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  1. B

    On having one child

    I am the one with CF. Having more children was out of the question. I was luckily to have the one. We got lots of grief from friends and family for one having one (only child issues). We told people they could have a baby and do the middle of the night feedings for us. Kiddo gets lonely but...
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    Sleeping in Recliner.... not sleeping well

    I have horrible acid reflux and it gets down into my lungs. My doc said I need to sleep in the recliner. I have been doing so for over 6 months. I am in horrible pain from that recliner. It is firm but soft and... miserable. My legs cramp all through the night. My back is a total mess (I...
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    High Morning Blood Sugars

    I developed a cold a few weeks ago. My sugars started to be higher than normal in the morning (115-118). Then I developed lady issues and my blood sugars stayed high in the morning (120-125). On top of this I am having almost constant hip, knee and ankle pain (getting it checked in a few...
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    doctor visits feel like a fight. something always happens. what is your visits like?

    Having same problems for the past few years. I finally changing docs.... huge change. Added a new general practitioner to my care team and things are going tons smoother... she acts as an advocate and a buffer. New doc visits are quicker and smoother. New docs only see a certain number of...
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    Vertebre pain

    Looks like it might be a stress fracture in my back. Taking this super serious and getting it checked... have an appointment with a spine doctor. Coughing.... falling in the bathroom... brittle bones may be the causes. Getting lots of blood work done and possible another bone density test...
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    Vertebre pain

    I have to sleep in a recliner due to my GERD. Shortly after starting my back started to hurt. I have a vertebre that feels bulgy and feels bruised. There is no visable bruise. In horrible back spasms almost constantly now. I also got a cold last week and my cough slighly increased---it is a dry...
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    AquADEKs smell

    I can't get past the smell or the taste. Ewww!! I am still trying to find a good multi-vitamin.
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    Any Homeschooling/cyberschool parents with cf?

    MamaScarlett.... I do my treatments in the morning while my son does his morning lessons (9:30) and then in the afternoon while my son does his afternoon lessons (2:00). We do half of our morning lessons while I vest in my bedroom and then we move to the school room for the rest. I bring my...
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    Any Homeschooling/cyberschool parents with cf?

    I have CF and and I homeschool my son. We do year round school so that when I am doing a tune up we can take off for 2-3 weeks at a time. I create my own lesson plans... based on our state's requirements for the grade we are doing. We don't do school online... school time is one time of the...
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    Starting treatment for MAC: few questions

    I had a bad experience like Greatbay. I had nausea, joint pain, depression and a huge list of more side effects from the meds. I had to stop taking them because the treatment was worse than having the disease. I was only able to stand the meds for little over 6 months. I agree again with...
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    Adult CF Doc in Omaha Nebraska

    I am considering getting a second opinion on my CF care and MAC. I have family in Nebraska and used to attend the Pediatric CF clinic there from 15-2 years old. I know I would need to be seen by Adult program. Any one recommend a CF doc there??? I have heard of a Dr. Murphy.... Really...
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    diabetes anyone? helppppp

    I have what my docs call pre-diabetes. Here is my advice to you.... Eat lots of whole grain carbs, brown rice, and avoid sweets (No SWEETS). Also drink 6-8 glasses of water. I have found if I get dehydrated even a little bit my sugars go out of wack (especially the next morning). I am able...
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    Hearing loss

    I was treating my MAC for the past 6 months.... I had to stop the meds. I have horrible ringing in my ears. I have been off the meds for a month now and I still haven't gotten my hearing back. I was on amikacin for 3 months and zithromyicin for 6 months. The ringing drives me crazy and at...
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    Feet problems

    I have had trouble with my feet since I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. They tried to tell me it was a fungal infection. Bought fungal cream and it only took care of it temporarily. I have tried neosporin and all sorts of foot creams. My feet don't itch but they are flakey and look like a...
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    Animals and CF

    I have a dog. I am more afraid of her walking in our muddy backyard. Our dog is a little princess and she keeps herself very clean.... we think she is part cat the way she keeps herself so clean. There is no way I would give up my dog. She has gotten me through the tough stuff the past few...
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    NTM/ MAC People.... need help

    I have been doing MAC treatment for 6 months. I gradually started getting side effects from the drugs and finally got so miserable I could not stand it (joint pain, joint swelling, "lady issues", bloating, horrible migraines and almost constant regular headaches and lower back pain, and...
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    Want a port.... doc may say NO

    I went to have a drug level blood test today for my MAC. They could not find a vein... anywhere. Horribly painful. They finally had to do a deep vein IV (just like getting a PICC but no long tube to my heart). Horribly stressful and now my arm hurts... and my wrist... and my hand. I WANT A...
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    Regular CT Scans?

    Now that I have MAC I have to get a CT scan every 6 months to see if and when the hole will close up. They can check my previous scarring while they are at it. I imagine that I will be doing this from now on. MAC is a part of my life!!
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    important!! anyone else have EXTREMELY sensitive skin on their arms? poss due to IVs

    My veins are not visible either. You can see a few on the inside of my arms (where they put PICC lines). Blood draws are murder. Multiple pokes... veins roll, pop and blow out. My arm are so sensitive that I have to wear super soft shirts. I was a port but doc won't do one yet.
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    How is your clinic run?

    At my clinic I sit in the large waiting room until a tech comes to get you (anywhere from 30 min- 1 hour). Then I do your PFT's with a tech. Then if there is a room available they will take us back to a room. I then am taken to the room. We wait for 30-45 minutes for a nurse and then after...