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  1. K

    Pseudomonas still there after erradication protocol. WWYD?

    Does she have any symptoms still after attempting to eradicate it? Like coughing, congestion, etc? Personally, I had pseudomonas for at least 15 years before I went on IVs for it. I think my doctor figured if I wasn't having any symptoms from it, why put my body through IVs? Sure, I was on...
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    First Exacerbation

    It might be the lack of sleep. I feel like crap often when I'm doing IV's and then once I'm off of them and sleeping normally(without interrupted sleep) I feel MUCH better. Hopefully that is the same for you! Are you doing Meropenem? That IV kills me even though it is every 8 hours, but you have...
  3. K


    Is this the first time he cultured it? I cultured it once in September of last year & haven't cultured it since(and I've had two sputum cultures since). My doctor thinks the lab may have messed up since I haven't continued to culture it. I would do as Jenn said & find out the species, but I...
  4. K

    Tetracycline side effects?

    Thanks for the info SoyaSauce! My doctor prescribed Doxycycline, so we'll see how the nausea goes. DO you say don't take with dairy because of the high amount of calcium in dairy? The information I received from the pharmacist didn't mention not taking with dairy. Thanks!
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    Yes, I can relate. I've had guys break up with me because of my CF, so naturally, it was hard for me to tell the next guy that I had it, since I was scared I would be rejected because of it. As a result I've waited at least 1-3 months to tell the guys I'm dating that I have CF. For me, I wait to...
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    Tetracycline side effects?

    Has anyone ever been on Tetracycline? Any major side effects you have had? My MRSA is now resistant to Septra, so my doctor wants to try this one. We'll see. Thanks!
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    reactions to Meropenem, Cipro, and Vancomycin IVs

    I wouldn't be concerned about the nausea, as a combination of 3 drugs is likely to induce nausea. The full body rash is a concern, if its just flushed skin it is likely red mans syndrome from the Vanco(which I get & use benedryl twice a day a half hour before taking vanco) but if it is bumps, I...
  8. K

    Bordetella bronchiseptica

    Wow, I didn't realize Bortadella was transferable to humans. I work in an animal field & am around it all the time & have never cultured it. I know with dogs it is a 2 week dose of Doxycycline & they No longer have symptoms. Is your doctor planning to treat it?
  9. K

    The Best Exercise to Raise PFT scores

    Running/playing soccer! Growing up, my dad made us run a mile every day beginning in kindergarten. I believe that is what kept us so healthy as children. I busted my knee years ago, so I can't run anymore, but of all the types of exercise I've tried running is by far the best. Now I just hike...
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    PICC Sore Under Wing

    I am very allergic to stat-locks & my skin starts to blister if one is on my skin for even a day. An alternative is to ask them to use steri-strips instead & have them put gauze or something underneath the lumen. I've had no problems getting nurses to not place a stat-lock on my skin & have them...
  11. K

    How many adult CFers work from home?

    How many Adult CFers work from home & if so, what do you do? I'm really tired of picking up colds from my coworkers who come to work sick & giving me horrible colds that lead to lung exacerbations. I just don't understand why people feel the need to come to work & spread their germs...
  12. K

    How many elementary kids take their own enzymes to school?

    My parents were both teachers & they knew that going through the nurse was not a good option for me and my siblings to take our enzymes. They knew that because of the germs in the nursing office, because it would make us feel "abnormal", and because it was a pain in the ass. I mean isn't...
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    Travel Advice Needed

    Something very IMPORTANT to consider is that the voltage in Europe is 220 & in the US it is 110, so she needs to make sure she has a converter(note NOT an adapter) or a compressor that is 220V compatible. I have a travel pari trek nebulizer which works in Europe. It's slower than my normal...
  14. K

    Taking Pulmozyme? Yes or No.

    I was on the trial when I was a kid & have been on it ever since. Just an FYI to those who take Pulmozyme and Hypertonic Saline. I was told that you should take them at separate times in the day, for example, hypertonic in the morning & pulmozyme at night. I was told that they don't work as...
  15. K

    IV at home.... in middle of night

    If it is the first couple of days of your IVs I would change the times you do your IVs. You can move it an hour or so earlier the first few doses so that you start at a more reasonable time. I've had nurses tell me to do this on several occasions. So if your IVs are every 8 hours & I assume...
  16. K

    Colistin info please..First time to try it

    Colistin has been useful for me! Colisitin has helped me a lot over the years, especially when I feel a cold coming on or after traveling & I'm congested. I do it every other month & haven't had any side effects besides a little sticky mouth at night when I go to sleep. After I mix it with the...
  17. K

    When does your port stop hurting?

    I got a port placed a little over a week ago & my body still doesn't seem to have accepted that its there permanently. It hurt like hell for a few days & now is a dull pain, but I still feel like I shouldn't lift things & when I cough I feel like I'm irritating it. How long does it take for a...
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    Zyvox Acne Rash Advice

    I was reading in a forum awhile ago about someone mentioning that when they are put on Zyvox that they get a acne-type rash on their face/chest. I didn't respond at the time, but I should have. I was told that this is similar to a yeast infection on your face/chest & that the way to get rid of...