I knew as soon as I saw the title what it was going to be about!! Leave it to SeanDavis to start it..Ok, Sean, I give you credit for this! I couldn't figure out how to "candy coat" this topic, but you were able to put some "pizaz" in the "blowouts"! (haha)<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
I must've spent years having to wash, or toss yellow (or orange shaded) underwear out...til a few years ago, when I had no way to change my underwear if it happened at work!! I had some very close calls then, ran to the bathroom (hoping it was available, cause there was only one toilet for one floor with 20 odd people working there), for a quick check! From that lesson, I had to learn when I had a "safe fart" coming on, or not! If the previous meal was too much in the greasy area, didn't expect there was gonna be any "safe farts" for the next day!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">
I can sort of relate to EB24's dillema, however, I had one of my own...it was when I was working for a Pizzerria, I had nothing but pizza to eat on a daily basis, and the gas made from the cheese had a bit of a long enduring scent, that was building up in my car! One time, I went to pick up some "friends" at the time, and as one got in, he goes, "who dealt one??", and I turned red! As I tried to "air out" the car after that incident, I swore to never let anymore go, unless it was "life or death"! It started when my first brand new car was an 89 Dodge Daytona ES, and even my new "Precious Suzuki" isn't exposed to that kind of "wear and tear" (I don't think it's under warranty,anyway!) anymore. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">
BTW, an idea for getting rich was in relation to solving the "gas" crisis. IF cars could run on methane, than we could be making millions on bottling our farts for the automotive industry!!<img src="i/expressions/gas.gif" border="0">
(this took me a while to decide whether this embarrasing spool was worth replying to!!)