When do you head in or call?



Well Alyssa's got a nasty upper respiratory thing going right now. I talked to CF on Wed and they wanted to wait a few days to see if she could kick it on her own. Today she is very junky sounding, her voice is hoarse and she is taking gulps of air every now and then. She went with me to the pediatrician's office today for my son (simple ear infection thing) and the pedi listened to her and said she sounds very "coarse". She was running a low grade temp. Pedi called our CF center and must have all been concerned. CF center called me and started her on a 21 day course of Septra, a new med for us. They want to see her on Wed to listen to her lungs and see how the meds are working.

But tonight she sounded horrible. AFter doing her vest, she went off to play and came running back asking for us to rehook her to the vest. She sounded like she was drowning, all gurgly and she was very scared, her heart rate was racing. I took off her shirt to see if she was retracting and it looked a little like she might be, but I don't really know what I'm looking for. I got a bucket and showed her how to cough up a glob and spit it out, but she still is rattling.

Should I call the CF doc on call? Is there anything they can really do? I hate the idea of an admit over the weekend, as the staff at the hospital just don't get anything accomplished over the weekend. Would it be okay to wait it out a few days and hope the septra kicks in and mellows out the staph in her lungs? I'm feeling very unsure of what to do to help. Is this just par for the course with CF?


Well Alyssa's got a nasty upper respiratory thing going right now. I talked to CF on Wed and they wanted to wait a few days to see if she could kick it on her own. Today she is very junky sounding, her voice is hoarse and she is taking gulps of air every now and then. She went with me to the pediatrician's office today for my son (simple ear infection thing) and the pedi listened to her and said she sounds very "coarse". She was running a low grade temp. Pedi called our CF center and must have all been concerned. CF center called me and started her on a 21 day course of Septra, a new med for us. They want to see her on Wed to listen to her lungs and see how the meds are working.

But tonight she sounded horrible. AFter doing her vest, she went off to play and came running back asking for us to rehook her to the vest. She sounded like she was drowning, all gurgly and she was very scared, her heart rate was racing. I took off her shirt to see if she was retracting and it looked a little like she might be, but I don't really know what I'm looking for. I got a bucket and showed her how to cough up a glob and spit it out, but she still is rattling.

Should I call the CF doc on call? Is there anything they can really do? I hate the idea of an admit over the weekend, as the staff at the hospital just don't get anything accomplished over the weekend. Would it be okay to wait it out a few days and hope the septra kicks in and mellows out the staph in her lungs? I'm feeling very unsure of what to do to help. Is this just par for the course with CF?


Well Alyssa's got a nasty upper respiratory thing going right now. I talked to CF on Wed and they wanted to wait a few days to see if she could kick it on her own. Today she is very junky sounding, her voice is hoarse and she is taking gulps of air every now and then. She went with me to the pediatrician's office today for my son (simple ear infection thing) and the pedi listened to her and said she sounds very "coarse". She was running a low grade temp. Pedi called our CF center and must have all been concerned. CF center called me and started her on a 21 day course of Septra, a new med for us. They want to see her on Wed to listen to her lungs and see how the meds are working.

But tonight she sounded horrible. AFter doing her vest, she went off to play and came running back asking for us to rehook her to the vest. She sounded like she was drowning, all gurgly and she was very scared, her heart rate was racing. I took off her shirt to see if she was retracting and it looked a little like she might be, but I don't really know what I'm looking for. I got a bucket and showed her how to cough up a glob and spit it out, but she still is rattling.

Should I call the CF doc on call? Is there anything they can really do? I hate the idea of an admit over the weekend, as the staff at the hospital just don't get anything accomplished over the weekend. Would it be okay to wait it out a few days and hope the septra kicks in and mellows out the staph in her lungs? I'm feeling very unsure of what to do to help. Is this just par for the course with CF?


Well Alyssa's got a nasty upper respiratory thing going right now. I talked to CF on Wed and they wanted to wait a few days to see if she could kick it on her own. Today she is very junky sounding, her voice is hoarse and she is taking gulps of air every now and then. She went with me to the pediatrician's office today for my son (simple ear infection thing) and the pedi listened to her and said she sounds very "coarse". She was running a low grade temp. Pedi called our CF center and must have all been concerned. CF center called me and started her on a 21 day course of Septra, a new med for us. They want to see her on Wed to listen to her lungs and see how the meds are working.

But tonight she sounded horrible. AFter doing her vest, she went off to play and came running back asking for us to rehook her to the vest. She sounded like she was drowning, all gurgly and she was very scared, her heart rate was racing. I took off her shirt to see if she was retracting and it looked a little like she might be, but I don't really know what I'm looking for. I got a bucket and showed her how to cough up a glob and spit it out, but she still is rattling.

Should I call the CF doc on call? Is there anything they can really do? I hate the idea of an admit over the weekend, as the staff at the hospital just don't get anything accomplished over the weekend. Would it be okay to wait it out a few days and hope the septra kicks in and mellows out the staph in her lungs? I'm feeling very unsure of what to do to help. Is this just par for the course with CF?


Well Alyssa's got a nasty upper respiratory thing going right now. I talked to CF on Wed and they wanted to wait a few days to see if she could kick it on her own. Today she is very junky sounding, her voice is hoarse and she is taking gulps of air every now and then. She went with me to the pediatrician's office today for my son (simple ear infection thing) and the pedi listened to her and said she sounds very "coarse". She was running a low grade temp. Pedi called our CF center and must have all been concerned. CF center called me and started her on a 21 day course of Septra, a new med for us. They want to see her on Wed to listen to her lungs and see how the meds are working.
<br />
<br />But tonight she sounded horrible. AFter doing her vest, she went off to play and came running back asking for us to rehook her to the vest. She sounded like she was drowning, all gurgly and she was very scared, her heart rate was racing. I took off her shirt to see if she was retracting and it looked a little like she might be, but I don't really know what I'm looking for. I got a bucket and showed her how to cough up a glob and spit it out, but she still is rattling.
<br />
<br />Should I call the CF doc on call? Is there anything they can really do? I hate the idea of an admit over the weekend, as the staff at the hospital just don't get anything accomplished over the weekend. Would it be okay to wait it out a few days and hope the septra kicks in and mellows out the staph in her lungs? I'm feeling very unsure of what to do to help. Is this just par for the course with CF?


New member
i personally would call... if this isn't the norm for your daughter and is practically drowning in mucus. If its that bad she might need a tune up anyway.... i'd call. Go with your gut...i don't think i'd want to wait and see if antibiotics kicked in. you know your kid is feeling horrible if they are asking for extra treatments. best of luck and hope she feels better.


New member
i personally would call... if this isn't the norm for your daughter and is practically drowning in mucus. If its that bad she might need a tune up anyway.... i'd call. Go with your gut...i don't think i'd want to wait and see if antibiotics kicked in. you know your kid is feeling horrible if they are asking for extra treatments. best of luck and hope she feels better.


New member
i personally would call... if this isn't the norm for your daughter and is practically drowning in mucus. If its that bad she might need a tune up anyway.... i'd call. Go with your gut...i don't think i'd want to wait and see if antibiotics kicked in. you know your kid is feeling horrible if they are asking for extra treatments. best of luck and hope she feels better.


New member
i personally would call... if this isn't the norm for your daughter and is practically drowning in mucus. If its that bad she might need a tune up anyway.... i'd call. Go with your gut...i don't think i'd want to wait and see if antibiotics kicked in. you know your kid is feeling horrible if they are asking for extra treatments. best of luck and hope she feels better.


New member
i personally would call... if this isn't the norm for your daughter and is practically drowning in mucus. If its that bad she might need a tune up anyway.... i'd call. Go with your gut...i don't think i'd want to wait and see if antibiotics kicked in. you know your kid is feeling horrible if they are asking for extra treatments. best of luck and hope she feels better.


New member
OK, well, I'm no help at all because I'd be a total basketcase in your situation...

I hear what you are saying about the weekend staff. THe on-call pulmo rarely knows aything about CF, let alone about KIDS!

The gulping for air and wanting the vest back on might worry me enough to suck it up and go in tonight though. Worst case...what? They send you home? She's already got meds, but I think I'd want an opinion sooner rather than later.


I hope someone else gives you helpful advice, soon

I am sending you big hugs...update when you can. Special prayer for Alyssa tonight.


New member
OK, well, I'm no help at all because I'd be a total basketcase in your situation...

I hear what you are saying about the weekend staff. THe on-call pulmo rarely knows aything about CF, let alone about KIDS!

The gulping for air and wanting the vest back on might worry me enough to suck it up and go in tonight though. Worst case...what? They send you home? She's already got meds, but I think I'd want an opinion sooner rather than later.


I hope someone else gives you helpful advice, soon

I am sending you big hugs...update when you can. Special prayer for Alyssa tonight.


New member
OK, well, I'm no help at all because I'd be a total basketcase in your situation...

I hear what you are saying about the weekend staff. THe on-call pulmo rarely knows aything about CF, let alone about KIDS!

The gulping for air and wanting the vest back on might worry me enough to suck it up and go in tonight though. Worst case...what? They send you home? She's already got meds, but I think I'd want an opinion sooner rather than later.


I hope someone else gives you helpful advice, soon

I am sending you big hugs...update when you can. Special prayer for Alyssa tonight.


New member
OK, well, I'm no help at all because I'd be a total basketcase in your situation...

I hear what you are saying about the weekend staff. THe on-call pulmo rarely knows aything about CF, let alone about KIDS!

The gulping for air and wanting the vest back on might worry me enough to suck it up and go in tonight though. Worst case...what? They send you home? She's already got meds, but I think I'd want an opinion sooner rather than later.


I hope someone else gives you helpful advice, soon

I am sending you big hugs...update when you can. Special prayer for Alyssa tonight.


New member
OK, well, I'm no help at all because I'd be a total basketcase in your situation...
<br />
<br />I hear what you are saying about the weekend staff. THe on-call pulmo rarely knows aything about CF, let alone about KIDS!
<br />
<br />The gulping for air and wanting the vest back on might worry me enough to suck it up and go in tonight though. Worst case...what? They send you home? She's already got meds, but I think I'd want an opinion sooner rather than later.
<br />
<br />
<br />I hope someone else gives you helpful advice, soon
<br />
<br />I am sending you big hugs...update when you can. Special prayer for Alyssa tonight.


New member
Wow Heather, this is a tough one. I am so sorry she is feeling so cruddy. I know you must be beside yourself. The weekend is such a hard time to get anything done, I know.

When she coughs, is she getting junk up or is it getting stuck and kinda gagging on it? If it's just starting to sound really loose then it's very possible that the septra is starting to work and loosening it up to cough out. Did they mention increasing PT or treatments? The docs usually tell us to add a treatment and increase PT to help get it out. Remember, in the hospital they get four a day. Do you have an oximeter? The thing that measures her O2.

I would take into consideration, how she is feeling...scared because she can't take a breath? Has she calmed down since your post? If the extra PT and treatment didn't ease things up, then call the CF doc on call. Tell them what is going on, what you've tried. This saves time from theym telling you to add PT or to do an extra treatment.

No matter what time it is, call and make sure they wake him/her up. If you end up going to the ER, ask if they will call and let them know you are coming so they can call him/her when you arrive. You don't want your daughter in the ER waiting room for a long time with all those sick kids. Our doc would do this to keep Anna (Rachel has never had to go in through the ER) out of the waiting room and they'd call the doc as soon as we got there.

I hope she feels better quick.


New member
Wow Heather, this is a tough one. I am so sorry she is feeling so cruddy. I know you must be beside yourself. The weekend is such a hard time to get anything done, I know.

When she coughs, is she getting junk up or is it getting stuck and kinda gagging on it? If it's just starting to sound really loose then it's very possible that the septra is starting to work and loosening it up to cough out. Did they mention increasing PT or treatments? The docs usually tell us to add a treatment and increase PT to help get it out. Remember, in the hospital they get four a day. Do you have an oximeter? The thing that measures her O2.

I would take into consideration, how she is feeling...scared because she can't take a breath? Has she calmed down since your post? If the extra PT and treatment didn't ease things up, then call the CF doc on call. Tell them what is going on, what you've tried. This saves time from theym telling you to add PT or to do an extra treatment.

No matter what time it is, call and make sure they wake him/her up. If you end up going to the ER, ask if they will call and let them know you are coming so they can call him/her when you arrive. You don't want your daughter in the ER waiting room for a long time with all those sick kids. Our doc would do this to keep Anna (Rachel has never had to go in through the ER) out of the waiting room and they'd call the doc as soon as we got there.

I hope she feels better quick.


New member
Wow Heather, this is a tough one. I am so sorry she is feeling so cruddy. I know you must be beside yourself. The weekend is such a hard time to get anything done, I know.

When she coughs, is she getting junk up or is it getting stuck and kinda gagging on it? If it's just starting to sound really loose then it's very possible that the septra is starting to work and loosening it up to cough out. Did they mention increasing PT or treatments? The docs usually tell us to add a treatment and increase PT to help get it out. Remember, in the hospital they get four a day. Do you have an oximeter? The thing that measures her O2.

I would take into consideration, how she is feeling...scared because she can't take a breath? Has she calmed down since your post? If the extra PT and treatment didn't ease things up, then call the CF doc on call. Tell them what is going on, what you've tried. This saves time from theym telling you to add PT or to do an extra treatment.

No matter what time it is, call and make sure they wake him/her up. If you end up going to the ER, ask if they will call and let them know you are coming so they can call him/her when you arrive. You don't want your daughter in the ER waiting room for a long time with all those sick kids. Our doc would do this to keep Anna (Rachel has never had to go in through the ER) out of the waiting room and they'd call the doc as soon as we got there.

I hope she feels better quick.


New member
Wow Heather, this is a tough one. I am so sorry she is feeling so cruddy. I know you must be beside yourself. The weekend is such a hard time to get anything done, I know.

When she coughs, is she getting junk up or is it getting stuck and kinda gagging on it? If it's just starting to sound really loose then it's very possible that the septra is starting to work and loosening it up to cough out. Did they mention increasing PT or treatments? The docs usually tell us to add a treatment and increase PT to help get it out. Remember, in the hospital they get four a day. Do you have an oximeter? The thing that measures her O2.

I would take into consideration, how she is feeling...scared because she can't take a breath? Has she calmed down since your post? If the extra PT and treatment didn't ease things up, then call the CF doc on call. Tell them what is going on, what you've tried. This saves time from theym telling you to add PT or to do an extra treatment.

No matter what time it is, call and make sure they wake him/her up. If you end up going to the ER, ask if they will call and let them know you are coming so they can call him/her when you arrive. You don't want your daughter in the ER waiting room for a long time with all those sick kids. Our doc would do this to keep Anna (Rachel has never had to go in through the ER) out of the waiting room and they'd call the doc as soon as we got there.

I hope she feels better quick.


New member
Wow Heather, this is a tough one. I am so sorry she is feeling so cruddy. I know you must be beside yourself. The weekend is such a hard time to get anything done, I know.
<br />
<br />When she coughs, is she getting junk up or is it getting stuck and kinda gagging on it? If it's just starting to sound really loose then it's very possible that the septra is starting to work and loosening it up to cough out. Did they mention increasing PT or treatments? The docs usually tell us to add a treatment and increase PT to help get it out. Remember, in the hospital they get four a day. Do you have an oximeter? The thing that measures her O2.
<br />
<br />I would take into consideration, how she is feeling...scared because she can't take a breath? Has she calmed down since your post? If the extra PT and treatment didn't ease things up, then call the CF doc on call. Tell them what is going on, what you've tried. This saves time from theym telling you to add PT or to do an extra treatment.
<br />
<br />No matter what time it is, call and make sure they wake him/her up. If you end up going to the ER, ask if they will call and let them know you are coming so they can call him/her when you arrive. You don't want your daughter in the ER waiting room for a long time with all those sick kids. Our doc would do this to keep Anna (Rachel has never had to go in through the ER) out of the waiting room and they'd call the doc as soon as we got there.
<br />
<br />I hope she feels better quick.
<br />
<br />