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  1. S

    "End Stage" CF

    So I was reading another post and it got me wondering. I'm a bit ignorant when it comes to this, but what exactly is "end stage"? Is it when your PFT's reach certain numbers, or is it when the rest of your organs start to fail and you're only predicted to live a certain amount of time...
  2. S

    Anyone have this happen?

    I have a medical bed that allows me to raise and lower the head or feet as needed. It also has a vibrating mode for you head or feet or both. You can adjust the frequency, and it has a 30 min automatic shut off. Anyway, last night I woke up, I was sleeping on my stomach and I felt this mild...
  3. S

    Question for Collapsed Lung People

    So my Doc tells me that I'm at very high risk for a pneumothorax, aka collaped lung. PFT's are in the 20% range, sometimes I can get them up to the 30's. But for those of you who have had the unfortunate experience of a collapsed lung, are there any precursors to watch for? Or was it just a...
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    Miner's Son has CF

    I heard on the Today show yesterday, that one of the 4 trapped miners (W. Virginia) has a son with CF. He apparently had a really difficult year with his health last year. Here's hoping and praying they are able to find his Dad alive!!!
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    A vein question

    So just out of curiosity has anyone else had their veins shrink? My veins will shrink down to tiny thread like size, really, really small. Then at other times they look normal. Granted I've always had tiny veins, but I've never noticed them shrinking so drastically. Has anyone else...
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    Chest Pain - I know there are a million of these

    So I've been experiencing severe chest pain on and off, in the center of my chest right around my heart. It's not respiratory, other than when it's going on it hurts to breathe. I've never had any heart problems other than fast heartbeat which is common in CF. I do have a Dr.'s appointment...
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    What were your Xrays like

    So for those of you who have been transplanted and those who are waiting to be transplanted what are your x-rays like before transplant? Did you have dead tissue in your lungs? Are there huge cysts? Is the scarring really severe? Or did they mostly go by PFT's and quality of life? Thanks...
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    Hey there, I know many of you like me struggle to get a good nights sleep. What with the coughing, body aches, etc... Anyway I remember some posts a few weeks ago about trying Melatonin. Did, didn't work for me and I know many others didn't get the wanted results from it. I read about...
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    Question for o2 Users

    Quick question for those of you with experience in this area, or those who may know without experience. How low were your O2 sats before you went on oxygen? Particularly for those who use O2 at night, what were your sats dropping down to before? I've read that anything below 90% isn't good...