CF booty oil blowouts.


New member
True Story - I can laugh now, but I wanted to die at the time.
I was 19 years old, and I had just gotten a new car.(not NEW, but new to me) Anyway I had been dating this girl for about a month and I was at her house. Well I felt a dump coming on and you all know what the smell is like, so there was no way in hel l I was using the toilet at her house. So I said my goodbyes and headed home. Now I lived about 17 miles from her, but I could jump on the interstate and be home in 10 minutes. Well I made it about half way and I had to either fart to get some pressure off or I was thinking I would wreck. I was in pain. So I eased up and ripped one. Well it was none other that an underwear load of orange badness. Well, not wanting to ruin my new seats with smell and stain, I swerved over on the emergency lane and jumped out. Luckily I was wearing a pair of basketball shorts under my jeans so it hadn't made it through just yet. But the stain was forming and it STUNK. Well I had no idea what to do, it was about 35 degrees, and I had crapped my pants. I wasn't about to put them back on so I walked to the passenger side and took off my underwear, shorts and jeans and threw them off in the bushes. Now I am naked from the waist down and 7 miles from home. I ran and jumped back in, cranked up the heater and drove home bare-as sed. I prayed I wouldn't get pulled over. When I got home, I didn't think my mom and dad would like to see my business hangig out and I didn't feel like retelling the tale, so I called inside on my cell phone and had them go back to their bedroom. While they were there I bolted in the house and ran to my room. To this day my mom still doesn't know what I was doing. Hhahahahaha


New member
True Story - I can laugh now, but I wanted to die at the time.
I was 19 years old, and I had just gotten a new car.(not NEW, but new to me) Anyway I had been dating this girl for about a month and I was at her house. Well I felt a dump coming on and you all know what the smell is like, so there was no way in hel l I was using the toilet at her house. So I said my goodbyes and headed home. Now I lived about 17 miles from her, but I could jump on the interstate and be home in 10 minutes. Well I made it about half way and I had to either fart to get some pressure off or I was thinking I would wreck. I was in pain. So I eased up and ripped one. Well it was none other that an underwear load of orange badness. Well, not wanting to ruin my new seats with smell and stain, I swerved over on the emergency lane and jumped out. Luckily I was wearing a pair of basketball shorts under my jeans so it hadn't made it through just yet. But the stain was forming and it STUNK. Well I had no idea what to do, it was about 35 degrees, and I had crapped my pants. I wasn't about to put them back on so I walked to the passenger side and took off my underwear, shorts and jeans and threw them off in the bushes. Now I am naked from the waist down and 7 miles from home. I ran and jumped back in, cranked up the heater and drove home bare-as sed. I prayed I wouldn't get pulled over. When I got home, I didn't think my mom and dad would like to see my business hangig out and I didn't feel like retelling the tale, so I called inside on my cell phone and had them go back to their bedroom. While they were there I bolted in the house and ran to my room. To this day my mom still doesn't know what I was doing. Hhahahahaha


New member
I do not get oily stains however on occasion I get what is called Burning butt syndrome. BBS quite on the burning side but I did a little research and it does not mean too much. If you eat a lot and go alot this tends to happen. I am glad that I get bbs once in a blue moon

I think you guys are not taking enough enzymes that is why you are having the oil problems. I do not know why the doctors say to eat whatever you want etc... I do not understand there concept.

If you eat fried foods you are going to spit out fried foods and your butt will be fried too.



New member
I do not get oily stains however on occasion I get what is called Burning butt syndrome. BBS quite on the burning side but I did a little research and it does not mean too much. If you eat a lot and go alot this tends to happen. I am glad that I get bbs once in a blue moon

I think you guys are not taking enough enzymes that is why you are having the oil problems. I do not know why the doctors say to eat whatever you want etc... I do not understand there concept.

If you eat fried foods you are going to spit out fried foods and your butt will be fried too.



New member
I am laughing so hard im coughing!!! My oldest son always says it must be really funny if mommy is coughing. Deer meat always creates good greasies! Thanks Sean for the comic relief! Im always anxious to see what you come up with next......


New member
I am laughing so hard im coughing!!! My oldest son always says it must be really funny if mommy is coughing. Deer meat always creates good greasies! Thanks Sean for the comic relief! Im always anxious to see what you come up with next......


New member
I've had the burning butt syndrome quiet a few times, and I think that's sometimes worse then the orange oil. Sometimes it burns like a b*tch.


New member
I've had the burning butt syndrome quiet a few times, and I think that's sometimes worse then the orange oil. Sometimes it burns like a b*tch.


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<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">This seemed appropriate-video</a>


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<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">This seemed appropriate-video</a>


New member
omg, this is embarrassing stuff! i haven't had the blowout happen since i was a kid. but there is a story that has been burned into my brain. i must have been in my early teens. my dad and i were in the basement doing laundry, sorting clothes and throwing them into the washer. well i don't remember why but one of my pairs of "orange underware" was in the basket. i tried to discretly fold it up and toss it in the washer, but my dad saw. i was horrified! "is that blood?" he asked. "no." "then what is it?" "well, fart--kinda." that's all that was said. i was so embarrassed. it had honestly never occurred to me that this was cf-related though. it must have happened when i was younger, also though, because how else would the term "juicy fart" have come into our household??


New member
omg, this is embarrassing stuff! i haven't had the blowout happen since i was a kid. but there is a story that has been burned into my brain. i must have been in my early teens. my dad and i were in the basement doing laundry, sorting clothes and throwing them into the washer. well i don't remember why but one of my pairs of "orange underware" was in the basket. i tried to discretly fold it up and toss it in the washer, but my dad saw. i was horrified! "is that blood?" he asked. "no." "then what is it?" "well, fart--kinda." that's all that was said. i was so embarrassed. it had honestly never occurred to me that this was cf-related though. it must have happened when i was younger, also though, because how else would the term "juicy fart" have come into our household??


New member
I wasnt dx until I was & it caused a lot of problems in school. When I was in Kindergarden we use to have nap time & slept on these cots. Well one time after spending tons of time in the bathroom, I laid down for my nap & thought I had a fart. It soaked thru everything including leaving a oil spot on the cot. I had such a horrible experience that year.


New member
I wasnt dx until I was & it caused a lot of problems in school. When I was in Kindergarden we use to have nap time & slept on these cots. Well one time after spending tons of time in the bathroom, I laid down for my nap & thought I had a fart. It soaked thru everything including leaving a oil spot on the cot. I had such a horrible experience that year.


New member
Jeez Louise,
Whenever David gives me this look, and says " I think I just crapped my pants!", I think he is just joking, but after reading this and asking him, he said that is exactly what it is like. But he makes it so humerous that I just can't help but laugh. I don't have cf, so I don't know how "crappy" it probably feels, but I am a woman, and I do have a period, and enough gross things happen with that. So it is nice to know that he is not alone when it comes to the orange ring. Poor Fella.


New member
Jeez Louise,
Whenever David gives me this look, and says " I think I just crapped my pants!", I think he is just joking, but after reading this and asking him, he said that is exactly what it is like. But he makes it so humerous that I just can't help but laugh. I don't have cf, so I don't know how "crappy" it probably feels, but I am a woman, and I do have a period, and enough gross things happen with that. So it is nice to know that he is not alone when it comes to the orange ring. Poor Fella.