Search results

  1. C

    New Baby BOY Born 10-23-05

    Congrats on you new little miracle!! How exciting, a new person in the family!! Enjoy these precious moments, you'll never get them back. I miss that smell, that sweet smelling breath, ah i could go on forever. I loved that newness!! Well keep you in our thoughts & prayers also. Take care of...
  2. C

    When/how was your child diagnosed?

    My son was dx @ 2mo. They knew something wasnt right when he was born. The next day he was taken to our CH,(15 min away). There they asked if CF was in the family, we said no. Long story short he stayed in the hosptial for 8 days. His bowels were twisted & he had melculmia elias (sp) They...
  3. C


    We are from Portsmouth, VA (aka) P~Town lol Anyone else from VA??
  4. C

    whats everyones favorite food?

    That was me above,sorry! Leah~mommy 2 Reece 3yrs. W/CF
  5. C

    whats everyones favorite food?

    Reece LOVES chicken nuggets from Wendy's!!! He could eat them EVERYDAY!!!!! He also likes lasgna.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">
  6. C

    IV's for me.

    My son is 3 & I HATE going to clinic cuz it seems like everytime we go he gets BAD news or he has to be admitted. And then your life stops @ least for me. I cant live out of a hosptial, I HATE being in the hosptial & waiting on the nurses to bring his med when Im the one who cares for him @...
  7. C

    Insurance problems

    We faught tooth & nail to get SSI for Reece it took almost 2 1/2 yrs. For the Medicaid, it finally kicked in when he came out of the hosptial for the 3rd time & that visit was a doozey (sp) !!! I understand what your going through, my husband kept saying why cant we get any help for our sick...
  8. C


    Thanks for the input, Ill go tonight to look for that med. Just out of curiosity, how much was it? Leah
  9. C

    Perfect Bronchoscopy the first time!!!

    Jennifer, they are doing this bronch to see what is actually growing so they can treat it correctly. Reece has been so sick latley they want to make sure they are treating right. He has'nt been able to "spit" out the sputum yet either so that's another reason. Leah <img...
  10. C

    Perfect Bronchoscopy the first time!!!

    It's great to hear your good news. We are going for a bronch next month, how did she feel after? I am soooo scared about the bleeding or even a colasped lung. WE Cf moms just worry about EVERYTHING!!! I know ours wont be that good cuz he is full of junk. Specially on the lower left lobe. But Im...
  11. C

    Pics of our kids

    ok lets try again if this doesnt work then i need to get help over
  12. C


    LOL I am soooooo glad to hear from all of you. Everyone of you I related with, specially the couch thing!! Who do they think they are, Why do they think they can get away w/ it. No I know cuz @ least in my case, He knows after I rant & rave I just shut up & do it ALL. One time when Reece was in...
  13. C

    Pics of our kids

    Sorry i dindnt think my message took but then i realized its on the next page. HE!HE! One of those days.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">
  14. C

    Pics of our kids

    Iam still trying to get Reece on here, how do you make the pic smaller than 100 kb, all mine are like 600-700kb??? Leah<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">
  15. C

    Pics of our kids

    Iam still trying to get Reece on here, how do you make the pic smaller than 100 kb, all mine are like 600-700kb??? Leah
  16. C

    Pics of our kids

    Iam still trying to get Reece on here, how do you make the pic smaller than 100 kb, all mine are like 600-700kb??? Leah
  17. C


    so will this go on until he gets off spetra? Should i get him on some pedilite in the meantime? he has never had this before & hes my only one as you can tell w/ the ques.I thought side effects go away after awhile?! Leah
  18. C

    how much do you weigh and how tall are you

  19. C


    I was just wondering when your on TOBI do you have diarrhea? I know its a personal thing but I still would like to know so I can rule it out. My son has had it for a good while, 1 wk, & i wonder if it had anything to do w/ being on TOBI. It's the only new thing he is on except for Spetra &...
  20. C

    voice concerns

    Reece is also on TOBI & his voice also got very hoarse. I just thought he caught a cold, its nice to know hes not the only one & I have this site to come on & find out answers to most of my ques., thanks!!! This is his 1st time on it & hes getting ready to come off...