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  1. G

    Feeding Tube

    Hey I was just wondering... my brother is loosing and has lost ALOT of weight. He's 20 and is 6' tall and weighs about 104 lbs. (when he was healthier his weight was always around 130) This is the skinniest I have ever seen him. So far our doctor hasnt said anything to him about getting...
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    Hey 23/F from Ohio with CF..if anyone would like to talk (about anything) my AIM sn is iluvsnackpaks and my email is Feel free to email or message me whwnever I'm on!
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    Like everyone else said..don't rule CF out. I've had clear x-rays come back and like someone else, the x-ray tech. asked me if I had CF because from the x-ray she couldn't tell. It's a good sign if your lungs are that clear and you have CF! Take care!!
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    What is up guys and gals!

    Hey whatsup..I live in Canton, Ohio (not too far from you)...if you ever want to talk my AIM name is: iluvsnackpaks and my email is hit me up sometime!
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    Since Ive had my MANY shares of "nights out" I will say that overall I didnt have any problems drinking nor any side effects afterward...just watch so you dont get dehydrated, and (like anyone) drink in moderation! bc puking is the worst!
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    looking for a cf penpal

    Hi! If you ever want to talk to someone alittle older than you (23) my aol messanger name is: iluvsnackpaks and my email is <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
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    I tried the vest when I was 16 (I think at that time it had just come out for use)...and didnt like it at all. I gotta give props to the "flutter" thats the way to go for me!! Small, simple, and yet productive! However, alot of people I know in the hospital use the vest and get great results...
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    Pseudomonas and TOBI

    No children but do take the TOBI myself... I've been on the treatment (every other month regime) for a few years now. I hated having to take the aerosals because of the length of time involved..before school was a pain and at night I would be so tired. However, when talking to my doctor about...
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    What is Curcumin? and what do you mean by 30% drop? was it a drop in FEV1 (because that can't be good)..or a drop infection? I'm confused? Any info. would be great! Thanks!
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    CF and pregnancy

    I had to talk with my doctor about it..because I was having a hard time finding info about it. He really helped me out and told me what kind of things to expect with having CF and trying to have a baby. He also gave me a book-"Now I have CF" I dont remember the author..but it had a section in...
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    how tall are you?how much do you weigh?

    Hi!! I'm 23 and 5'3" and a struggling 100lbs.
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    Barrel Chest??

    Hi, the "barrell chest" look comes from your lungs expanding to try and get more O2, and it does happen to most CFers. I noticed my back starting to get more rounded and wider this past summer when I wore my bikini..but my family and bf say that they didnt notice a difference. I have a real hard...
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    My ports been in for 5 months now..and a nurse comes out every month to flush it. Only thing I hate is that if you don't call to remind them..they don't come out!! I get real paraniod if I think I'm going to go over my month (in part bc I dont want another one put in! and I dont want any clots)...