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  1. M

    soccer anyone?

    American football is a contact sport, English football not so much. Cross contamination is an issue, though. And the reason why so many CF camps shut down is they lost all their support and funding. I see straight through your thin disguise, though, you are challenging americans to soccer...
  2. M more "Chuck Norris"! more "Chuck Norris Milk and stuff is supposed to get stuck in your beard, so you can save it for later. How goes the job hunt?
  3. M

    The Old and the New

    This is an answer I have been searching for a while, and I was just finally able to grasp it on my way home from work today. At least I think I was. Anyway, I'm so excited I thought I'd post it. =-) ------------------ "At first glance, there seems to be a contradiction between the God of the...
  4. M

    enzymes for foods with carbs etc

    I think my dietician told me enzymes aren't needed for carbs... or maybe it was just certain carbs.... anyway, I found a site that talks about the three different enzymes: <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge...
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    Locked threads

    No, I just like irony.
  6. M

    OT- Update on friend in Iraq

    What is a "Hospital Corpsman Third Class" Is he a medic?
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    Locked threads

    Ha ha. Wouldn't it be funny if this thread got locked? I'm going to report it to the administrators and say it offends me. =-)
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    can't wait for answers

    Yes, having both genes means you have CF even though there are not symptoms. A few select people do not even find out they have CF until much, much later in life.
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    Dancing Hippo

    Yeah baby! Also, (maybe Fred can answer) is it a Japaneese hippo? I only ask because it looks like a sumo diaper and Japaneese style sandals. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge...
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    Intense Discussino Regarding Genetics Not for those with little self esteem

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i> Mockingbird, I appreciate you asking im not very religious myself. You may share your opinion if you see fit. But in the attempt of sharing several points of view which i find necessary.</end quote></div> I do not...
  11. M

    Intense Discussino Regarding Genetics Not for those with little self esteem

    Troy, I have a response, but it involves God. If you would like me to post it, then let me know, but if you do not wish to consider things like that then I will just leave you alone.
  12. M

    what's happened?

    Is there a little tiny arrow to the left of the links <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>FORUMS > Off Topic (Non CF re... > what's happened?</end quote></div> Try clicking on that arrow.
  13. M

    Thorns in our flesh

    More scripture. =-) <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring...
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    More to laugh

    The cat one really made me laugh, because it's so true!
  15. M

    New Neb cups...

    Um... I just get them free from my clinic. They usually have more than enough laying around, and every clinic I've been to is more than happy to give them out.
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    An ADULT only CF FORUM

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ender</b></i> Whatever. I have cf. I'm here, and it would be cool to have a cf forum. Simple as that.</end quote></div> What happened to the creating one yourself idea? The administrators are already working their butts off as...
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    'Preventative' Antibiotic

    My doctors like to put me on preventative antibiotics a lot, but sometimes I'll just tell them "no" if it is getting to be too much.
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    Thorns in our flesh

    A good friend brought this cripture to my attention recently. I never really noticed it before, but it really is an excellent scripture, and I thought I'd share it. <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>To keep me from being conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was...
  19. M

    Really Disgusted

    Just because people don't respond doesn't mean they don't care. Also, if I remember right, you didn't have a lot of information on the thread, just that he was in the hospital and you didn't really know what was wrong. Second, you said he doesn't post often, so I doubt very many people even...
  20. M

    Extra TOBI

    Isn't it illegal to be dispensing prescription drugs without a license or whatever? Maybe (to be absolutely safe) you might want to be doing this through your doctor.