Am i? ... ... ...


New member
Hey Frankie,

Great to have you hear.. I actually did see you on the show, I watched it because i knew you had CF and I was brand new to the disease.... I was dx at the age of 29...

Anyway, thank you for your apology, as far as I am concerned it was very mature of you, and not at all necessary... We ALL have done things in our life we wish we didn't... Don't worry about it, at least people heard about CF.

Stay around and chat....



New member
Hey Frankie,

Great to have you hear.. I actually did see you on the show, I watched it because i knew you had CF and I was brand new to the disease.... I was dx at the age of 29...

Anyway, thank you for your apology, as far as I am concerned it was very mature of you, and not at all necessary... We ALL have done things in our life we wish we didn't... Don't worry about it, at least people heard about CF.

Stay around and chat....



New member
Hey Frankie,

Great to have you hear.. I actually did see you on the show, I watched it because i knew you had CF and I was brand new to the disease.... I was dx at the age of 29...

Anyway, thank you for your apology, as far as I am concerned it was very mature of you, and not at all necessary... We ALL have done things in our life we wish we didn't... Don't worry about it, at least people heard about CF.

Stay around and chat....



New member
As for my tattoos, nearly all of them mean something. Most of them are family related. i do have a rose, but it's not for CF, it's for my grandpa. i didn't ever know about the "65 roses" thing. i found out about it a few months ago.

The only tattoo i have that is CF related has a double meaning... It's a set of pink brass knukles that says "Queen of Pain". First, it's to remind me of last year and how hard it was and that if i can live through the pain of CF, then i can live through anything. The other is cause i'm a heartbreaker. lol.

i met a girl with CF once who had grown up with two other friends who had CF. They had both died, so she had "Long Shot" tattooed across her knuckles.

Here's a link to some pics of my tattoos. i have a few more since then, but i'm working on finding those photos. Go <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">here</a>. The one with the rose and dagger is the one for my grandpa and also the one to commemorate me not cutting myself anymore. That tattoo is covering a LOT of cutting scars, so that's what the dagger symbolizes.

Hope you enjoy. - f


New member
As for my tattoos, nearly all of them mean something. Most of them are family related. i do have a rose, but it's not for CF, it's for my grandpa. i didn't ever know about the "65 roses" thing. i found out about it a few months ago.

The only tattoo i have that is CF related has a double meaning... It's a set of pink brass knukles that says "Queen of Pain". First, it's to remind me of last year and how hard it was and that if i can live through the pain of CF, then i can live through anything. The other is cause i'm a heartbreaker. lol.

i met a girl with CF once who had grown up with two other friends who had CF. They had both died, so she had "Long Shot" tattooed across her knuckles.

Here's a link to some pics of my tattoos. i have a few more since then, but i'm working on finding those photos. Go <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">here</a>. The one with the rose and dagger is the one for my grandpa and also the one to commemorate me not cutting myself anymore. That tattoo is covering a LOT of cutting scars, so that's what the dagger symbolizes.

Hope you enjoy. - f


New member
As for my tattoos, nearly all of them mean something. Most of them are family related. i do have a rose, but it's not for CF, it's for my grandpa. i didn't ever know about the "65 roses" thing. i found out about it a few months ago.

The only tattoo i have that is CF related has a double meaning... It's a set of pink brass knukles that says "Queen of Pain". First, it's to remind me of last year and how hard it was and that if i can live through the pain of CF, then i can live through anything. The other is cause i'm a heartbreaker. lol.

i met a girl with CF once who had grown up with two other friends who had CF. They had both died, so she had "Long Shot" tattooed across her knuckles.

Here's a link to some pics of my tattoos. i have a few more since then, but i'm working on finding those photos. Go <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">here</a>. The one with the rose and dagger is the one for my grandpa and also the one to commemorate me not cutting myself anymore. That tattoo is covering a LOT of cutting scars, so that's what the dagger symbolizes.

Hope you enjoy. - f


New member
Frankie your tattoos look great dude. The coloring is awesome and I love the traditional style..very Sailor Jerry!
I am so addicted now, I have 2 and am about to get 2 more.


New member
Frankie your tattoos look great dude. The coloring is awesome and I love the traditional style..very Sailor Jerry!
I am so addicted now, I have 2 and am about to get 2 more.


New member
Frankie your tattoos look great dude. The coloring is awesome and I love the traditional style..very Sailor Jerry!
I am so addicted now, I have 2 and am about to get 2 more.


New member
f- thanks for sharing with us <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> when i heard you had CF on the real world, i was really excited... my mom even watched the first episode (haha! that was weird.), and after seeing it, my mom said she was kinda disappointed, and explained for the 93465937th time how smoking is bad. with the cutting, and the coughing, smoking and drinking though, i always tried to relate to you more. i no CF is realllly annoying, and thats just how you dealt with it. im really happy that your doing much better now, and that your still here to tell us your story. just remember were always here for you <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> we all struggle, most everyday, and so if you ever just want someone to cuss at...we are here! im still trying to figure out a lot of things out, im only 16, so maybe a couple days, months, or years, i'll have some questions/comments for you... but right now life is hectic. which im sure your used to.

i hope that you continue to feel as good as you have been, and that you and Dave continue to have a good relationship <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

even though you say you didnt represent CF fairly, i disagree. you did, its tough, and thats what you showed. its tough emotionally too, not only physically. so thanks for even having the guts to be open about it.

haha okay thats the temporary end to my rambles!

oo PS... i got the parental OK for a tattoo, so im still deciding on which one, but same as you, i want it to have multiple meanings, not just 'look i have CF!" haha... so yeah.... im thinking something with roses/tear drop/needle.... something to freak ppl out wiht too...cuz im just werid like that and think its funny to see their faces.. hahaha.


New member
f- thanks for sharing with us <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> when i heard you had CF on the real world, i was really excited... my mom even watched the first episode (haha! that was weird.), and after seeing it, my mom said she was kinda disappointed, and explained for the 93465937th time how smoking is bad. with the cutting, and the coughing, smoking and drinking though, i always tried to relate to you more. i no CF is realllly annoying, and thats just how you dealt with it. im really happy that your doing much better now, and that your still here to tell us your story. just remember were always here for you <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> we all struggle, most everyday, and so if you ever just want someone to cuss at...we are here! im still trying to figure out a lot of things out, im only 16, so maybe a couple days, months, or years, i'll have some questions/comments for you... but right now life is hectic. which im sure your used to.

i hope that you continue to feel as good as you have been, and that you and Dave continue to have a good relationship <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

even though you say you didnt represent CF fairly, i disagree. you did, its tough, and thats what you showed. its tough emotionally too, not only physically. so thanks for even having the guts to be open about it.

haha okay thats the temporary end to my rambles!

oo PS... i got the parental OK for a tattoo, so im still deciding on which one, but same as you, i want it to have multiple meanings, not just 'look i have CF!" haha... so yeah.... im thinking something with roses/tear drop/needle.... something to freak ppl out wiht too...cuz im just werid like that and think its funny to see their faces.. hahaha.


New member
f- thanks for sharing with us <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> when i heard you had CF on the real world, i was really excited... my mom even watched the first episode (haha! that was weird.), and after seeing it, my mom said she was kinda disappointed, and explained for the 93465937th time how smoking is bad. with the cutting, and the coughing, smoking and drinking though, i always tried to relate to you more. i no CF is realllly annoying, and thats just how you dealt with it. im really happy that your doing much better now, and that your still here to tell us your story. just remember were always here for you <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> we all struggle, most everyday, and so if you ever just want someone to cuss at...we are here! im still trying to figure out a lot of things out, im only 16, so maybe a couple days, months, or years, i'll have some questions/comments for you... but right now life is hectic. which im sure your used to.

i hope that you continue to feel as good as you have been, and that you and Dave continue to have a good relationship <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

even though you say you didnt represent CF fairly, i disagree. you did, its tough, and thats what you showed. its tough emotionally too, not only physically. so thanks for even having the guts to be open about it.

haha okay thats the temporary end to my rambles!

oo PS... i got the parental OK for a tattoo, so im still deciding on which one, but same as you, i want it to have multiple meanings, not just 'look i have CF!" haha... so yeah.... im thinking something with roses/tear drop/needle.... something to freak ppl out wiht too...cuz im just werid like that and think its funny to see their faces.. hahaha.


New member
Well, Im glad that your doing a lot better now and feeling better too!! Im glad that your taking control of the disease and not letting the disease take control over you. It takes a lot of hard work and diciplan to do the treatment and such, but it is well worth it in the end. Staying healthy is the best, even though it can be tough. Good to hear your doing your treatments too!! Take Care girl and WELCOME we look forward to hearing anything you have to say, we are all hear for ya.

Oh yea, Ive always wondered if you were ever going to do the real world/road rules game stuff that they seem to have every year, but seeing that you were fighting a tough battle I see it was kinda hard to do that. Did they ever ask you to play?


New member
Well, Im glad that your doing a lot better now and feeling better too!! Im glad that your taking control of the disease and not letting the disease take control over you. It takes a lot of hard work and diciplan to do the treatment and such, but it is well worth it in the end. Staying healthy is the best, even though it can be tough. Good to hear your doing your treatments too!! Take Care girl and WELCOME we look forward to hearing anything you have to say, we are all hear for ya.

Oh yea, Ive always wondered if you were ever going to do the real world/road rules game stuff that they seem to have every year, but seeing that you were fighting a tough battle I see it was kinda hard to do that. Did they ever ask you to play?


New member
Well, Im glad that your doing a lot better now and feeling better too!! Im glad that your taking control of the disease and not letting the disease take control over you. It takes a lot of hard work and diciplan to do the treatment and such, but it is well worth it in the end. Staying healthy is the best, even though it can be tough. Good to hear your doing your treatments too!! Take Care girl and WELCOME we look forward to hearing anything you have to say, we are all hear for ya.

Oh yea, Ive always wondered if you were ever going to do the real world/road rules game stuff that they seem to have every year, but seeing that you were fighting a tough battle I see it was kinda hard to do that. Did they ever ask you to play?


New member
You sound like a real fighter girl. Good for you for quitting smoking-I'm sure that was a hard situation to be in at the time, and completely believe you about producers editing reality shows. Its obvious even to the viewers that they make situations look worse than they really are. In any case, you are fighting now, and that is great. Sometimes it does take a scare to whip us into shape-I know I've been there. I probably went a year without doing a treatment at my worst. I can't even believe it now, looking back. I was a totally different person.

Welcome to the site, and I do not think anyone hates you. That was a long time ago, and it was upsetting to many. But you're a different person and to see you admit, yeah I made some mistakes is refreshing in this world when people just blame everyone else for their problems. Good for you!

Hope you are feeling ok now.


New member
You sound like a real fighter girl. Good for you for quitting smoking-I'm sure that was a hard situation to be in at the time, and completely believe you about producers editing reality shows. Its obvious even to the viewers that they make situations look worse than they really are. In any case, you are fighting now, and that is great. Sometimes it does take a scare to whip us into shape-I know I've been there. I probably went a year without doing a treatment at my worst. I can't even believe it now, looking back. I was a totally different person.

Welcome to the site, and I do not think anyone hates you. That was a long time ago, and it was upsetting to many. But you're a different person and to see you admit, yeah I made some mistakes is refreshing in this world when people just blame everyone else for their problems. Good for you!

Hope you are feeling ok now.


New member
You sound like a real fighter girl. Good for you for quitting smoking-I'm sure that was a hard situation to be in at the time, and completely believe you about producers editing reality shows. Its obvious even to the viewers that they make situations look worse than they really are. In any case, you are fighting now, and that is great. Sometimes it does take a scare to whip us into shape-I know I've been there. I probably went a year without doing a treatment at my worst. I can't even believe it now, looking back. I was a totally different person.

Welcome to the site, and I do not think anyone hates you. That was a long time ago, and it was upsetting to many. But you're a different person and to see you admit, yeah I made some mistakes is refreshing in this world when people just blame everyone else for their problems. Good for you!

Hope you are feeling ok now.


New member

Hi! Welcome to the group! My name is Seana (pronounced Shawna) and I have a 14 year old daughter, Courtney, with CF.

Just wanted to say WELCOME!
