Amnio test said my baby is positive for CF



I felt the same way after my loss, I was desperate to be pregnant again. We gambled and won but it was very stressful for me.

I think I've read about IVF being done with a natural cycle-they don't pump you full of hormones but rather wait until you release an egg and grab it. Of course they'd probably still have to give you some hormones after conception to help it stick (I think progesterone but not sure).


I felt the same way after my loss, I was desperate to be pregnant again. We gambled and won but it was very stressful for me.

I think I've read about IVF being done with a natural cycle-they don't pump you full of hormones but rather wait until you release an egg and grab it. Of course they'd probably still have to give you some hormones after conception to help it stick (I think progesterone but not sure).


I felt the same way after my loss, I was desperate to be pregnant again. We gambled and won but it was very stressful for me.

I think I've read about IVF being done with a natural cycle-they don't pump you full of hormones but rather wait until you release an egg and grab it. Of course they'd probably still have to give you some hormones after conception to help it stick (I think progesterone but not sure).


I felt the same way after my loss, I was desperate to be pregnant again. We gambled and won but it was very stressful for me.

I think I've read about IVF being done with a natural cycle-they don't pump you full of hormones but rather wait until you release an egg and grab it. Of course they'd probably still have to give you some hormones after conception to help it stick (I think progesterone but not sure).


I felt the same way after my loss, I was desperate to be pregnant again. We gambled and won but it was very stressful for me.
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<br />I think I've read about IVF being done with a natural cycle-they don't pump you full of hormones but rather wait until you release an egg and grab it. Of course they'd probably still have to give you some hormones after conception to help it stick (I think progesterone but not sure).
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New member
Peanut, i'd be happy to chat with you about IVF. What clinic did you have your appt. with? Feel free to email me at if you want to share privately.


New member
Peanut, i'd be happy to chat with you about IVF. What clinic did you have your appt. with? Feel free to email me at if you want to share privately.


New member
Peanut, i'd be happy to chat with you about IVF. What clinic did you have your appt. with? Feel free to email me at if you want to share privately.


New member
Peanut, i'd be happy to chat with you about IVF. What clinic did you have your appt. with? Feel free to email me at if you want to share privately.


New member
Peanut, i'd be happy to chat with you about IVF. What clinic did you have your appt. with? Feel free to email me at if you want to share privately.


New member
I was seven months pregnant and having trouble with my pregnancy when our amenio came back telling us that our first son had CF. It is VERY scary to find out that the baby you are carrying has an illness that may one day kill them. If I had been earlier in my pregnancy I am not sure how I would have responded. I had a cousin who died from CF and that was all I knew of the disease. Today I can say that my son, Cole, has made my life better and I can't imagine it with out him. Because he was diagnosed before he was born I truly believe that he got a head start and has not had some of the challenges that some CFer's face. Other than his first week of life he has never been hospitalized or had Psuedomonis (I never remember how to spell that). We do a lot to help him stay healthy. I admit it takes time and is not always easy but they have come such a long way with CF that I truly believe one day they will come up with a cure. I wish there were something I could say to make you feel better but I really do remember what that feeling was like and how no matter what anyone said I felt the same way. It still happens from time to time but his smiling face makes it all better.


New member
I was seven months pregnant and having trouble with my pregnancy when our amenio came back telling us that our first son had CF. It is VERY scary to find out that the baby you are carrying has an illness that may one day kill them. If I had been earlier in my pregnancy I am not sure how I would have responded. I had a cousin who died from CF and that was all I knew of the disease. Today I can say that my son, Cole, has made my life better and I can't imagine it with out him. Because he was diagnosed before he was born I truly believe that he got a head start and has not had some of the challenges that some CFer's face. Other than his first week of life he has never been hospitalized or had Psuedomonis (I never remember how to spell that). We do a lot to help him stay healthy. I admit it takes time and is not always easy but they have come such a long way with CF that I truly believe one day they will come up with a cure. I wish there were something I could say to make you feel better but I really do remember what that feeling was like and how no matter what anyone said I felt the same way. It still happens from time to time but his smiling face makes it all better.


New member
I was seven months pregnant and having trouble with my pregnancy when our amenio came back telling us that our first son had CF. It is VERY scary to find out that the baby you are carrying has an illness that may one day kill them. If I had been earlier in my pregnancy I am not sure how I would have responded. I had a cousin who died from CF and that was all I knew of the disease. Today I can say that my son, Cole, has made my life better and I can't imagine it with out him. Because he was diagnosed before he was born I truly believe that he got a head start and has not had some of the challenges that some CFer's face. Other than his first week of life he has never been hospitalized or had Psuedomonis (I never remember how to spell that). We do a lot to help him stay healthy. I admit it takes time and is not always easy but they have come such a long way with CF that I truly believe one day they will come up with a cure. I wish there were something I could say to make you feel better but I really do remember what that feeling was like and how no matter what anyone said I felt the same way. It still happens from time to time but his smiling face makes it all better.


New member
I was seven months pregnant and having trouble with my pregnancy when our amenio came back telling us that our first son had CF. It is VERY scary to find out that the baby you are carrying has an illness that may one day kill them. If I had been earlier in my pregnancy I am not sure how I would have responded. I had a cousin who died from CF and that was all I knew of the disease. Today I can say that my son, Cole, has made my life better and I can't imagine it with out him. Because he was diagnosed before he was born I truly believe that he got a head start and has not had some of the challenges that some CFer's face. Other than his first week of life he has never been hospitalized or had Psuedomonis (I never remember how to spell that). We do a lot to help him stay healthy. I admit it takes time and is not always easy but they have come such a long way with CF that I truly believe one day they will come up with a cure. I wish there were something I could say to make you feel better but I really do remember what that feeling was like and how no matter what anyone said I felt the same way. It still happens from time to time but his smiling face makes it all better.


New member
I was seven months pregnant and having trouble with my pregnancy when our amenio came back telling us that our first son had CF. It is VERY scary to find out that the baby you are carrying has an illness that may one day kill them. If I had been earlier in my pregnancy I am not sure how I would have responded. I had a cousin who died from CF and that was all I knew of the disease. Today I can say that my son, Cole, has made my life better and I can't imagine it with out him. Because he was diagnosed before he was born I truly believe that he got a head start and has not had some of the challenges that some CFer's face. Other than his first week of life he has never been hospitalized or had Psuedomonis (I never remember how to spell that). We do a lot to help him stay healthy. I admit it takes time and is not always easy but they have come such a long way with CF that I truly believe one day they will come up with a cure. I wish there were something I could say to make you feel better but I really do remember what that feeling was like and how no matter what anyone said I felt the same way. It still happens from time to time but his smiling face makes it all better.


New member
I have cf and still opted to have children, full well knowing that my husband was a carrier. My oldest son is a carrier and my youngest son has cf with no symptoms. It would have been the hugest mistake ever to abort my son. He is the twinkle in my eye. Yes, I cried when I found out he had my disease and I was very very bummed. But, thankfully I knew about our disease and was already educated in the disease. You never know what life is going to throw at ya, you just have to put your faith in God and do your best and He will do the rest. God has a purpose for us all being here. Just my view.


New member
I have cf and still opted to have children, full well knowing that my husband was a carrier. My oldest son is a carrier and my youngest son has cf with no symptoms. It would have been the hugest mistake ever to abort my son. He is the twinkle in my eye. Yes, I cried when I found out he had my disease and I was very very bummed. But, thankfully I knew about our disease and was already educated in the disease. You never know what life is going to throw at ya, you just have to put your faith in God and do your best and He will do the rest. God has a purpose for us all being here. Just my view.


New member
I have cf and still opted to have children, full well knowing that my husband was a carrier. My oldest son is a carrier and my youngest son has cf with no symptoms. It would have been the hugest mistake ever to abort my son. He is the twinkle in my eye. Yes, I cried when I found out he had my disease and I was very very bummed. But, thankfully I knew about our disease and was already educated in the disease. You never know what life is going to throw at ya, you just have to put your faith in God and do your best and He will do the rest. God has a purpose for us all being here. Just my view.


New member
I have cf and still opted to have children, full well knowing that my husband was a carrier. My oldest son is a carrier and my youngest son has cf with no symptoms. It would have been the hugest mistake ever to abort my son. He is the twinkle in my eye. Yes, I cried when I found out he had my disease and I was very very bummed. But, thankfully I knew about our disease and was already educated in the disease. You never know what life is going to throw at ya, you just have to put your faith in God and do your best and He will do the rest. God has a purpose for us all being here. Just my view.


New member
I have cf and still opted to have children, full well knowing that my husband was a carrier. My oldest son is a carrier and my youngest son has cf with no symptoms. It would have been the hugest mistake ever to abort my son. He is the twinkle in my eye. Yes, I cried when I found out he had my disease and I was very very bummed. But, thankfully I knew about our disease and was already educated in the disease. You never know what life is going to throw at ya, you just have to put your faith in God and do your best and He will do the rest. God has a purpose for us all being here. Just my view.