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  1. P

    WOO HOO!

    Hope you have a fantibilytastic day!!!!<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/wine.gif" border="0">
  2. P

    a game!!!

    Saturdays....HANDS DOWN!!!!! ski holiday or sun holiday?
  3. P

    What type of Enzeymes you take and how much of it?

    creon 10000, 4-5 with meals, 2-3 with snacks
  4. P

    should i take him back

    thanks guys maybe i will...wats up "pedalup", guy worries, wanna share maybe we can help? x
  5. P

    should i take him back

    Ok tricky one but need the advice, i started meeting up with this guy last year and we got on great continued meeting up etc for about 7mths but officially starting going out at the start we had a bit of trouble b/c it seemed he liked me alot more than i liked him but we got through it, we had...
  6. P

    Things to Do

    bungii jump, write a book, travel, go to college, act on broadway & model & be a princess (no one said anything bout being realistic!!!hehe!), open a shelter in my local area for the homeless, kiss in the rain, have my voice trained professionally for singing, dance professionally, get my...
  7. P

    a game!!!

    men...not only cos they're hott(some of them) there so much more honest, i think, they don't bitch! girls are bitches, sometimes, i'm making a generalisation i know but that's just out of the majority of my school, i'm in an all girls school so you can imagine! would ya prefer to be cute or...
  8. P

    Can someone give me some reasons

    the experience, the challenge, the love, the lessons, the freedom, the faith, the excitement, the laughter, the moments, the memories, the learning and the ability to <b>teach</b> people what that have is what they should treasure! Reasons i often doubt anybody else self-pity, but i...
  9. P

    Night Owls

    weird you guys, i never sleep, always takes soooo long like around 2am too, it's so annoying and i have to get up for school at 7 and i'm shattered! I wonder would it be anything to do with the medicines we're on or something, cos i would love to solve it cos it's such a pain!! <img...
  10. P

    a game!!!

    dryer, so much quicker, s'pecially when you're in a rush!! sleeping beauty or beauty and the beast?
  11. P

    teenage pics!

    I have diabetes and i'm on insulin, it's a pain in the start getting used to it all and waitingg for them to figure out exactly how much you need etc., but i'm on it 3/4mths mow and it's grand i have so much more energy and my lung functions are way up!! I'm not too well at the mo but that's...
  12. P

    teenage pics!

    hey rosie yeah i sure did don't know how to send one back, sorry? How you keepin? you in college now? You're so lucky to have done you're lc i wish i was past it so much, 5th year's so horrible, what are the chances of us beim the only 2 irish in this forum as far as i know anyway!! So what's...
  13. P

    teenage pics!

    hey guys, in the adult and family catagories recently they were attaching pics to their post i'd love to be able to put a face to a name and see some teenagers all the way over in in America, it'd be cool! so anyone got any pics of themselves, i can't do it at the moment cos i'm terrible on...
  14. P

    bungii jump anyone?

    ok, anytime isay this to any of my relatives or friends they laugh in my face, i've always wanted to bungii jump, always!! Problem is not my lungs though it's my liver i've got scorosis (can't spell that but ya get me!) of the liver and spleen and have been told i'll need a liver transplant in...
  15. P

    Has any one had or has had a portcath?

    ohhhh!!! make so much sense, thanks shamrock, for clearing that up! xx
  16. P

    a game!!!

    Blue ink defo! so glad the game worked!! hug or kiss...
  17. P

    it's a bird, it's a plane, no it's a seal.................

    what an experience, sounds amazing!!! such a great story to tell!! x
  18. P

    a game!!! if you became famous would ya wanna be a singer or actor/actress?
  19. P

    Would we like a cure or am i just crazy?

    here's a question that's always playing in my mind and i love to get everyone's view on, if tomorrow we woke up and there was news that there was a cure fo cf, how would you feel? It may seem silly to some of you or all of you but i often think that the journey of life with cf although painful...
  20. P

    Has any one had or has had a portcath?

    I gots a implantofix, which i've been told is the same as a portacath, best thing i've ever got through my cf experience, on my second one now, the last one lasted 7yrs, and i've had this one 4, i never wanted one b/c i remember this girl i met in hospital who had cf told me, if i got one the...