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    I was wondering if anyone knew about GHPP.(Genetic Handicaped People's Program) When I got on SSI and Medi-Cal they wouldnt cover some of my meds with just Medi-Cal alone so I was signed up for this and they pay for what Medi-Cal doesn't. Just Informing everyone on here. If you have questions...
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    Getting a Job

    What does everyone think about working even though you qualify for SSI/Disability? Me, Im the type that wants to do something with my life besides sitting around being sick. I am now on SSI but am a trained Vet Assistant and I am looking for a job, but there is always the issue of "what if I...
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    Pregnant w/CF and Terminating

    Hi, I want to hear some of your experiences you've had in abortions and why you did them. When I first got pregnant I aborted it thinking it would kill me and/or my baby if I had it (mainly because of what people were telling me) then 5 months ago I had a healthy baby girl. I do have some...
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    what would you do??

    GOOD QUESTION But I think I would have wanted everything to be the same. I was well taken care of as a child, ( although not by my natural mother) but my dad Thankfully married a nurse, and I think that is one big reason why I am this healthy. I have possitive hope for the future though too...
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    Birth Control and CF and cold sweats...

    I would really go to your doctor about this, it sounds kinda serious, thats just my opinion
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    Mothers with CF

    It didnt take me long at all to get pregnant the first time I tried but then when I did I got scared for my health and had an abortion. Then about 2 years later I tried for about 5 months and was about to give up. I actually cried because I thought it was impossible, So I turned to God cause...
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    I think we're just worn out. Its like being forced to watch the same old movie every day for the rest of your life. You just want to get up and turn it off, or pull the TV cord out of the wall and call it quits. I swore when I was little that I would never slack off on taking care of myself...
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    cocaine use and cystic fibrosis?

    Let me start by saying I HAVE in the past tryed a few things that I shouldnt have from Cigarettes to Cocaine. (a little ashamed to admit I might add) BUT, Id like to point out that just because we have a lung disease and know it's bad for us, doesnt mean the temtation isn't there and that we...
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    It just means that they probably excepted you and that they need to make some final steps cause if you were denied Im sure they would have told you. I know cause I got on it easy and Im not even severe
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    cf help

    Im not sure about the gene thing but yes my daughter is a carrier, any child of a CF patient will be a carrier, no matter what
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    To Balance Out.. Things That Annoy You About CFers

    It must annoy the heck out of people, me being able to wear a size one at 22 yrs old when everyone else my age is size 7 or above lol
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    After Reading This, I Wondered...

    I think if he did have CF wouldnt he have gotton worse especially with all the treatments he didnt do?
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    I need help

    For one I dont think your bf or your parents dont care I think it's just hard for them to except that you are sick. That is something they got to work on. I think if your planning on marrying your boyfriend your going to have to sit down with him and show him the facts about your illness and...
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    Son just diagnosed

    I can say from my expeience of having CF all my life that you learn to except it. He'll probably except it more then you do eventually because hes the one who has it. You both just need time to adjust. Just do what the doctors say, and dont treat him any more different then you have to...
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    Info please

    Well This is how it is having CF. Just like any terminal illness, you wonder whats next. Our whole system is messed up, from our lungs to our pancreas. So as you can imagine its very painfull at times. Some good days some bad days. As for me and my experience, I would call my condition...
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    Your opinions on nebulisers please

    Cleaning them every day I dont think is necessary. I used to be perinoid about that too until I started going to the hospital. I noticed the whole week I was there they didn't clean or change my nebulizer equipment once, except for the TOBI one. You have to clean that cause it does get sticky...
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    Lazy or unfit?

    when I was in High school, my doctor excluded me from PE all together. It's an idea, if you really cant handle it, just talk to your doc. Schools will have to listen to them, most PE teachers work you too hard anyway, they all seem to think everyone can work as hard as one another, and they...
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    Stem Cell & CF

    To comment on the cloning of the lungs, the CF gene doesnt just affect the lungs its all over
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    Photos of Us

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    Keeping your lungs in shape

    I wanna know what everyone does to keep their lungs in shape, besides the meds and chest therapy, and does it work?