Your FEV1 and pregnancy



First Pregnancy
months 1-4: fluctuated between 50%-56%
month 5: 41% went into hospital for IVs
months 6-9: between 60%-64% (64% at delivery)

I felt really good at the end of the pregnancy.

Post-preg:all ranges of the 50s for 3 1/2 years with 2 hosp visits w/IVs

Second Pregnancy
Pre-preg: 63%
During preg:62% at 7wks

For the breastfeeding question, my doctor also strongly urged me not to bf because I have always had problems keeping weight on. I really wanted to and was able to bf for about a month and a half before I stopped. I wanted my son to get as much of the benefit as I was able to give him. When my weight got too low, I stopped. This time, I hope to bf for much longer.


First Pregnancy
months 1-4: fluctuated between 50%-56%
month 5: 41% went into hospital for IVs
months 6-9: between 60%-64% (64% at delivery)

I felt really good at the end of the pregnancy.

Post-preg:all ranges of the 50s for 3 1/2 years with 2 hosp visits w/IVs

Second Pregnancy
Pre-preg: 63%
During preg:62% at 7wks

For the breastfeeding question, my doctor also strongly urged me not to bf because I have always had problems keeping weight on. I really wanted to and was able to bf for about a month and a half before I stopped. I wanted my son to get as much of the benefit as I was able to give him. When my weight got too low, I stopped. This time, I hope to bf for much longer.


First Pregnancy
months 1-4: fluctuated between 50%-56%
month 5: 41% went into hospital for IVs
months 6-9: between 60%-64% (64% at delivery)

I felt really good at the end of the pregnancy.

Post-preg:all ranges of the 50s for 3 1/2 years with 2 hosp visits w/IVs

Second Pregnancy
Pre-preg: 63%
During preg:62% at 7wks

For the breastfeeding question, my doctor also strongly urged me not to bf because I have always had problems keeping weight on. I really wanted to and was able to bf for about a month and a half before I stopped. I wanted my son to get as much of the benefit as I was able to give him. When my weight got too low, I stopped. This time, I hope to bf for much longer.


New member
well I went to doc yesterday and got a happy report as I was worried it would have lowered and I had a cold last week

Pregnancy:throughout lowest it went was 78% Oct06= a round of IV's

my normal is around 95%


New member
well I went to doc yesterday and got a happy report as I was worried it would have lowered and I had a cold last week

Pregnancy:throughout lowest it went was 78% Oct06= a round of IV's

my normal is around 95%


New member
well I went to doc yesterday and got a happy report as I was worried it would have lowered and I had a cold last week

Pregnancy:throughout lowest it went was 78% Oct06= a round of IV's

my normal is around 95%


New member

Do You know is there some lines of FEV1, what is a safety value of FEV1 to have children?

30, w/cf


New member

Do You know is there some lines of FEV1, what is a safety value of FEV1 to have children?

30, w/cf


New member

Do You know is there some lines of FEV1, what is a safety value of FEV1 to have children?

30, w/cf


New member
I have heard from doctors and read on this site that others have heard from doctors that they will not support a cfer getting pregnant with an FEV1 below 50%. That being said, there have been others that have had baby's with lower FEV1. I believe the outcomes are varied. Shoshanna's story (entered pregnancy at 45% I believe) and her baby is 1-2 years old and she is on the transplant list from the hit she took during pregnancy is not unusual.

Also, it is important to think about nutritional status. It is very difficult on the mother's body if she is not able to get proper nutrition. A healthy BMI is a must pre-prego.


New member
I have heard from doctors and read on this site that others have heard from doctors that they will not support a cfer getting pregnant with an FEV1 below 50%. That being said, there have been others that have had baby's with lower FEV1. I believe the outcomes are varied. Shoshanna's story (entered pregnancy at 45% I believe) and her baby is 1-2 years old and she is on the transplant list from the hit she took during pregnancy is not unusual.

Also, it is important to think about nutritional status. It is very difficult on the mother's body if she is not able to get proper nutrition. A healthy BMI is a must pre-prego.


New member
I have heard from doctors and read on this site that others have heard from doctors that they will not support a cfer getting pregnant with an FEV1 below 50%. That being said, there have been others that have had baby's with lower FEV1. I believe the outcomes are varied. Shoshanna's story (entered pregnancy at 45% I believe) and her baby is 1-2 years old and she is on the transplant list from the hit she took during pregnancy is not unusual.

Also, it is important to think about nutritional status. It is very difficult on the mother's body if she is not able to get proper nutrition. A healthy BMI is a must pre-prego.


New member
I had a twin pregnancy. I was 28 years old at the time (in 2004) Here's my FEV1 stats:

pre-pg: mid 50's
by 20 weeks: 47% - and I felt TERRIBLE, I started inhaled Aztreonam 30 days on, 30 days off for the rest of my pg
end of pg (38 weeks): mid 60's! Higher than any PFTs I'd had in years!
post pg: 45-47% for the last two years, lower when I have an infection.

As far as weight goes. I was 5'4" and 112lbs pre-pregnancy (BMI 19.2) I gained 30 lbs during my twin pregnancy. 5 days after birth I lost 35 lbs. I have stayed near there the last two and a half years at 108 lbs (give or take 5 lbs when I'm sick or healthier)

Hope this helps!
