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  1. M

    Everyone lets calm down a little here...

    Heh heh. Good one, Luke. =-) As for me, I'm very proud of my humility. =-)
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    My Cat

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>thefrogprincess</b></i> I hate to burst your bubble but you shouldn't keep this bird. If it gets used to you feeding it and such it may not be able to survive when you let it go. It won't know where to find food. Also it may have...
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    cf and excercise

    It kinda depends on her health, doesn't it? I mean, if its something like she has to be on oxygen all the time, then it might not be realistic... I know I used to have a dog who would play soccer with me... kinda... (I would kick the ball, and he would, um, bite it. Anyway I ran around a...
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    Good Guys Wear Black

    Some glasses have a sunglass part that clips onto the outside. If you have thick lenses, though (like me) then the glasses will get too heavy and will fall right off your face (which is why I don't wear clip-on sunglasses anymore. =-) Also, do they have transition lenses in japan? Those turn...
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    advice please

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i> maybe others from usa can help with this, but i thought humidity like they have in florida is not best for people with cf. is this true ? i remember a post where someone said arizona or hot dry places are better for...
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    What can I do for him?

    (Actually, Walt is the name of the poet, not the poster. =-) I'm sure you know him better than anyone else. I agree it only matters that you take the time. And remember, teens can be good at hiding their feelings (and given his family history, i would venture to guess he has gotten very good...
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    this forum above all others

    I find other CF forums tend to be more boring than this one, yeah.
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    Location Location Location

    I've heard with humidity it is easier to cough stuff up, but there is a greater chance of infection; while with arid air there is less chance of infection, but it dries out our lungs and is harder to cough stuff up... <img...
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    While I was at work some of the residents (I work as a cook in an Alzheimer's home) some of the residents started singing "Blessed Assurance" That really touched me. Also, there is one man who likes to sing "You are my Sunshine"... I'm not sure if that is actually a hymn, but it is a great...
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    Favorite Scripture

    Here is something I have been going back to lately: <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one spirit into one body-- whether Jews or...
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    While driving in my car last night...

    Ha ha, I actually used to belong to the "National Barefooters Society" at one time. It turned out to just be a bunch of people whining about getting kicked out of retaurants and stuff for being barefoot. Aslo, there was one time on a really hot day I took a walk to the mailbox which was...
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    our puppy needs a name......

    Ha Ha! Is anyone familiar with Red Stangland? <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>A Dog Named Sex (Wirtten by a Norwegian) For protection, my grandfather got me a German Shepard dog. Ven he found out I vas Norvegian, da dog bit me. He vas a vonderful vatch dog. Vun night vhile I vas being...
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    While driving in my car last night...

    I actually found a site about this. It says that it is an urban myth and that driving barefoot is actually leagal in all states except Kentuky. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge...
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    While driving in my car last night...

    When it is just typed words you never can tell... (P.S. I think HairGirl lowered your rating!)
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    Attempted break-in

    I agree with you about guns; precisely why I don't own one. Besides that, if the robber doesn't have a gun, and I pull one out, then he takes it from me.... Well, knowing me that's likely what would happen if I did have a gun. I like on the Simpsons when Homer has a gun, then Snake takes it...
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    How Many Enzymes Are Too Many?

    I forget why, but there is a medical reason the docs don't want us taking too many enzymes. I only take 5 Creon 20 for meals, 3-4 for snacks, and my doctor says I don't want to be taking any more than that. The term "antacid" is kinda misleading, because if you search around you will find...
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    Predatory Bacteria could destoy pseudo.

    Kinda seems like swallowing the spider to catch the fly to me... <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> We would need to be sure that the aggressive bacteria do not upset the balance of helpful bugs in the body, and that they do not provoke a dangerous immune response.</end quote></div> Here's...
  18. M

    While driving in my car last night...

    Fred, I was joking about you being lame... not sure if you realized that. On another forum there is a game where we accuse each other of rating our own topics, then give low ratings and stuff. (Or give high ratings to someone and falsely accuse that person of rating his own topic. =-)
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    An Amazing Day and Night

    Congartulations. I remember you talking about that director earlier. How satisfying to be able to look her in the eye and know you won!
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    Some amazing technology

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>The protein-based drug molecules penetrate heart-muscle cells and suppress production of an enzyme called p38 that ordinarily limits tissue growth. With p38 turned off, mature heart-muscle cells de-differentiate, which allows them to multiply rapidly and mature...