what type of job do you have, if you're employed


New member
i work in the human resource department for an oilfield company. I basically handle all the payroll and health and dental insurance for the employees.


New member
i work in the human resource department for an oilfield company. I basically handle all the payroll and health and dental insurance for the employees.


New member
i work in the human resource department for an oilfield company. I basically handle all the payroll and health and dental insurance for the employees.


New member
i work in the human resource department for an oilfield company. I basically handle all the payroll and health and dental insurance for the employees.


New member
My son is only 10. The other day I asked him what he wanted to do when he grew up. He said " Well I guess I can't be a professional football or basketball player cause I won't fly - so I don't know." I thought he was going to say because of CF -but he didn't. I told him he has never flown - so how does he know he wouldn't like it. It just breaks my heart - cause he really is good at sports and takes it very serious - and is better (right now) than any non-cfer. But I'm not going to crash his dreams!


New member
My son is only 10. The other day I asked him what he wanted to do when he grew up. He said " Well I guess I can't be a professional football or basketball player cause I won't fly - so I don't know." I thought he was going to say because of CF -but he didn't. I told him he has never flown - so how does he know he wouldn't like it. It just breaks my heart - cause he really is good at sports and takes it very serious - and is better (right now) than any non-cfer. But I'm not going to crash his dreams!


New member
My son is only 10. The other day I asked him what he wanted to do when he grew up. He said " Well I guess I can't be a professional football or basketball player cause I won't fly - so I don't know." I thought he was going to say because of CF -but he didn't. I told him he has never flown - so how does he know he wouldn't like it. It just breaks my heart - cause he really is good at sports and takes it very serious - and is better (right now) than any non-cfer. But I'm not going to crash his dreams!


New member
My son is only 10. The other day I asked him what he wanted to do when he grew up. He said " Well I guess I can't be a professional football or basketball player cause I won't fly - so I don't know." I thought he was going to say because of CF -but he didn't. I told him he has never flown - so how does he know he wouldn't like it. It just breaks my heart - cause he really is good at sports and takes it very serious - and is better (right now) than any non-cfer. But I'm not going to crash his dreams!


New member
My son is only 10. The other day I asked him what he wanted to do when he grew up. He said " Well I guess I can't be a professional football or basketball player cause I won't fly - so I don't know." I thought he was going to say because of CF -but he didn't. I told him he has never flown - so how does he know he wouldn't like it. It just breaks my heart - cause he really is good at sports and takes it very serious - and is better (right now) than any non-cfer. But I'm not going to crash his dreams!


New member
My son is only 10. The other day I asked him what he wanted to do when he grew up. He said " Well I guess I can't be a professional football or basketball player cause I won't fly - so I don't know." I thought he was going to say because of CF -but he didn't. I told him he has never flown - so how does he know he wouldn't like it. It just breaks my heart - cause he really is good at sports and takes it very serious - and is better (right now) than any non-cfer. But I'm not going to crash his dreams!


New member
I'm an underwriter for Commercial Umbrella/Excess Insurance (Property and Casualty). I basically analyze a company's exposures and tell companies how much they will pay us for insurance coverage. Love it to death! (i'm weird I know).


New member
I'm an underwriter for Commercial Umbrella/Excess Insurance (Property and Casualty). I basically analyze a company's exposures and tell companies how much they will pay us for insurance coverage. Love it to death! (i'm weird I know).


New member
I'm an underwriter for Commercial Umbrella/Excess Insurance (Property and Casualty). I basically analyze a company's exposures and tell companies how much they will pay us for insurance coverage. Love it to death! (i'm weird I know).


New member
I'm an underwriter for Commercial Umbrella/Excess Insurance (Property and Casualty). I basically analyze a company's exposures and tell companies how much they will pay us for insurance coverage. Love it to death! (i'm weird I know).


New member
I'm an underwriter for Commercial Umbrella/Excess Insurance (Property and Casualty). I basically analyze a company's exposures and tell companies how much they will pay us for insurance coverage. Love it to death! (i'm weird I know).


New member
I'm an underwriter for Commercial Umbrella/Excess Insurance (Property and Casualty). I basically analyze a company's exposures and tell companies how much they will pay us for insurance coverage. Love it to death! (i'm weird I know).