Hi Frankie, welcome to our crazy little family! I have a six year old son with CF and another baby on the way, this site has been very helpful and eye-opening. Things can get a little messy and controversial but that's what makes life interesting. I watched all of your seasons episodes and learned a lot from your experience on the show. I seem to be obsessed with how my son is going to deal with his CF when he leaves the "nest". I was only seeing the CF, not his life. It scared the S*** out of me to think he might smoke, not do treatments, or be rebelious when he left home. After the initial "what the Hell is she thinking" reaction, I was able to see you as a person not governed by CF. You are so much more than your disease. I will be hurt and angry with my son if he starts smoking or not doing treatments, but I am going to have to give him the freedom to make his own descisions regarding his health and life. As hard as it is to think, I would rather my son live his life the way he wants to and feel in control and to have no regrets, even if it means a shorter life. I would forever regret not giving him his freedom and for him to die an unfulfilled life feeling like a prisoner of CF. A bit morbid, but it's how I feel. I respect your attitude and I think no regrets is how everyone should live their life.
By the way, I can't tell you how many times I wanted to B****slap Cameron, she got on my last nerve!!!