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  1. T

    Not Feeling Better

    Well, awesome that they went back up! Did you change anything in the meantime? It looks like you wrote both posts the same day?
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    i'm in house and doing aggressive therapy

    My doctor here in Spain (who is really good in my view) doesn't have a clue of why I've dropped from a FEV1 of 80% to 36% in three years. I was suspecting the gluten intolerance which I discovered a month ago, but still not sure of numbers. I'm thinking of getting a second opinion now that I'll...
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    Zithromycin Mon wed and fri

    I started it around 2006. My PFTs raised a bit and got to a peak in 2009 (which had happened before in my life, without azythromicin anyway) and then started dropping. I quit it a few months ago and haven't noticed much difference. I don't think it was doing anything at all to me. It does help...
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    Supreme Court Ruling Obamacare Upheld

    I really hope you guys get free healthcare once and for all! From the European point of view, I cannot even imagine how you can manage with paying for medication. If you see it from my side, it's like this: regular wages in Spain: 1500 euros a month (= tight budget just to cover housing, food...
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    Anyone gluten intolerant as well as CF?

    I recently realized I had become gluten intolerant, and have eaten GF for about 6 weeks now. Much much better! I believe I was having symptoms for 1-3 years and nobody ever mentioned that it could happen...
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    Moving to a new climate...?

    Interesting to hear you guys mention allergies, I have never thought of that... I grew up in Mallorca, Spain (island, humid, rarely below 10ºC or above 35ºC). I was fairly sick until age 15. Then we moved to Madrid (really four seasons, dry, cold winters with some minus degrees and hot hot...
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    When/What treatments?

    Excuse me, do you spend 40 minutes a day on the saline??? Why don't you use the Pari eFlow?? It takes just five minutes for 5 ml of solution! (and using the easyCare device to deep-clean it weekly, it stays nebulizing at 5 minutes - otherwise its pores get clogged with the salt). Really, using...
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    Alternative Medicine

    I've been "nebulizing" (breathing in three drops of essential oil in a bowl of boiling water, towel over my head) lavender oil and it makes me feel great! Incomudrox: how do you use the Frankincense oil? I've always combined regular "western" medicine with antibiotics, hypersaline, pulmozyme...
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    To all the green smoothies drinkers...and anyone with pseudo!!

    PS. I recently discovered I'm gluten intolerant, too!! So which are "right carbs" that you mention?
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    AP for green smoothies

    Thanks, Jane, but what is this AP you are referring to? I don't see any link or attachment. Thanks!
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    To all the green smoothies drinkers...and anyone with pseudo!!

    Thanks, Rob (rmotion)!! Such interesting remarks. I'd love to keep more in touch with you and brainstorm ideas. I've never liked sweets much, so I've always stayed away from those calory shakes they hospital gives. I don't have a g-tube (thank goodness!!). But that red cabbage smoothie, it...
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    Hi Gere, I have the same issue: I live in Spain and ever since Pancrease was discontinued, I've had real trouble with Creon and lost 4 kg (8-9 pounds). They've doubled my dose of Omeprazol to two a day, but that hasn't been very good. I'll try the bicarbonate! How much is a proper dose? A...
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    PFT Goal's thread. Trying to achieve 60% FEV1.

    I haven't been able to read the whole thread since pages 2-4 get cropped on the right side... Yikes. What is your regimen as of today? And daily schedule of exercises?
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    PFT Goal's thread. Trying to achieve 60% FEV1.

    Very interesting although it seems like a very complex regimen... I started on hawthorn extract in March, after reading the clinical trials and user results from Germany, where they've been using for over ten years and some patients are now asymptomatic. It turns out that the flavonoids in...
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    Favorite fiction books?

    Harry Potter!
  16. T

    Friend with CF - how do I shake off the sadness?

    Please realize that "the only condition for dying, is being alive"! That is, you are sad because your friend would "likely" not live pas the age of 60, but don't you realize that anyone at any age can die any time from anything? You have to live today, enjoy today, do your best to make sure you...
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    CF adults life

    Hi Nutsa! Life goes on! Don't let CF stop you. I fulfilled my dream of going to university in the United States and get a degree (I live in Spain). I have acted in theatre and have been singing on the radio. Follow your dreams!
  18. T

    Lactose intolerant?

    I've been reading a lot lately on inflammation and its relation to diet. It could be gluten, it could be lactose - but diary products often cause problems due to their casseine, so it's more a thing of eliminating or reducing the diary intake at large. Do check out the gluten!! I've been off...
  19. T

    Lactose intolerant?

    I've been reading a lot lately on inflammation and its relation to diet. It could be gluten, it could be lactose - but diary products often cause problems due to their casseine, so it's more a thing of eliminating or reducing the diary intake at large. Do check out the gluten!! I've been off...
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    I've been off gluten for 10 days now and I'm feeling very well! It's been really easy, actually. I eat corn and rice crackers, and have made a delicious gluten-free bread on the bread machine. For pasta, I've found corn and rice substitutes (the cheapest, at the Asian grocery store!). I eat rice...