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  1. P

    a game!!!

    cremated, no doubt about it!! daisies or lilies?
  2. P

    a game!!!

    egypt, defo! sandwiches or roll?
  3. P

    A New Game!!!

    .com! wet...
  4. P

    Spare a thought/prayer

    i think your pryers worked guys, shes doin really well and the op was a huge success! Thank you xxx
  5. P

    A New Game!!!

    oops already done and i answered it! sorry bit forgetful
  6. P

    A New Game!!!

    the night away! (song by the mavericks, i think?!) chicken..
  7. P

    a game!!!

    vampires! outdoor or indoor holiday, i.e accomadation (sp?)...
  8. P

    Spare a thought/prayer

    Can you all say a little prayer or just spare a thought for my cousin who also has cf, she is having major back surgery tomorrow to straighten her spine from scoliosis (sp?) THANKS XX
  9. P

    a game!!!

    separate! swim in the sea or pool?
  10. P

    A New Game!!!

    form prom...
  11. P

    A New Game!!!

    drumsticks! paper...
  12. P

    chatroom meeting???

    What happened when everyone met in the chatroom yesterday, i was out so i missed it, anything interesting? xx
  13. P

    A New Game!!!

    bell! book...
  14. P

    A New Game!!!

    power!! sweet...
  15. P

    A New Game!!!

    K i'll type a word & the nxt person says the word that they think comes after that word, for example, i say "orange" and the nxt person might say "juice" or maybe "peel"any of you "F.R.I.E.N.D.S" fans might recognise this game. Her's another example, just incase, I'll say "pillow" nxt person...
  16. P


    No way dave, continue on doin whatever you want to do, i have a implantofix, i'm sure they are pretty much the same and it doesn't effect anything i do, cept maybe when i'm sick and the needle's in but i'm not able 2 play then anyway and if you just got it maybe you should wait til your scar...
  17. P

    a game!!!

    band. Can't believe how long this has lasted, i'm so proud! history or geography...
  18. P

    a game!!!

    well i love the rain lucky for me, living in ireland n all, so neither really but if i had to choose, umbrella! favourite season...
  19. P

    Odd Food Combinations

    1)popcorn and malteasers 2)chocolate spread, white bread and cheese and onion crisps (sometimes cheese) 3)oxo with a crunchie (to dip) mmm...yummy!! only problem is you guys probably have no idea what i'm talkin bout 'cos the foods over here are probably different to america! ah well!