Will know on the 10th of this month...But I think I was right :)


New member
BTW just found a source for the H2 Orega besides the company site, and it's cheaper : http://www.lifesvigor.com/prod/70738/index.htm

It wasn't there last time I went looking.


New member
BTW just found a source for the H2 Orega besides the company site, and it's cheaper : http://www.lifesvigor.com/prod/70738/index.htm

It wasn't there last time I went looking.


First, I'd like to congradulate you on your good news with the PTF numbers!
Second, if you actually consider mixing your own "salty mist" for nebs, maybe I can check with the wife as to which sea salts would be recommended for additional minerals, and for taste, not all salts are created equal!!
Since marriage, I hadn't been using common table salt, she had given me a few of the various types of salts, including Japanese Sea Salt (from exactly where, I'd have to ask). There's a difference in taste, some are strong, some are mild.
So, if you would like the info, I'll see what I can do to help.
Oh, as for the info regarding your results on the oregeno oil, are you double checking that you get some type of credit, if it actually happens to be a major breakthrough?? Some of the biggest breakthroughs were either test on themselves (Flu vaccine) or by accident (can't recall of-hand which of Edison's inventions was by mistake)
You said the oregano oil comes in pill form? I don't have a nebulizer (nor a vest) here, but if it comes in the form of a pill, I'm probably in a good enough state of health to go that way.


First, I'd like to congradulate you on your good news with the PTF numbers!
Second, if you actually consider mixing your own "salty mist" for nebs, maybe I can check with the wife as to which sea salts would be recommended for additional minerals, and for taste, not all salts are created equal!!
Since marriage, I hadn't been using common table salt, she had given me a few of the various types of salts, including Japanese Sea Salt (from exactly where, I'd have to ask). There's a difference in taste, some are strong, some are mild.
So, if you would like the info, I'll see what I can do to help.
Oh, as for the info regarding your results on the oregeno oil, are you double checking that you get some type of credit, if it actually happens to be a major breakthrough?? Some of the biggest breakthroughs were either test on themselves (Flu vaccine) or by accident (can't recall of-hand which of Edison's inventions was by mistake)
You said the oregano oil comes in pill form? I don't have a nebulizer (nor a vest) here, but if it comes in the form of a pill, I'm probably in a good enough state of health to go that way.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>65rosessamurai</b></i><br>Sean,

First, I'd like to congradulate you on your good news with the PTF numbers!

Second, if you actually consider mixing your own "salty mist" for nebs, maybe I can check with the wife as to which sea salts would be recommended for additional minerals, and for taste, not all salts are created equal!!

Since marriage, I hadn't been using common table salt, she had given me a few of the various types of salts, including Japanese Sea Salt (from exactly where, I'd have to ask). There's a difference in taste, some are strong, some are mild.

So, if you would like the info, I'll see what I can do to help.

Oh, as for the info regarding your results on the oregeno oil, are you double checking that you get some type of credit, if it actually happens to be a major breakthrough?? Some of the biggest breakthroughs were either test on themselves (Flu vaccine) or by accident (can't recall of-hand which of Edison's inventions was by mistake)

You said the oregano oil comes in pill form? I don't have a nebulizer (nor a vest) here, but if it comes in the form of a pill, I'm probably in a good enough state of health to go that way.



Yes it comes in pill form. And yes it irks me knowing im paying 40 dollars a month for salt water. As far as me getting credit for anything, i'm just a dude testing on myself and reporting the results, and some people have decided to try it also, and most if not all of them have reported really good results. I have no affiliation at all with the company that makes the product, but I certainly wouldn't mind some sponsorship with their product to save me some cash in return for my open endorsement of their product (I wouldn't endorse their product unless it was 100% honest). If this ever did turn into something big for CF's, I wouldn't need any real form of recognition. Just that i've helped people and I know that will be enough for me.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>65rosessamurai</b></i><br>Sean,

First, I'd like to congradulate you on your good news with the PTF numbers!

Second, if you actually consider mixing your own "salty mist" for nebs, maybe I can check with the wife as to which sea salts would be recommended for additional minerals, and for taste, not all salts are created equal!!

Since marriage, I hadn't been using common table salt, she had given me a few of the various types of salts, including Japanese Sea Salt (from exactly where, I'd have to ask). There's a difference in taste, some are strong, some are mild.

So, if you would like the info, I'll see what I can do to help.

Oh, as for the info regarding your results on the oregeno oil, are you double checking that you get some type of credit, if it actually happens to be a major breakthrough?? Some of the biggest breakthroughs were either test on themselves (Flu vaccine) or by accident (can't recall of-hand which of Edison's inventions was by mistake)

You said the oregano oil comes in pill form? I don't have a nebulizer (nor a vest) here, but if it comes in the form of a pill, I'm probably in a good enough state of health to go that way.



Yes it comes in pill form. And yes it irks me knowing im paying 40 dollars a month for salt water. As far as me getting credit for anything, i'm just a dude testing on myself and reporting the results, and some people have decided to try it also, and most if not all of them have reported really good results. I have no affiliation at all with the company that makes the product, but I certainly wouldn't mind some sponsorship with their product to save me some cash in return for my open endorsement of their product (I wouldn't endorse their product unless it was 100% honest). If this ever did turn into something big for CF's, I wouldn't need any real form of recognition. Just that i've helped people and I know that will be enough for me.


I figure with the time, and effort you put in, they could at least help you financially for your "research" efforts by giving a "grant" for the medications you used. No doubt, you had to use a lot of resources (personal computer, medications not covered by insurance, etc.) to obtain this info that they seem so grateful in receiving. Though, I understand that the satisfaction of helping others is there, but a bonus would be to give some medical assistance for your behalf, right? "Give credit to where credit is deserved" is a quote I've heard from somewhere, and if you're efforts were so helpfull, they don't NEED further research, then maybe they ought to pay for your sea salt, at least!! (haha)
But seriously, if you are gonna mix your own salt (even if the salt costed $10), would you like me to find out what kind of salts might be good to neb?


I figure with the time, and effort you put in, they could at least help you financially for your "research" efforts by giving a "grant" for the medications you used. No doubt, you had to use a lot of resources (personal computer, medications not covered by insurance, etc.) to obtain this info that they seem so grateful in receiving. Though, I understand that the satisfaction of helping others is there, but a bonus would be to give some medical assistance for your behalf, right? "Give credit to where credit is deserved" is a quote I've heard from somewhere, and if you're efforts were so helpfull, they don't NEED further research, then maybe they ought to pay for your sea salt, at least!! (haha)
But seriously, if you are gonna mix your own salt (even if the salt costed $10), would you like me to find out what kind of salts might be good to neb?


New member
Sure, that would be nice samurai. I'd appreciate anything that could help me save some cash because I spend enough on supplements as it is.


New member
Sure, that would be nice samurai. I'd appreciate anything that could help me save some cash because I spend enough on supplements as it is.


New member
Hi-I am new to the chat-but am very interested in what you are doing with oils etc-we use alternatives-accupuncture etc-have flirted w essential oils but not much. Thanks so much-Gibson


New member
Hi-I am new to the chat-but am very interested in what you are doing with oils etc-we use alternatives-accupuncture etc-have flirted w essential oils but not much. Thanks so much-Gibson


Well, finally talked to the wife!
She told me that any salts with "bittern" (American Heretage Dictionary definition:The solution of bromides, magnesium, and calcium salts remaining after sodium chloride is crystallized out of sea water) included is good for the health. She's been feeding me that stuff, too!!
She even said that adding the "bittern" to boiling water when making Japanese dishes like "nabe", would be the same as "nebbing" it, where the mist would be taken into the lungs directly.
I also asked her if she could find oregano oil (though she thought "parsely oil" would be an equivalent) on the internet where she gets all these other fanatic organics.


Well, finally talked to the wife!
She told me that any salts with "bittern" (American Heretage Dictionary definition:The solution of bromides, magnesium, and calcium salts remaining after sodium chloride is crystallized out of sea water) included is good for the health. She's been feeding me that stuff, too!!
She even said that adding the "bittern" to boiling water when making Japanese dishes like "nabe", would be the same as "nebbing" it, where the mist would be taken into the lungs directly.
I also asked her if she could find oregano oil (though she thought "parsely oil" would be an equivalent) on the internet where she gets all these other fanatic organics.


New member
I've been discussing your results with my pharmacist. He mentioned that oil is not necessarily good to inhale. He said often, too much oil in the lungs adds to "lipid pneumonia". Has anyone else heard of this? He also said that you can breed "super bugs" by using things for a long period of time (such as using oregano oil as an antibiotic). Then, these new super bugs may actually be resistant to OTHER Cf drugs.

So, I'm not discrediting Sean's experience or even saying I won't try it, but I am a little concerned with what he said. It should be noted that this pharmacist is NOT against alternative methods... he is just cautious.



New member
I've been discussing your results with my pharmacist. He mentioned that oil is not necessarily good to inhale. He said often, too much oil in the lungs adds to "lipid pneumonia". Has anyone else heard of this? He also said that you can breed "super bugs" by using things for a long period of time (such as using oregano oil as an antibiotic). Then, these new super bugs may actually be resistant to OTHER Cf drugs.

So, I'm not discrediting Sean's experience or even saying I won't try it, but I am a little concerned with what he said. It should be noted that this pharmacist is NOT against alternative methods... he is just cautious.



New member
I did some research myslef, and a few websites I went to said that inhaling essential oils like oregano is not recommended, and that the oil should be kept away from all "mucus membranes". That being said, I've also found sites that said inhaling oregano is good for you in small doses as well, but not as a long term thing. I guess it could go either way really.


New member
I did some research myslef, and a few websites I went to said that inhaling essential oils like oregano is not recommended, and that the oil should be kept away from all "mucus membranes". That being said, I've also found sites that said inhaling oregano is good for you in small doses as well, but not as a long term thing. I guess it could go either way really.


New member
I imagine it varies from person to person as well, the benefits and the risk. My estimated guess is maybe not good for those with frequent hemoptysis, but probably okay in doses otherwise. But really the only way to see if something is good long term is to do it long-term...


New member
I imagine it varies from person to person as well, the benefits and the risk. My estimated guess is maybe not good for those with frequent hemoptysis, but probably okay in doses otherwise. But really the only way to see if something is good long term is to do it long-term...