Amnio test said my baby is positive for CF


New member
thank you so mcuh ladies for understanding what I have done...its hard and i want to stop cying and i dont want to show anyone that i still hurt over my decision, i feel that no one really knows how hard this still is.... i went back to work a couple of weeks after everything and when people ask me or tell me they are sorry i start crying....i dont want to bother my sister with how i feel because i feel like i am bothering her too much and i think that maybe i should be ok by now but for some reason i am not.....I know i made the right choice but i cant help still feeling empty...i want to hold my baby but i know i cant and i also know that if this hurts this bad now it would be even worse seeing him crying or sick....i made a little keepsake box for him because i got x-mas presents for him....i honestly dont think that i will ever be the same again....i know my little girl is still upset also this but she wont tell me anything because she does nt want to see me cry but i saw a story she wrote for school about the little brother she almost had...I know i will get better someday but for right now all i can say to all of you is thank you!!! with all of my heart, thank you for your honesty and support and thank you for understanding, thank you for being stronger than me being able to bringing these amazing children into this world...and for those that have this disease thank you for being who you are because for people that are batteling something so rough you are the most loving,giving,smartest and strongest people.

I feel stupid sometimes coming here and reading your blogs and being in the forums because i feel I should not be here, i feel that i am invading a sacred place and i feel that i am intruding but since i found out about this site i come here every single day...I cry when i read of people being sick and i laugh when people write funny have all touched me in a way that only special people can.

thank you


New member
thank you so mcuh ladies for understanding what I have done...its hard and i want to stop cying and i dont want to show anyone that i still hurt over my decision, i feel that no one really knows how hard this still is.... i went back to work a couple of weeks after everything and when people ask me or tell me they are sorry i start crying....i dont want to bother my sister with how i feel because i feel like i am bothering her too much and i think that maybe i should be ok by now but for some reason i am not.....I know i made the right choice but i cant help still feeling empty...i want to hold my baby but i know i cant and i also know that if this hurts this bad now it would be even worse seeing him crying or sick....i made a little keepsake box for him because i got x-mas presents for him....i honestly dont think that i will ever be the same again....i know my little girl is still upset also this but she wont tell me anything because she does nt want to see me cry but i saw a story she wrote for school about the little brother she almost had...I know i will get better someday but for right now all i can say to all of you is thank you!!! with all of my heart, thank you for your honesty and support and thank you for understanding, thank you for being stronger than me being able to bringing these amazing children into this world...and for those that have this disease thank you for being who you are because for people that are batteling something so rough you are the most loving,giving,smartest and strongest people.

I feel stupid sometimes coming here and reading your blogs and being in the forums because i feel I should not be here, i feel that i am invading a sacred place and i feel that i am intruding but since i found out about this site i come here every single day...I cry when i read of people being sick and i laugh when people write funny have all touched me in a way that only special people can.

thank you


New member
thank you so mcuh ladies for understanding what I have done...its hard and i want to stop cying and i dont want to show anyone that i still hurt over my decision, i feel that no one really knows how hard this still is.... i went back to work a couple of weeks after everything and when people ask me or tell me they are sorry i start crying....i dont want to bother my sister with how i feel because i feel like i am bothering her too much and i think that maybe i should be ok by now but for some reason i am not.....I know i made the right choice but i cant help still feeling empty...i want to hold my baby but i know i cant and i also know that if this hurts this bad now it would be even worse seeing him crying or sick....i made a little keepsake box for him because i got x-mas presents for him....i honestly dont think that i will ever be the same again....i know my little girl is still upset also this but she wont tell me anything because she does nt want to see me cry but i saw a story she wrote for school about the little brother she almost had...I know i will get better someday but for right now all i can say to all of you is thank you!!! with all of my heart, thank you for your honesty and support and thank you for understanding, thank you for being stronger than me being able to bringing these amazing children into this world...and for those that have this disease thank you for being who you are because for people that are batteling something so rough you are the most loving,giving,smartest and strongest people.

I feel stupid sometimes coming here and reading your blogs and being in the forums because i feel I should not be here, i feel that i am invading a sacred place and i feel that i am intruding but since i found out about this site i come here every single day...I cry when i read of people being sick and i laugh when people write funny have all touched me in a way that only special people can.

thank you


New member
thank you so mcuh ladies for understanding what I have done...its hard and i want to stop cying and i dont want to show anyone that i still hurt over my decision, i feel that no one really knows how hard this still is.... i went back to work a couple of weeks after everything and when people ask me or tell me they are sorry i start crying....i dont want to bother my sister with how i feel because i feel like i am bothering her too much and i think that maybe i should be ok by now but for some reason i am not.....I know i made the right choice but i cant help still feeling empty...i want to hold my baby but i know i cant and i also know that if this hurts this bad now it would be even worse seeing him crying or sick....i made a little keepsake box for him because i got x-mas presents for him....i honestly dont think that i will ever be the same again....i know my little girl is still upset also this but she wont tell me anything because she does nt want to see me cry but i saw a story she wrote for school about the little brother she almost had...I know i will get better someday but for right now all i can say to all of you is thank you!!! with all of my heart, thank you for your honesty and support and thank you for understanding, thank you for being stronger than me being able to bringing these amazing children into this world...and for those that have this disease thank you for being who you are because for people that are batteling something so rough you are the most loving,giving,smartest and strongest people.

I feel stupid sometimes coming here and reading your blogs and being in the forums because i feel I should not be here, i feel that i am invading a sacred place and i feel that i am intruding but since i found out about this site i come here every single day...I cry when i read of people being sick and i laugh when people write funny have all touched me in a way that only special people can.

thank you


New member
thank you so mcuh ladies for understanding what I have done...its hard and i want to stop cying and i dont want to show anyone that i still hurt over my decision, i feel that no one really knows how hard this still is.... i went back to work a couple of weeks after everything and when people ask me or tell me they are sorry i start crying....i dont want to bother my sister with how i feel because i feel like i am bothering her too much and i think that maybe i should be ok by now but for some reason i am not.....I know i made the right choice but i cant help still feeling empty...i want to hold my baby but i know i cant and i also know that if this hurts this bad now it would be even worse seeing him crying or sick....i made a little keepsake box for him because i got x-mas presents for him....i honestly dont think that i will ever be the same again....i know my little girl is still upset also this but she wont tell me anything because she does nt want to see me cry but i saw a story she wrote for school about the little brother she almost had...I know i will get better someday but for right now all i can say to all of you is thank you!!! with all of my heart, thank you for your honesty and support and thank you for understanding, thank you for being stronger than me being able to bringing these amazing children into this world...and for those that have this disease thank you for being who you are because for people that are batteling something so rough you are the most loving,giving,smartest and strongest people.
<br />
<br />I feel stupid sometimes coming here and reading your blogs and being in the forums because i feel I should not be here, i feel that i am invading a sacred place and i feel that i am intruding but since i found out about this site i come here every single day...I cry when i read of people being sick and i laugh when people write funny have all touched me in a way that only special people can.
<br />
<br />thank you
<br />Peanut2008


New member
<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">

I feel for you.......... It was YOUR decision to make. That's it. YOURS. I hope that time can heal your heart.


lisa <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">

I feel for you.......... It was YOUR decision to make. That's it. YOURS. I hope that time can heal your heart.


lisa <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">

I feel for you.......... It was YOUR decision to make. That's it. YOURS. I hope that time can heal your heart.


lisa <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">

I feel for you.......... It was YOUR decision to make. That's it. YOURS. I hope that time can heal your heart.


lisa <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />I feel for you.......... It was YOUR decision to make. That's it. YOURS. I hope that time can heal your heart.
<br />
<br />peace.
<br />
<br />lisa <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Peanut, I feel for you and commend you on making the choice you feel is right. That decision to terminate is quite a slippery slope, on one hand, your little peanut could grow to lead a happy, fulfilling life. But on the other, there's always a chance that your little one will suffer tremendously in this life, as CF is much like a thief in the night, it can grab you by surprise. After all, if your little peanut cannot have a good quality of life, why burden the child with it?


New member
Peanut, I feel for you and commend you on making the choice you feel is right. That decision to terminate is quite a slippery slope, on one hand, your little peanut could grow to lead a happy, fulfilling life. But on the other, there's always a chance that your little one will suffer tremendously in this life, as CF is much like a thief in the night, it can grab you by surprise. After all, if your little peanut cannot have a good quality of life, why burden the child with it?


New member
Peanut, I feel for you and commend you on making the choice you feel is right. That decision to terminate is quite a slippery slope, on one hand, your little peanut could grow to lead a happy, fulfilling life. But on the other, there's always a chance that your little one will suffer tremendously in this life, as CF is much like a thief in the night, it can grab you by surprise. After all, if your little peanut cannot have a good quality of life, why burden the child with it?


New member
Peanut, I feel for you and commend you on making the choice you feel is right. That decision to terminate is quite a slippery slope, on one hand, your little peanut could grow to lead a happy, fulfilling life. But on the other, there's always a chance that your little one will suffer tremendously in this life, as CF is much like a thief in the night, it can grab you by surprise. After all, if your little peanut cannot have a good quality of life, why burden the child with it?


New member
Peanut, I feel for you and commend you on making the choice you feel is right. That decision to terminate is quite a slippery slope, on one hand, your little peanut could grow to lead a happy, fulfilling life. But on the other, there's always a chance that your little one will suffer tremendously in this life, as CF is much like a thief in the night, it can grab you by surprise. After all, if your little peanut cannot have a good quality of life, why burden the child with it?


New member
Hello everyone I am still here thinking about all of you and holding u all in my heart. It seems stupid especially after everything that all of you deal with everyday for me to still be hurting over my little peanut. Last week my fiancees sister had her baby shower and I couldnt go. I really wanted to go I even made her a crochet baby blanket but a few weeks before i went to her birthday party and cried for over an hour because she looked so beautiful and there were four baby boys at her party. I was afraid that if i had gone to her baby shower I would have started to cry again and ruined it for her...I keep thinking that i would have also had my baby shower...that my baby would be due next month on 6/24...that my little boy would have loved everything i would have gotten him but all i have is tears....tears for everything....i think about CF alot....I think about how this disease is so sad and on how i will never for as long as i live be able to look at myself in the mirror and be the person i used to be. I wish all you are ok and well and just know that my heart is still here with you all.



New member
Hello everyone I am still here thinking about all of you and holding u all in my heart. It seems stupid especially after everything that all of you deal with everyday for me to still be hurting over my little peanut. Last week my fiancees sister had her baby shower and I couldnt go. I really wanted to go I even made her a crochet baby blanket but a few weeks before i went to her birthday party and cried for over an hour because she looked so beautiful and there were four baby boys at her party. I was afraid that if i had gone to her baby shower I would have started to cry again and ruined it for her...I keep thinking that i would have also had my baby shower...that my baby would be due next month on 6/24...that my little boy would have loved everything i would have gotten him but all i have is tears....tears for everything....i think about CF alot....I think about how this disease is so sad and on how i will never for as long as i live be able to look at myself in the mirror and be the person i used to be. I wish all you are ok and well and just know that my heart is still here with you all.



New member
Hello everyone I am still here thinking about all of you and holding u all in my heart. It seems stupid especially after everything that all of you deal with everyday for me to still be hurting over my little peanut. Last week my fiancees sister had her baby shower and I couldnt go. I really wanted to go I even made her a crochet baby blanket but a few weeks before i went to her birthday party and cried for over an hour because she looked so beautiful and there were four baby boys at her party. I was afraid that if i had gone to her baby shower I would have started to cry again and ruined it for her...I keep thinking that i would have also had my baby shower...that my baby would be due next month on 6/24...that my little boy would have loved everything i would have gotten him but all i have is tears....tears for everything....i think about CF alot....I think about how this disease is so sad and on how i will never for as long as i live be able to look at myself in the mirror and be the person i used to be. I wish all you are ok and well and just know that my heart is still here with you all.



New member
Hello everyone I am still here thinking about all of you and holding u all in my heart. It seems stupid especially after everything that all of you deal with everyday for me to still be hurting over my little peanut. Last week my fiancees sister had her baby shower and I couldnt go. I really wanted to go I even made her a crochet baby blanket but a few weeks before i went to her birthday party and cried for over an hour because she looked so beautiful and there were four baby boys at her party. I was afraid that if i had gone to her baby shower I would have started to cry again and ruined it for her...I keep thinking that i would have also had my baby shower...that my baby would be due next month on 6/24...that my little boy would have loved everything i would have gotten him but all i have is tears....tears for everything....i think about CF alot....I think about how this disease is so sad and on how i will never for as long as i live be able to look at myself in the mirror and be the person i used to be. I wish all you are ok and well and just know that my heart is still here with you all.



New member
Hello everyone I am still here thinking about all of you and holding u all in my heart. It seems stupid especially after everything that all of you deal with everyday for me to still be hurting over my little peanut. Last week my fiancees sister had her baby shower and I couldnt go. I really wanted to go I even made her a crochet baby blanket but a few weeks before i went to her birthday party and cried for over an hour because she looked so beautiful and there were four baby boys at her party. I was afraid that if i had gone to her baby shower I would have started to cry again and ruined it for her...I keep thinking that i would have also had my baby shower...that my baby would be due next month on 6/24...that my little boy would have loved everything i would have gotten him but all i have is tears....tears for everything....i think about CF alot....I think about how this disease is so sad and on how i will never for as long as i live be able to look at myself in the mirror and be the person i used to be. I wish all you are ok and well and just know that my heart is still here with you all.
<br />
<br />Peanut2008