a trainer at a gym . I was smaller than the other guys but WOW was I much bigger than before! And I was more cut than the other guys. (from what I heard at the gym girls prefer cut over bulk in most instances anyhow).Hope this helps you. OH and try talking to a trainer at a gym about a workout routine, but as far as nutrition Id use your own judgement. They wont know about cf i guarantee it and what works for them probablly wont for you. Remember you need much more nutrients than the average joe.


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><blockquote>Quote<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>make sure your taking enough enzymes and have you tried scandi shakes?they have like 600 calories. and they even have a booklet of recipes for the shakessign,elisabeth<hr></blockquote><hr></blockquote>Scandi Shakes really help, they taste great and there's more than one flaver. I like to put ice-cream in mine. It's much better than hot choclate.


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>hey i eat lots and i dont gain n e weight i am 84p and im 14 and i have cf<hr></blockquote>me to im 12 though ive been like 84 p for like 2 yers. my mom always says i will gain it. guesse wha!!!!! i didnt and all my friendz double my weight. pleazz help


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i know people tell you to eat but when u eat u stuff your self and u somtimes loose weight while ur friendz eat a lean quizzean and gain 2-3 pounds. cause u have fast matabilism u need to turn your matabilism back to normal. to do this you need to double or triple your efferts. it will make it so even your fast matbalism slows down. it dose this by giving it somthing to break down. also heavy foods, ( steak, cream ect.) are harder to digest and have high calories so they help you gain weight and slow down your matabolism. pizza is good to. and drink milk. remember this will take a while i have been doing this for about a month and i weight 92 i am the same kis who wrote above this message well ... GO EAT!!! LOL


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when i was like 9 and 10, i couldn't gain wait eaisly, so my dr's gave me Scandi shakes... they taste like S***, but if you put them in with ice cream, you have a great milk shake! i suggest choclate flavor! they also still sometimes give me boost, but i feel like an old person when i drink them... lol hope this helps~Hannah<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/wine.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/wine.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/moon.gif" border="0">


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Hi MockenbirdI tend to agree with you. You are what you eat and you can prevent Diabetes with a good diet. You might get it eventually but if you eat healthy you will put it off for many years. Believe in yourself. Not all doctors have it together these days. They are always learning and nothing is written in stone. Great attitude you have


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Hey, I have a vary hard time gaining weight too. I was 16 year old female, that only weighed 80lbs. and I felt so freakin skinny. And now I weigh 115 at age 16. I started to smoke ciggs. there for about a 5 moths and then quite and gained a lot of weight so I thought you might want to just think about that. I know smoking is bad for you but it isn't like your doing it all your life so that's something that you could do. p.s. e-mail me back and tell me how things are going. Blondie4uguys@hotmail.com<img src="i/expressions/beer.gif" border="0">


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hi! i do not have cf but my boyfriend does and whenever we go out to eat he's always talking bout him needing to gain weight and he's always eating a candy bar or something, i dont understandwhy he needs to gain wait and he isnt very ope about talking about his cf so im affraid to ask him, if anyone can answer that for me thanks!


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most ppl with Cystic Fibrosis have malabsorbtion. Are bodies are not able to absorb as much as most ppl. And to top it off our bodies our bodies are always fighting infection, so keeping the weight on is important because during infection one's body needs extra calories.Jake


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There is a product called SERIOUS MASS by a company called OPTIMUM NUTRITION. You can find it at any health food store or do a search online and order directly from the company. I swear by this product. If you have 2 scoops, there are only 14 servings and it is expensive (like 30+) but I wouldn't do without it-EVER! They have vanilla, chocolate and strawberry and you can mix with milk or water and it is good either way. I also drink 3-5 boost/ensure shakes a day in addition to three full meals and many snacks. If you have any questions about this post, let me know, I'll check back later today and answer it!