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  1. J

    Hey everyone need help

    As hard as it would be to do, I think you two need to part ways and move on with your lives.. There are other people out there who will treat you with respect and love you no matter what, sick or healthy and you deserve that! Please don't settle for less and accept your current situation because...
  2. J

    Touching story about a boy with CF.

    Very powerful story......I am sure we can find his sauce online, I bet Amazon has links to his sauce! Jenn 40 wCF
  3. J

    SSDI...Renewal? Volunteering? Vacationing?

    I had a 3 year review (well, it was more like at the 4 year mark), they only ask for the last year's records (doc visits, er visits, hospitalizations, etc). I did not need a lawyer at this stage, just filled out the paper work, sent what was necessary to my doctor's so that they could fill out...
  4. J

    "Mandatory" glucose tolerance testing?

    I agree, blood sampling from the wrist is painful, hurts like hell....I've had many horrible procedures and STILL will refuse a blood draw from the wrist. You know, I think I would rather have a cardiac cath (have had 3) rather than get blood drawn from my wrist....As far dealing with the...
  5. J

    CF Diabetes: What's the workup? What will results means? What's the treatment?

    Yeah, other than having to adjust carbs and keeping on top of the testing and insulin (if needed), it isn't that bad but I will say that it was a bit overwhelming at first getting used to the routine.. I guess like any new diagnosis, there is an adjustment phase and it isn't the same for...
  6. J

    My cfer cannot stop gaining weight Drs think im doing something wrong? anyone elese?

    That is a huge weight gain...the first thing I think of when I see that is thyroid disease.. Does she have any other symptoms such as fatigue, skin changes, even hair changes? I have Thyroid disease and weight gain was part of it, and quickly I might add. I was also tired all of the time and...
  7. J

    Private Student Loan

    In the past, privately funded loans could be discharged but apparently, they aren't able to be unless there is undue hardship. Here is a link that describes this better : Jenn 40 wCF
  8. J

    Private Student Loan

    Is this a federally backed loan? Or private loan from the bank? I ask because even if you declare bankruptcy, there are some debts that can't be discharged such as taxes owed (federal or state) or student loans that are federally backed. I would consult an expert, such as a bankruptcy lawyer...
  9. J


    I was on MTX years ago when docs suspected undifferentiated collagen vascular disease and vasculitis, prednisone was also given to me. At one point, so was plaquenil. MTX can affect the lungs adversely, cause them to stiffen, fibrose and the doctor watched me for that while I was on it...
  10. J

    First Post.

    Welcome to the site! I'm 40, dx'd at 33 and live in a small town in NY. I have been a member for awhile, the information I have gained is invaluable not to mention the wonderful people I have formed friendships with.. You have some interesting hobbies lol.....good sense of humor! I think that...
  11. J

    Failed port needles and bad rash from the tape.

    Maybe you need to flush the port with more Normal saline after each infusion.. I have had this happen, where the drug crystalizes in my line and then I have to change the needle out. Once I started flushing with 20 cc of saline versus 10, that seemed to do the trick.. A far as dressings go, I...
  12. J

    Water on accessed port

    No..never experienced that as far as what your doc is doing...I have gotten my dressing wet, changed it out as well as the end caps and then flush, no one has ever mentioned that sepsis would be a problem. Sounds like your husband did a good job with the alcohol etc......did the end of the line...
  13. J

    110 degree heat and oxygen %

    I should also add that you should stay inside as much as possible Carly, in AC....when it gets that hot, I don't even put my big toe outside unless it is absolutely necessary. Hang in there!
  14. J

    110 degree heat and oxygen %

    I know it affects my breathing effort when it is hot and humid outside which in turn tires me and my sats do suffer ultimately as my muscles work harder and harder just to get air in.. My FEV is low, <30 so I don't have much wiggle room anyway, not as much as a person who has good lung function...
  15. J

    Car crashes and CF

    I would just watch for lung complications from the powder, but it does sound like you were very lucky! I had an accident last year, didn't total my car completely, just my entire front end. I was very sore for a while and that's it, nothing else... You might also feel aches and pains that might...
  16. J

    Allergic to Anitibiotics!?!?!

    The sulfas give me that type of reaction, a delayed reaction that makes me very ill. I have severe GI problems with it, and I get a peeling type of rash usually not immediately but days into or after treatment... I no longer take the medicine, the allergists have advised against taking it or...
  17. J

    Those in Pain Management

    I am on dilaudid 4 mg orally for breakthrough pain every 3 hours as needed, my long term med is Fentanyl 100 mcg patches changed out every 2 days. The only time I have been given Dilaudid IV or IM is when I am in the hospital, the pain is much more severe during an exacerbation. I totally agree...
  18. J

    Never had a tune up

    I get IV"s when things start to trend downwards as far as my condition goes, increased symptoms such as more coughing, increased temps, just feeling lousy before I get really sick.. I often call that a tune up because it is treatment that will bring me back to my baseline (hopefully) after it is...
  19. J

    Rude Hospital Nurses

    No sure what this would accomplish.....I would just let it go Bill Jenn 40 wCF
  20. J

    Experience with IV antibiotic Meropenem

    Yes, I am GI sensitive to this one as well, for the nausea, have the doc order Zofran or Phenergen, it really helps. Also, eat alot of yogurt or take acidophillus (sp?).....I hope it kicks the infection's butt after going through all of this! Hang in there Jenn 40 wCF