This debate has come up before.
Unfortunately this website is not like your computer that you can organize with all sorts of micromanaged folders.
The key to information management in the future is searching not sorting. It was a step towards 'old fashioned' technology that this site started micromanaging the information by making subfolders. Instead the admin. resources should have been addressing better sorting abilities (such as a button that pulls up any post that has to do with pregnancy or a buttont that pulls up any post to do with spouse/partner).
Get familiar with Google and Gmail if you have no idea what I'm talking about. Really it's the future if you want to stay competitive in the workforce you should be keeping up with technology. This site contains a wealth of information obtainable by using the search features. If you are only looking at new posts you are disservicing yourself I believe. May I ask those of you that read new topics only... do you also only read the cover of the newspaper?
Unfortunately this website is not like your computer that you can organize with all sorts of micromanaged folders.
The key to information management in the future is searching not sorting. It was a step towards 'old fashioned' technology that this site started micromanaging the information by making subfolders. Instead the admin. resources should have been addressing better sorting abilities (such as a button that pulls up any post that has to do with pregnancy or a buttont that pulls up any post to do with spouse/partner).
Get familiar with Google and Gmail if you have no idea what I'm talking about. Really it's the future if you want to stay competitive in the workforce you should be keeping up with technology. This site contains a wealth of information obtainable by using the search features. If you are only looking at new posts you are disservicing yourself I believe. May I ask those of you that read new topics only... do you also only read the cover of the newspaper?