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  1. P


    I have an acapella! Used to have a flutter but i changed cos my airways are kinda sensitive & the acapella is kinda easier on them! It's just like the flutter, you just do whatever it was you did with that, like i have to do 6 sets of 15 in the morning and at night! i'd definitely recommend it...
  2. P

    Do you ever get jealous?

    i agree with Jennifer! So many times i've come across people saying things like "it must be awful to know you won't have the average life of a husband and kids like me or everyone & else" & my simple reply to that remark is "why wouldn't i?" I mean if people in america & all over can log into...
  3. P


    hey guys me again i wqs in for a check-up today and the diabetes people told me to start eating a tablespoon of cornflour before all my meals, how weird is that but i was just wonderin has anyone else had to do this with their cfrd? and has it helped stabilise their sugars? it'd be good to...
  4. P

    "Cf related Diabetes?"

    Thanks a mill guys you have all made me feel so much better once again, not so worried now at all, just have to be patient once again i guess! ( my friend Steph says hi she just found out what clubbing means and thinks it's hilarious in a good way!) Thanks again!!<img...
  5. P

    "Cf related Diabetes?"

    Hey guys, just wonderin the past few weeks i've been getting used to a new diet cos i was told i have cf related diabetes but even though i'm on a proper balanced diet and only having sugar after meals, i still keep getting all the symtoms i was geting at the start. The diabetic team suggested...
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    Faoi Mse (about me!)

    Hey guys, i totally forgot i posted my message til i saw it again so sorry bout that! 'Faoi Mise' does mean about myself in irish but i forgot the 'i' so it came up 'Faoi Mse', i'm not very gifted when it comes to typing but i'm learning! I live in southern Ireland away from the chaos (thank...
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    Friends don't understand

    I have to say i have been very lucky with my friends in that they've always been so supportive and interested on what's going on with my cf. Of course, i have experienced the odd ignorant comment from peers or just people in general and it hurts but i guess it's just one of those lessons along...
  8. P

    Clubbed Fingers

    I'm 17, i was diagnosed with cf at 6wks and i've never had clubbed fingers, i have regular chest infections etc. but never clubbed fingers! so maybe your daughter will be like me and not get any clubbing? <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">
  9. P

    Faoi Mse (about me!)

    Hey there fellow's, i'm new here just discovered the site about a week ago and i signed up straight away cos i was so intrigued by it. It's so great to read bout others going through the same things i am, i don't know many people my age with cf and the ones i do know keep really well so i...