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    Tobi question

    My wife didnt do well on Tobi She tried it twice and said it made her very short of breath and caused tingeling feeling in her chest.She also started to make a crackeling sound while breathing after she did it.
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    I knew it would be a tough month but I never expected it to start this soon I am already remembering the first day we left on our cruise March 19 2005 I can still see the smile on her face as the ship was leaving.Well today is the 18th and I am down way down 3 months in and its like yesterday.I...
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    Invitation to CF loss group

    anything out there for spouses?
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    Anoyone local intrested PM me.
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    An indirectly CF related problem

    hello my name is maria.Im sams daughter.your not the only one on valentines day were gonna do all these things for our moms and mom passed away.what was the worst about it is that i never got to give her one last hug because i was at someones house.and he called me when i knew.when i got...
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    An indirectly CF related problem

    hello my name is maria.Im sams daughter.your not the only one on valentines day were gonna do all these things for our moms and mom passed away.what was the worst about it is that i never got to give her one last hug because i was at someones house.and he called me when i knew.when i got...
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    cool funny cf t-shirts!!!

    I just bought two one for Maria and one for me.Catch a cure.We are going to wear them on the boat.Thanks a lot!!!
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    cool funny cf t-shirts!!!

    I just bought two one for Maria and one for me.Catch a cure.We are going to wear them on the boat.Thanks a lot!!!
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    Help for Maria

    I want to know if anyone else lost a spose recently?If so is there any reccomendations of helping my daughter deal with the situation.I lost my mother at 5 and it was tough!.I dont want to miss something and have her fall into a depressed state.It has been alnost 6 weeks and Im starting to see...
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    Help for Maria

    I want to know if anyone else lost a spose recently?If so is there any reccomendations of helping my daughter deal with the situation.I lost my mother at 5 and it was tough!.I dont want to miss something and have her fall into a depressed state.It has been alnost 6 weeks and Im starting to see...
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    My wife had the same gene and our daughter has only one copy.I would like to give you some good news about her she was almost illness free for the first 24 years of her life she did do all of her treatments as perscribed and her mother not only had her to keep healthy but her older sister and...
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    My wife had the same gene and our daughter has only one copy.I would like to give you some good news about her she was almost illness free for the first 24 years of her life she did do all of her treatments as perscribed and her mother not only had her to keep healthy but her older sister and...
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    the movie on Lifetime today

    Anyone find out when it will be on again I was at work and missed it. Please email me if you see it comming on again.Thanks
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    the movie on Lifetime today

    Anyone find out when it will be on again I was at work and missed it. Please email me if you see it comming on again.Thanks
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    My wife had alot of bleeds the worst was in an airplane at 33000ft. We were freaking out most of her bleeds were small but at the worst times, once it happened in the middle of the jungle in a cabanna and of course in an airplane. She could usually tell when they were going to happen and used...
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    My friend John

    I told my wife that if God wanted her to get new lungs she would and if she was going to be with her sisters in heaven it was ment to be I hope he gets the chance for tx soon and I will be praying for you both.I saw her fight with the Bi-pap the last few weeks and its tough.
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    husband scared to have kids with me?

    I recently lost my wife to CF.The biggest fear we had at the time was for her health #1 and for the baby to have CF.She had a terrific pregnancy and the girl was fine only one gene.Im so happy she had the chance to be a mother it made her life complete and I feel now that I have a little piece...
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    Thanks for the kind words.I will be around here and wish I would have found this site sooner I think it is great for all of us.Those people with cf and those of us who love them.
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    hi i'm new

    I am new to the forum I do not have cf my wife did. I have a 9 year old daughter that has one gene from her mother.I just want to say hello to all of you and to keep fighting I watched my wife fight this disease for ten years We went to the transplant clinc to list her and she did all the tests...
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    Assistance in Florida

    "Abilities of Florida" it is a Department of Children and Families they bought my wife the vest pay co-payments , insurance premiums and also pay a housekeeper for 2 visits a month.