Amnio test said my baby is positive for CF


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>LouLou</b></i>

Congrats on your little peanut. Little boys are the best. It's a secret mommies of boys know :)

</end quote></div>

It's true! I know the secret. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

I also wanted to say congratulations on your baby boy, and welcome to the site. I hope you will heed the other's advice about not believing everything you read on the internet about CF. Most of it is like a horror film, and VERY outdated. You will only drive yourself crazy if you keep reading it all. Educating yourself is great, but do it with the correct information.

This site is amazing. This site is full of great information, and it's members offer much support to one another. The best thing that this site ever gave me though, was hope. When my son was diagnosed, I was of course devastated. I thought it meant for sure that I was going to lose him, and very soon. I was searching for anything that would change that. I came here, and I saw that there were grown adults with CF who were living very productive and exciting lives. They are no different from any other people, except they have to spend more time taking care of themselves than most people do.

Everyday, these people continue to prove the statistics wrong. I hope you give your son a chance to do that. We really will be here for you anytime you need us. Ask anything you want, and vent all you need to. Again, welcome.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>LouLou</b></i>

Congrats on your little peanut. Little boys are the best. It's a secret mommies of boys know :)

</end quote></div>

It's true! I know the secret. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

I also wanted to say congratulations on your baby boy, and welcome to the site. I hope you will heed the other's advice about not believing everything you read on the internet about CF. Most of it is like a horror film, and VERY outdated. You will only drive yourself crazy if you keep reading it all. Educating yourself is great, but do it with the correct information.

This site is amazing. This site is full of great information, and it's members offer much support to one another. The best thing that this site ever gave me though, was hope. When my son was diagnosed, I was of course devastated. I thought it meant for sure that I was going to lose him, and very soon. I was searching for anything that would change that. I came here, and I saw that there were grown adults with CF who were living very productive and exciting lives. They are no different from any other people, except they have to spend more time taking care of themselves than most people do.

Everyday, these people continue to prove the statistics wrong. I hope you give your son a chance to do that. We really will be here for you anytime you need us. Ask anything you want, and vent all you need to. Again, welcome.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>LouLou</b></i>

Congrats on your little peanut. Little boys are the best. It's a secret mommies of boys know :)

</end quote></div>

It's true! I know the secret. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

I also wanted to say congratulations on your baby boy, and welcome to the site. I hope you will heed the other's advice about not believing everything you read on the internet about CF. Most of it is like a horror film, and VERY outdated. You will only drive yourself crazy if you keep reading it all. Educating yourself is great, but do it with the correct information.

This site is amazing. This site is full of great information, and it's members offer much support to one another. The best thing that this site ever gave me though, was hope. When my son was diagnosed, I was of course devastated. I thought it meant for sure that I was going to lose him, and very soon. I was searching for anything that would change that. I came here, and I saw that there were grown adults with CF who were living very productive and exciting lives. They are no different from any other people, except they have to spend more time taking care of themselves than most people do.

Everyday, these people continue to prove the statistics wrong. I hope you give your son a chance to do that. We really will be here for you anytime you need us. Ask anything you want, and vent all you need to. Again, welcome.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>LouLou</b></i>

Congrats on your little peanut. Little boys are the best. It's a secret mommies of boys know :)

</end quote>

It's true! I know the secret. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

I also wanted to say congratulations on your baby boy, and welcome to the site. I hope you will heed the other's advice about not believing everything you read on the internet about CF. Most of it is like a horror film, and VERY outdated. You will only drive yourself crazy if you keep reading it all. Educating yourself is great, but do it with the correct information.

This site is amazing. This site is full of great information, and it's members offer much support to one another. The best thing that this site ever gave me though, was hope. When my son was diagnosed, I was of course devastated. I thought it meant for sure that I was going to lose him, and very soon. I was searching for anything that would change that. I came here, and I saw that there were grown adults with CF who were living very productive and exciting lives. They are no different from any other people, except they have to spend more time taking care of themselves than most people do.

Everyday, these people continue to prove the statistics wrong. I hope you give your son a chance to do that. We really will be here for you anytime you need us. Ask anything you want, and vent all you need to. Again, welcome.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>LouLou</b></i>

Congrats on your little peanut. Little boys are the best. It's a secret mommies of boys know :)

</end quote>

It's true! I know the secret. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

I also wanted to say congratulations on your baby boy, and welcome to the site. I hope you will heed the other's advice about not believing everything you read on the internet about CF. Most of it is like a horror film, and VERY outdated. You will only drive yourself crazy if you keep reading it all. Educating yourself is great, but do it with the correct information.

This site is amazing. This site is full of great information, and it's members offer much support to one another. The best thing that this site ever gave me though, was hope. When my son was diagnosed, I was of course devastated. I thought it meant for sure that I was going to lose him, and very soon. I was searching for anything that would change that. I came here, and I saw that there were grown adults with CF who were living very productive and exciting lives. They are no different from any other people, except they have to spend more time taking care of themselves than most people do.

Everyday, these people continue to prove the statistics wrong. I hope you give your son a chance to do that. We really will be here for you anytime you need us. Ask anything you want, and vent all you need to. Again, welcome.



New member
Hello Loulou,
Unfortunately we dont know what mutaion we have, i honestly didnt even know anything about mutation types until. We have to go see the DRs tomorrow and spk to them and see what info they have for us. I will make sure i ask about the mutations and will let you know as soon as i find out.



New member
Hello Loulou,
Unfortunately we dont know what mutaion we have, i honestly didnt even know anything about mutation types until. We have to go see the DRs tomorrow and spk to them and see what info they have for us. I will make sure i ask about the mutations and will let you know as soon as i find out.



New member
Hello Loulou,
Unfortunately we dont know what mutaion we have, i honestly didnt even know anything about mutation types until. We have to go see the DRs tomorrow and spk to them and see what info they have for us. I will make sure i ask about the mutations and will let you know as soon as i find out.



New member
Hello Loulou,
Unfortunately we dont know what mutaion we have, i honestly didnt even know anything about mutation types until. We have to go see the DRs tomorrow and spk to them and see what info they have for us. I will make sure i ask about the mutations and will let you know as soon as i find out.



New member
Hello Loulou,
Unfortunately we dont know what mutaion we have, i honestly didnt even know anything about mutation types until. We have to go see the DRs tomorrow and spk to them and see what info they have for us. I will make sure i ask about the mutations and will let you know as soon as i find out.



New member
Hey Peanut,

Welcome and congrats on your lil man. First thing I would say is that you should just decide what is best for you and your life. No one can tell you what is right. It is your body and your life so no one has the right to tell you how or what to do with it. It is a hard decision to make but God never gives us anything more that we can handle.
I am a mom of 4 girls, the youngest with CF and currently a nursing student as well and all I can say is that CF is, as most people have stated, a royal pain in the ass somedays but I would not give up this precious little stubborn angel for anything.
She was diagnosed at 2 weeks old following a meconium ileus removal. I am soooooooooooooooooooo glad we found out early enough to prevent as much damage as possible. She takes her neb treatments without a problem, swallows her enzymes whole and doesn't even mind her G-Tube anymore. As a matter of fact when she wants to go to bed now she asks to be "plugged in". She knows no other way of life so if you do have your little man, it would be the same instance for him too. They think that it is "normal" and I want her to live her life to the fullest


New member
Hey Peanut,

Welcome and congrats on your lil man. First thing I would say is that you should just decide what is best for you and your life. No one can tell you what is right. It is your body and your life so no one has the right to tell you how or what to do with it. It is a hard decision to make but God never gives us anything more that we can handle.
I am a mom of 4 girls, the youngest with CF and currently a nursing student as well and all I can say is that CF is, as most people have stated, a royal pain in the ass somedays but I would not give up this precious little stubborn angel for anything.
She was diagnosed at 2 weeks old following a meconium ileus removal. I am soooooooooooooooooooo glad we found out early enough to prevent as much damage as possible. She takes her neb treatments without a problem, swallows her enzymes whole and doesn't even mind her G-Tube anymore. As a matter of fact when she wants to go to bed now she asks to be "plugged in". She knows no other way of life so if you do have your little man, it would be the same instance for him too. They think that it is "normal" and I want her to live her life to the fullest


New member
Hey Peanut,

Welcome and congrats on your lil man. First thing I would say is that you should just decide what is best for you and your life. No one can tell you what is right. It is your body and your life so no one has the right to tell you how or what to do with it. It is a hard decision to make but God never gives us anything more that we can handle.
I am a mom of 4 girls, the youngest with CF and currently a nursing student as well and all I can say is that CF is, as most people have stated, a royal pain in the ass somedays but I would not give up this precious little stubborn angel for anything.
She was diagnosed at 2 weeks old following a meconium ileus removal. I am soooooooooooooooooooo glad we found out early enough to prevent as much damage as possible. She takes her neb treatments without a problem, swallows her enzymes whole and doesn't even mind her G-Tube anymore. As a matter of fact when she wants to go to bed now she asks to be "plugged in". She knows no other way of life so if you do have your little man, it would be the same instance for him too. They think that it is "normal" and I want her to live her life to the fullest


New member
Hey Peanut,

Welcome and congrats on your lil man. First thing I would say is that you should just decide what is best for you and your life. No one can tell you what is right. It is your body and your life so no one has the right to tell you how or what to do with it. It is a hard decision to make but God never gives us anything more that we can handle.
I am a mom of 4 girls, the youngest with CF and currently a nursing student as well and all I can say is that CF is, as most people have stated, a royal pain in the ass somedays but I would not give up this precious little stubborn angel for anything.
She was diagnosed at 2 weeks old following a meconium ileus removal. I am soooooooooooooooooooo glad we found out early enough to prevent as much damage as possible. She takes her neb treatments without a problem, swallows her enzymes whole and doesn't even mind her G-Tube anymore. As a matter of fact when she wants to go to bed now she asks to be "plugged in". She knows no other way of life so if you do have your little man, it would be the same instance for him too. They think that it is "normal" and I want her to live her life to the fullest


New member
Hey Peanut,

Welcome and congrats on your lil man. First thing I would say is that you should just decide what is best for you and your life. No one can tell you what is right. It is your body and your life so no one has the right to tell you how or what to do with it. It is a hard decision to make but God never gives us anything more that we can handle.
I am a mom of 4 girls, the youngest with CF and currently a nursing student as well and all I can say is that CF is, as most people have stated, a royal pain in the ass somedays but I would not give up this precious little stubborn angel for anything.
She was diagnosed at 2 weeks old following a meconium ileus removal. I am soooooooooooooooooooo glad we found out early enough to prevent as much damage as possible. She takes her neb treatments without a problem, swallows her enzymes whole and doesn't even mind her G-Tube anymore. As a matter of fact when she wants to go to bed now she asks to be "plugged in". She knows no other way of life so if you do have your little man, it would be the same instance for him too. They think that it is "normal" and I want her to live her life to the fullest


New member
I would just like to say that I have a 10 yr old boy with CF. He has been pretty healthy so far. He has had 4 sinus surgeries due to nasal polyps, but other wise no one would guess there is anything wrong with him. (this weekend he played a whole basketball game - he was awesome!!) I as SO thankful that I didn't know he had CF before he was born - I think that would have been way more stressful and I wouldn't have wanted to make the wrong decision! We love both our kids more than anything!! Do I wish he didn't have CF - Yes - but he does and we all deal with it. I don't let him get too down about it - I just tell him that doing his treatments will keep him healthy and some have it alot worse. Him and his sister are so close!

But I can relate to what you are going thru - for the last 5 years or so we have talked about having another kid - but not sure if we want to have another with CF. I know that some CF kids aren't as healthy as Tanner has been so I would hate to knowingly do that to another child. And don't be afraid to let all your emotions out - when he was diagnosed at 6 months old I cryed for 4 days and didn't come here to start learning til Tanner was almost 9 years old. Everyone has to deal with it in there own way! Our thoughts and prayers are with you no matter what you decide!!


New member
I would just like to say that I have a 10 yr old boy with CF. He has been pretty healthy so far. He has had 4 sinus surgeries due to nasal polyps, but other wise no one would guess there is anything wrong with him. (this weekend he played a whole basketball game - he was awesome!!) I as SO thankful that I didn't know he had CF before he was born - I think that would have been way more stressful and I wouldn't have wanted to make the wrong decision! We love both our kids more than anything!! Do I wish he didn't have CF - Yes - but he does and we all deal with it. I don't let him get too down about it - I just tell him that doing his treatments will keep him healthy and some have it alot worse. Him and his sister are so close!

But I can relate to what you are going thru - for the last 5 years or so we have talked about having another kid - but not sure if we want to have another with CF. I know that some CF kids aren't as healthy as Tanner has been so I would hate to knowingly do that to another child. And don't be afraid to let all your emotions out - when he was diagnosed at 6 months old I cryed for 4 days and didn't come here to start learning til Tanner was almost 9 years old. Everyone has to deal with it in there own way! Our thoughts and prayers are with you no matter what you decide!!


New member
I would just like to say that I have a 10 yr old boy with CF. He has been pretty healthy so far. He has had 4 sinus surgeries due to nasal polyps, but other wise no one would guess there is anything wrong with him. (this weekend he played a whole basketball game - he was awesome!!) I as SO thankful that I didn't know he had CF before he was born - I think that would have been way more stressful and I wouldn't have wanted to make the wrong decision! We love both our kids more than anything!! Do I wish he didn't have CF - Yes - but he does and we all deal with it. I don't let him get too down about it - I just tell him that doing his treatments will keep him healthy and some have it alot worse. Him and his sister are so close!

But I can relate to what you are going thru - for the last 5 years or so we have talked about having another kid - but not sure if we want to have another with CF. I know that some CF kids aren't as healthy as Tanner has been so I would hate to knowingly do that to another child. And don't be afraid to let all your emotions out - when he was diagnosed at 6 months old I cryed for 4 days and didn't come here to start learning til Tanner was almost 9 years old. Everyone has to deal with it in there own way! Our thoughts and prayers are with you no matter what you decide!!


New member
I would just like to say that I have a 10 yr old boy with CF. He has been pretty healthy so far. He has had 4 sinus surgeries due to nasal polyps, but other wise no one would guess there is anything wrong with him. (this weekend he played a whole basketball game - he was awesome!!) I as SO thankful that I didn't know he had CF before he was born - I think that would have been way more stressful and I wouldn't have wanted to make the wrong decision! We love both our kids more than anything!! Do I wish he didn't have CF - Yes - but he does and we all deal with it. I don't let him get too down about it - I just tell him that doing his treatments will keep him healthy and some have it alot worse. Him and his sister are so close!

But I can relate to what you are going thru - for the last 5 years or so we have talked about having another kid - but not sure if we want to have another with CF. I know that some CF kids aren't as healthy as Tanner has been so I would hate to knowingly do that to another child. And don't be afraid to let all your emotions out - when he was diagnosed at 6 months old I cryed for 4 days and didn't come here to start learning til Tanner was almost 9 years old. Everyone has to deal with it in there own way! Our thoughts and prayers are with you no matter what you decide!!


New member
I would just like to say that I have a 10 yr old boy with CF. He has been pretty healthy so far. He has had 4 sinus surgeries due to nasal polyps, but other wise no one would guess there is anything wrong with him. (this weekend he played a whole basketball game - he was awesome!!) I as SO thankful that I didn't know he had CF before he was born - I think that would have been way more stressful and I wouldn't have wanted to make the wrong decision! We love both our kids more than anything!! Do I wish he didn't have CF - Yes - but he does and we all deal with it. I don't let him get too down about it - I just tell him that doing his treatments will keep him healthy and some have it alot worse. Him and his sister are so close!

But I can relate to what you are going thru - for the last 5 years or so we have talked about having another kid - but not sure if we want to have another with CF. I know that some CF kids aren't as healthy as Tanner has been so I would hate to knowingly do that to another child. And don't be afraid to let all your emotions out - when he was diagnosed at 6 months old I cryed for 4 days and didn't come here to start learning til Tanner was almost 9 years old. Everyone has to deal with it in there own way! Our thoughts and prayers are with you no matter what you decide!!