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  1. P

    a game!!!

    ...dogs! ice-pop or ice-cream?
  2. P

    a game!!!

    so here's a game i saw on another site that looks fun, i name two things and the next person says which they prefer and suggests another two. e.g someone writes say, tea or coffee, then i personally would say my preference, tea and then put my two so here it goes... night or day?
  3. P


    Guess it's just me here in little 'ole Ireland then!? <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">
  4. P

    favorite tv show?

    Ya gotta love "Oprah"!! Am i right? And of course the hilarious "scrubs", i live for "scrubs"! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">
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    All I can say is don't drive yourself crazy by thinking constantly that maybe guys won't like you or go out with you cos you have cf because it's not fair on yourself if he does think that he doesn't deserve you but the thing is he hust might value your friendship and doesn't want to jepordise...
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    i was in the xact same position as you a few months, personally, i just told my b/f straight out but didn't make him think it was a huge deal or anything, i just said i had a lung disease which has a few attachments along with it, it's a pain in the a** sometimes but most of the time i am just...
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    how to give a baby that gags enzymes?

    Maybe try a yoghurt, works for my cousin!! Good luck!
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    yeah i have cf related diabetes, it effected my lung function for ages and i kept getting infections, it's grand now though. I'm on insulin once a day with my dinner n just have to drink diet drinks and only have chocolate n sweets now and again don't worry bout it sounds scary but it's not at...
  9. P

    friend trouble, please help!

    Hey guys, Thanks so much for you're replies i'm definitely gonna just move on, it'll be tough cos we've been friends for 6yrs and she's in my class in school but guess it's just one of those life lessons, you're so right anon, really can't depend on anyone but yourself. Appreciate you guys and...
  10. P

    WHAT SHOULD I DO?????????

    oops didn't see the reply, damn! sfter all that!!!! be careful!
  11. P

    WHAT SHOULD I DO?????????

    Personally, i think because YOU'RE GOING OUT WITH THE GUY, you should call him and say "What's the deal!?!" First give him a chance to explain his behaviour cos for all you know someone could be sick or have died (God forbid) in the family, but if it's not good enough you tell him so, don't let...
  12. P

    friend trouble, please help!

    Hey guys, just wanted to get your advice on this little predicament i'm in-A few weeks ago i was at a party with my best friend n the rest of our friends n my best friend, sara, got very drunk she was staying with me aswell as my other friend but my best friend, sara, so when we got home she...
  13. P

    i need advise

    Personally, i think it must be so nice going out with someone on the same boat as you, not having to explain everything you do, not having to worry if he doesn't understand etc. but i have 2 cousins with cf and i'm hardly ever allowed see them incase of cross infection and when i'm in hospital i...
  14. P

    Question for "theIMAGEofhim

    Hey, i just read in a post from you to an anon poster that you have had a liver transplant, and i was just wondering how it went for you and basically what you went through? i've been told that eventually i will have to have one too and like you i have had biopsies and countless different...
  15. P

    User names

    Hey "hyperactivedreamer", mind me asking what you dream about that you can't have in reality, just curious?? My user name is so called b/c i've always wanted to be a "princess" ever since i was younger glued to disney films and "giggles" cos i always giggle so much in class and every really most...
  16. P

    User names

    Hey "hyperactivedreamer", mind me asking what you dream about that you can't have in reality, just curious?? My user name is so called b/c i've always wanted to be a "princess" ever since i was younger glued to disney films and "giggles" cos i always giggle so much in class and every really most...
  17. P

    CF and Diabetes

    Thanks rotandroll! I'm sure i'll get used to it soon enough it's actually becoming easier each day, but thanks for the message it was real nice of you, hope your keepin well!!<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">
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    irish ppl

    there's an irish website? what's the address?<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">
  19. P

    im new, anybody have the same probs as me?

    i had 7 operations on my sinuses for pollups when i was younger it was such an annoying problem and finally when i was bout 9 or 10 i had an operation to widen a nasal passage (gross i know but we're cfers we've all heard worse!) and i've never looked back since so maybe ask your doc bout that...
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    CF and Diabetes

    hey i was just put on insulin yesterday cos of my recent symtoms (don't think i'll ever know how to spell that!!) of what the docs are sayin is cfrd, scary sometimes isn't it? but i'm sure we've been through worse & once we get used to it we'll be grand!! i suppose that isn't much help but just...