
New member
I think this is a good question. We have two children, and they aren't school-age yet; but this got me thinking, are they not going to be able to attend the same school (they're only 19 months apart)? Should I email myself and politely explain the reasons why Wyatt shouldn't attend the same school as Sadie? Ok, I jest (and I am just joking and being silly, I know this is a serious matter, so I apologize in advance if anyone takes my goofiness as being mean or anything, it's not intended that way...sometimes we get a little too serious, I think).

I really haven't given this much thought though until I saw this thread. I always assumed that they would go to the same school. I would think that since there are many families with more than one child with CF living all together that it is possible for more than one child with CF to attend the same school, with necessary precautions. I would be interested to know how families with more than one child with CF handled schooling. Did you homeschool? Did everyone attend the same school? Private school? Did you "fight the power" and just say no to education? again, just joking! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Harriet, I love your are so level headed and thoughtful.


New member
I think this is a good question. We have two children, and they aren't school-age yet; but this got me thinking, are they not going to be able to attend the same school (they're only 19 months apart)? Should I email myself and politely explain the reasons why Wyatt shouldn't attend the same school as Sadie? Ok, I jest (and I am just joking and being silly, I know this is a serious matter, so I apologize in advance if anyone takes my goofiness as being mean or anything, it's not intended that way...sometimes we get a little too serious, I think).

I really haven't given this much thought though until I saw this thread. I always assumed that they would go to the same school. I would think that since there are many families with more than one child with CF living all together that it is possible for more than one child with CF to attend the same school, with necessary precautions. I would be interested to know how families with more than one child with CF handled schooling. Did you homeschool? Did everyone attend the same school? Private school? Did you "fight the power" and just say no to education? again, just joking! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Harriet, I love your are so level headed and thoughtful.


New member
I think this is a good question. We have two children, and they aren't school-age yet; but this got me thinking, are they not going to be able to attend the same school (they're only 19 months apart)? Should I email myself and politely explain the reasons why Wyatt shouldn't attend the same school as Sadie? Ok, I jest (and I am just joking and being silly, I know this is a serious matter, so I apologize in advance if anyone takes my goofiness as being mean or anything, it's not intended that way...sometimes we get a little too serious, I think).
<br />
<br />I really haven't given this much thought though until I saw this thread. I always assumed that they would go to the same school. I would think that since there are many families with more than one child with CF living all together that it is possible for more than one child with CF to attend the same school, with necessary precautions. I would be interested to know how families with more than one child with CF handled schooling. Did you homeschool? Did everyone attend the same school? Private school? Did you "fight the power" and just say no to education? again, just joking! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />PS
<br />Harriet, I love your are so level headed and thoughtful.


New member
Re. families with more than one child with cf... I wouldn't think there would be concerns at school regarding contact with each other aside from anything that is done already at home.

If they already eat at the same table and ride in the same car I wouldn't think coming into the nurses' office at the same time or being in the same classroom (if they are twins) is going to present a problem. I would think that it's exposure to OTHER kids with cf that would be the issue, where they would need the same contact precautions as any other child with cf- as they are colonized with different bugs etc.

eta> I know, even sibs in close proximity don't always colonize the same stuff... but this is an opportunity to avoid it. Sibs obviously cannot (and should not) avoid contact with each other but contact isn't necessary here.


New member
Re. families with more than one child with cf... I wouldn't think there would be concerns at school regarding contact with each other aside from anything that is done already at home.

If they already eat at the same table and ride in the same car I wouldn't think coming into the nurses' office at the same time or being in the same classroom (if they are twins) is going to present a problem. I would think that it's exposure to OTHER kids with cf that would be the issue, where they would need the same contact precautions as any other child with cf- as they are colonized with different bugs etc.

eta> I know, even sibs in close proximity don't always colonize the same stuff... but this is an opportunity to avoid it. Sibs obviously cannot (and should not) avoid contact with each other but contact isn't necessary here.


New member
Re. families with more than one child with cf... I wouldn't think there would be concerns at school regarding contact with each other aside from anything that is done already at home.
<br />
<br />If they already eat at the same table and ride in the same car I wouldn't think coming into the nurses' office at the same time or being in the same classroom (if they are twins) is going to present a problem. I would think that it's exposure to OTHER kids with cf that would be the issue, where they would need the same contact precautions as any other child with cf- as they are colonized with different bugs etc.
<br />
<br />eta> I know, even sibs in close proximity don't always colonize the same stuff... but this is an opportunity to avoid it. Sibs obviously cannot (and should not) avoid contact with each other but contact isn't necessary here.


When it comes to this issue, I think that having more than one child in your family with CF changes your perspective. If you've seen your kids with CF together and watch them culture different things without "contaminating" one another, its hard to get all worked up about the possibility of cross contamination with non-family CF patients.

But if you only have 1 CF patient and you've been drilled from your CF center regarding the "3 foot rule", it is easier to get worked up.

I've come to place of peace through getting to know the other CF family in our district. That doesn't change the issues though. Alyssa always cultures staph, the twins who will be in her school never have. One twin cultured pseudomonas, but the other never has. I think we'd all feel awful if anyone cultured something new after being in the same classroom together -- and so it is our job to find a way to make it work in everyone's best interest.


When it comes to this issue, I think that having more than one child in your family with CF changes your perspective. If you've seen your kids with CF together and watch them culture different things without "contaminating" one another, its hard to get all worked up about the possibility of cross contamination with non-family CF patients.

But if you only have 1 CF patient and you've been drilled from your CF center regarding the "3 foot rule", it is easier to get worked up.

I've come to place of peace through getting to know the other CF family in our district. That doesn't change the issues though. Alyssa always cultures staph, the twins who will be in her school never have. One twin cultured pseudomonas, but the other never has. I think we'd all feel awful if anyone cultured something new after being in the same classroom together -- and so it is our job to find a way to make it work in everyone's best interest.


When it comes to this issue, I think that having more than one child in your family with CF changes your perspective. If you've seen your kids with CF together and watch them culture different things without "contaminating" one another, its hard to get all worked up about the possibility of cross contamination with non-family CF patients.
<br />
<br />But if you only have 1 CF patient and you've been drilled from your CF center regarding the "3 foot rule", it is easier to get worked up.
<br />
<br />I've come to place of peace through getting to know the other CF family in our district. That doesn't change the issues though. Alyssa always cultures staph, the twins who will be in her school never have. One twin cultured pseudomonas, but the other never has. I think we'd all feel awful if anyone cultured something new after being in the same classroom together -- and so it is our job to find a way to make it work in everyone's best interest.


Sadies Mom -- you crack me up. I'd love to see the e-mail conversation you'd have with yourself. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


Sadies Mom -- you crack me up. I'd love to see the e-mail conversation you'd have with yourself. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


Sadies Mom -- you crack me up. I'd love to see the e-mail conversation you'd have with yourself. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I, when I first stumbled on the thread (was waiting for Harriett and Rata (Lisa?) and Heather to respond)).

As a cf'er, even I get "scared", like Heather said, when its drilled in your head over and over no contact, something as simple like that seems sooo scary.

But once you take a step back, and realize if the families and school and clinics all work together, things can be worked out. I grew up in a small town, the only one with CF (still the only one with CF). I remember the first time meeting another CF'er (I held my breath haha) but it was like that "connection"...

The truth is cross contamination is still a very confusing subject, how is it families with cf siblings dont always share bacteria? Regardless, there still should be precautions like how Great Strides is outside and the 3 ft rule.

My main thing, with my bugs, I myself want to avoid other cf'ers. If i gave something that i have to someone I would feel devasted.

Through the online cf community i have found 3 cf'ers that are around my age and have a FB and live in my city. And I know of a handlful of others from my old cf ped clinic (though i never heard of them being at the walk, my mom and fiance were my scouts b/c I dont go).

Anyways, I was happy to hear about them, one specifically went to my university! Is was so cool to hear about another cf'er talking about my town! And like the other said, it was nice to know someone was out there, relatively close that is going through what I do. I did worry about with campus buildings we used (b/c of me) but luckily we were on opposite sides of campus so a run in was unlikely but if it were to happen I would have yelled her name from waaay afar lol but no matter what I would have to say "Its me, Tabitha!" lol

Oh and my FAVORITE bar/pup (non-smoking) me and my friends go too, now has a bartender that has CF, I wasnt told of this until he had already been working there forever.... He doesnt have serious symptoms b/c he smokes apparently and is around 28 years old. I imagine he had mostly digestive issues b/c you can see he is skinny.

My fiance thinks I am being ridiculous b/c I dont get drinks if he is working b/c I dont want him to make them.. he says, "If he can smoke than he isnt going to give you anything" and I said, "Even so I dont want to give him my bugs." and he said, "Well, thats his fault for not taking care of himself and smoking and not doing treatments."

So there it is, two cf'ers in the same building... but like I said I make sure he doesnt make my drink if I get one, which I dont drink much anyways. I guess i am crazy for not knowing if he cultures anything... but I have some bad bugs, I just figure he doesnt have MRSA since he smokes and doesnt do ivs etc, so thats about the last one left for me to get...


New member
I, when I first stumbled on the thread (was waiting for Harriett and Rata (Lisa?) and Heather to respond)).

As a cf'er, even I get "scared", like Heather said, when its drilled in your head over and over no contact, something as simple like that seems sooo scary.

But once you take a step back, and realize if the families and school and clinics all work together, things can be worked out. I grew up in a small town, the only one with CF (still the only one with CF). I remember the first time meeting another CF'er (I held my breath haha) but it was like that "connection"...

The truth is cross contamination is still a very confusing subject, how is it families with cf siblings dont always share bacteria? Regardless, there still should be precautions like how Great Strides is outside and the 3 ft rule.

My main thing, with my bugs, I myself want to avoid other cf'ers. If i gave something that i have to someone I would feel devasted.

Through the online cf community i have found 3 cf'ers that are around my age and have a FB and live in my city. And I know of a handlful of others from my old cf ped clinic (though i never heard of them being at the walk, my mom and fiance were my scouts b/c I dont go).

Anyways, I was happy to hear about them, one specifically went to my university! Is was so cool to hear about another cf'er talking about my town! And like the other said, it was nice to know someone was out there, relatively close that is going through what I do. I did worry about with campus buildings we used (b/c of me) but luckily we were on opposite sides of campus so a run in was unlikely but if it were to happen I would have yelled her name from waaay afar lol but no matter what I would have to say "Its me, Tabitha!" lol

Oh and my FAVORITE bar/pup (non-smoking) me and my friends go too, now has a bartender that has CF, I wasnt told of this until he had already been working there forever.... He doesnt have serious symptoms b/c he smokes apparently and is around 28 years old. I imagine he had mostly digestive issues b/c you can see he is skinny.

My fiance thinks I am being ridiculous b/c I dont get drinks if he is working b/c I dont want him to make them.. he says, "If he can smoke than he isnt going to give you anything" and I said, "Even so I dont want to give him my bugs." and he said, "Well, thats his fault for not taking care of himself and smoking and not doing treatments."

So there it is, two cf'ers in the same building... but like I said I make sure he doesnt make my drink if I get one, which I dont drink much anyways. I guess i am crazy for not knowing if he cultures anything... but I have some bad bugs, I just figure he doesnt have MRSA since he smokes and doesnt do ivs etc, so thats about the last one left for me to get...


New member
I, when I first stumbled on the thread (was waiting for Harriett and Rata (Lisa?) and Heather to respond)).
<br />
<br />As a cf'er, even I get "scared", like Heather said, when its drilled in your head over and over no contact, something as simple like that seems sooo scary.
<br />
<br />But once you take a step back, and realize if the families and school and clinics all work together, things can be worked out. I grew up in a small town, the only one with CF (still the only one with CF). I remember the first time meeting another CF'er (I held my breath haha) but it was like that "connection"...
<br />
<br />The truth is cross contamination is still a very confusing subject, how is it families with cf siblings dont always share bacteria? Regardless, there still should be precautions like how Great Strides is outside and the 3 ft rule.
<br />
<br />My main thing, with my bugs, I myself want to avoid other cf'ers. If i gave something that i have to someone I would feel devasted.
<br />
<br />Through the online cf community i have found 3 cf'ers that are around my age and have a FB and live in my city. And I know of a handlful of others from my old cf ped clinic (though i never heard of them being at the walk, my mom and fiance were my scouts b/c I dont go).
<br />
<br />Anyways, I was happy to hear about them, one specifically went to my university! Is was so cool to hear about another cf'er talking about my town! And like the other said, it was nice to know someone was out there, relatively close that is going through what I do. I did worry about with campus buildings we used (b/c of me) but luckily we were on opposite sides of campus so a run in was unlikely but if it were to happen I would have yelled her name from waaay afar lol but no matter what I would have to say "Its me, Tabitha!" lol
<br />
<br />Oh and my FAVORITE bar/pup (non-smoking) me and my friends go too, now has a bartender that has CF, I wasnt told of this until he had already been working there forever.... He doesnt have serious symptoms b/c he smokes apparently and is around 28 years old. I imagine he had mostly digestive issues b/c you can see he is skinny.
<br />
<br />My fiance thinks I am being ridiculous b/c I dont get drinks if he is working b/c I dont want him to make them.. he says, "If he can smoke than he isnt going to give you anything" and I said, "Even so I dont want to give him my bugs." and he said, "Well, thats his fault for not taking care of himself and smoking and not doing treatments."
<br />
<br />So there it is, two cf'ers in the same building... but like I said I make sure he doesnt make my drink if I get one, which I dont drink much anyways. I guess i am crazy for not knowing if he cultures anything... but I have some bad bugs, I just figure he doesnt have MRSA since he smokes and doesnt do ivs etc, so thats about the last one left for me to get...
<br />
<br />


New member
We have that problem coming. There were two children on our STREET (about 1/4 quarter mile apart, if that) born within weeks of each other, both with CF, both with bowel issues at birth, both with NICU stays...

We're likely to send ours to private school because the schools here aren't very good anyways, but it's just another thing looming on the horizon.


New member
We have that problem coming. There were two children on our STREET (about 1/4 quarter mile apart, if that) born within weeks of each other, both with CF, both with bowel issues at birth, both with NICU stays...

We're likely to send ours to private school because the schools here aren't very good anyways, but it's just another thing looming on the horizon.


New member
We have that problem coming. There were two children on our STREET (about 1/4 quarter mile apart, if that) born within weeks of each other, both with CF, both with bowel issues at birth, both with NICU stays...
<br />
<br />We're likely to send ours to private school because the schools here aren't very good anyways, but it's just another thing looming on the horizon.


New member
We are dealing with this but on a different level. My daughter and another girl from the same CF clinic will be attending the same college in the fall, and pursing the same career, nursing. It is a small liberal arts school and they will be in the same classroom together for many classes. We will be working with the CF team and the other parents to come up with a plan, but I don't think either girl needs to pick a different school, they just can't room together, but they can be friends via skype, facebook and other media. It's called life and you have to learn how to deal with these things and move on. And, we have been in the same grade school with another CF'er, i only knew because i work with his grandma's friend, there were no issues, didn't even know his name. We had no problems.


New member
We are dealing with this but on a different level. My daughter and another girl from the same CF clinic will be attending the same college in the fall, and pursing the same career, nursing. It is a small liberal arts school and they will be in the same classroom together for many classes. We will be working with the CF team and the other parents to come up with a plan, but I don't think either girl needs to pick a different school, they just can't room together, but they can be friends via skype, facebook and other media. It's called life and you have to learn how to deal with these things and move on. And, we have been in the same grade school with another CF'er, i only knew because i work with his grandma's friend, there were no issues, didn't even know his name. We had no problems.