who all boils their nebs to sterilize?


New member
I actually boil water in my tea kettle and then pour the boiling water over top of my neb parts and let them sit in the water til it cools, then dry them off.


New member
I actually boil water in my tea kettle and then pour the boiling water over top of my neb parts and let them sit in the water til it cools, then dry them off.


New member
I actually boil water in my tea kettle and then pour the boiling water over top of my neb parts and let them sit in the water til it cools, then dry them off.


New member
I actually boil water in my tea kettle and then pour the boiling water over top of my neb parts and let them sit in the water til it cools, then dry them off.


New member
I actually boil water in my tea kettle and then pour the boiling water over top of my neb parts and let them sit in the water til it cools, then dry them off.



I microwave mine for 12 minutes after every use.

I read somewhere that the nebs need to boil for 5 minutes to be sterilized. It takes several minutes for the stuff to come to a boil in the microwave and than I tack 5 minutes on top of that.....so usually 12 minutes will do it.

It couldn't be easier.



I microwave mine for 12 minutes after every use.

I read somewhere that the nebs need to boil for 5 minutes to be sterilized. It takes several minutes for the stuff to come to a boil in the microwave and than I tack 5 minutes on top of that.....so usually 12 minutes will do it.

It couldn't be easier.



I microwave mine for 12 minutes after every use.

I read somewhere that the nebs need to boil for 5 minutes to be sterilized. It takes several minutes for the stuff to come to a boil in the microwave and than I tack 5 minutes on top of that.....so usually 12 minutes will do it.

It couldn't be easier.



I microwave mine for 12 minutes after every use.

I read somewhere that the nebs need to boil for 5 minutes to be sterilized. It takes several minutes for the stuff to come to a boil in the microwave and than I tack 5 minutes on top of that.....so usually 12 minutes will do it.

It couldn't be easier.


<br />
<br />I microwave mine for 12 minutes after every use.
<br />
<br />I read somewhere that the nebs need to boil for 5 minutes to be sterilized. It takes several minutes for the stuff to come to a boil in the microwave and than I tack 5 minutes on top of that.....so usually 12 minutes will do it.
<br />
<br />It couldn't be easier.


New member
Oh, I forgot to mention that, too- I have a stock pot (4 quart I think) that mine fit in, and it takes 17 minutes (if I fill it with hot water) for mine to start boiling and to boil for 10 minutes. I also use a lid (search here for "Pari pie" for that reason, eek) and I set a timer- one that I <i>have</i> to get up and turn off.


New member
Oh, I forgot to mention that, too- I have a stock pot (4 quart I think) that mine fit in, and it takes 17 minutes (if I fill it with hot water) for mine to start boiling and to boil for 10 minutes. I also use a lid (search here for "Pari pie" for that reason, eek) and I set a timer- one that I <i>have</i> to get up and turn off.


New member
Oh, I forgot to mention that, too- I have a stock pot (4 quart I think) that mine fit in, and it takes 17 minutes (if I fill it with hot water) for mine to start boiling and to boil for 10 minutes. I also use a lid (search here for "Pari pie" for that reason, eek) and I set a timer- one that I <i>have</i> to get up and turn off.


New member
Oh, I forgot to mention that, too- I have a stock pot (4 quart I think) that mine fit in, and it takes 17 minutes (if I fill it with hot water) for mine to start boiling and to boil for 10 minutes. I also use a lid (search here for "Pari pie" for that reason, eek) and I set a timer- one that I <i>have</i> to get up and turn off.


New member
Oh, I forgot to mention that, too- I have a stock pot (4 quart I think) that mine fit in, and it takes 17 minutes (if I fill it with hot water) for mine to start boiling and to boil for 10 minutes. I also use a lid (search here for "Pari pie" for that reason, eek) and I set a timer- one that I <i>have</i> to get up and turn off.