Depression and Cystic Fibrosis


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>jdprecious</b></i>

i dont think i have depression.... but i do have serious anxiety... more like a constant worry
im not sleeping well (here most nights and early mornings reading all i can), and not eating, kinda withdrawing from my hubby and newborn, dont want to show affection to anyone but Jae. it is weird, i feel like some sort of understanding has snapped in me and ever since cf camp 3 weeks ago all these bad things are going to happen... i have to say my ignorance really was bliss...
my mom is pushing me to go to the doc to get on some sort of med but i am hoping my anxieties and fears will quiten down once i understand and come to terms with all ive learned in these past few weeks...</end quote></div>

I have never used prescribed meds, but a friend of mine used them for awhile when her son was going thru hell in his life. She was not "depressed", but her life was full of anxiety and it just sucked her coping skills right out of her.

She said the meds just helped her cope better during that time. She didnt need to stay on them indefinitely (although some with more severe issues would) and was grateful for finally seeking help.

You have a lot going on and I think that if nothing else consulting with someone would be a huge benefit to you AND your family! HUGS....


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>jdprecious</b></i>

i dont think i have depression.... but i do have serious anxiety... more like a constant worry
im not sleeping well (here most nights and early mornings reading all i can), and not eating, kinda withdrawing from my hubby and newborn, dont want to show affection to anyone but Jae. it is weird, i feel like some sort of understanding has snapped in me and ever since cf camp 3 weeks ago all these bad things are going to happen... i have to say my ignorance really was bliss...
my mom is pushing me to go to the doc to get on some sort of med but i am hoping my anxieties and fears will quiten down once i understand and come to terms with all ive learned in these past few weeks...</end quote></div>

I have never used prescribed meds, but a friend of mine used them for awhile when her son was going thru hell in his life. She was not "depressed", but her life was full of anxiety and it just sucked her coping skills right out of her.

She said the meds just helped her cope better during that time. She didnt need to stay on them indefinitely (although some with more severe issues would) and was grateful for finally seeking help.

You have a lot going on and I think that if nothing else consulting with someone would be a huge benefit to you AND your family! HUGS....


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>jdprecious</b></i>

i dont think i have depression.... but i do have serious anxiety... more like a constant worry
im not sleeping well (here most nights and early mornings reading all i can), and not eating, kinda withdrawing from my hubby and newborn, dont want to show affection to anyone but Jae. it is weird, i feel like some sort of understanding has snapped in me and ever since cf camp 3 weeks ago all these bad things are going to happen... i have to say my ignorance really was bliss...
my mom is pushing me to go to the doc to get on some sort of med but i am hoping my anxieties and fears will quiten down once i understand and come to terms with all ive learned in these past few weeks...</end quote></div>

I have never used prescribed meds, but a friend of mine used them for awhile when her son was going thru hell in his life. She was not "depressed", but her life was full of anxiety and it just sucked her coping skills right out of her.

She said the meds just helped her cope better during that time. She didnt need to stay on them indefinitely (although some with more severe issues would) and was grateful for finally seeking help.

You have a lot going on and I think that if nothing else consulting with someone would be a huge benefit to you AND your family! HUGS....


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>jdprecious</b></i>

i dont think i have depression.... but i do have serious anxiety... more like a constant worry
im not sleeping well (here most nights and early mornings reading all i can), and not eating, kinda withdrawing from my hubby and newborn, dont want to show affection to anyone but Jae. it is weird, i feel like some sort of understanding has snapped in me and ever since cf camp 3 weeks ago all these bad things are going to happen... i have to say my ignorance really was bliss...
my mom is pushing me to go to the doc to get on some sort of med but i am hoping my anxieties and fears will quiten down once i understand and come to terms with all ive learned in these past few weeks...</end quote></div>

I have never used prescribed meds, but a friend of mine used them for awhile when her son was going thru hell in his life. She was not "depressed", but her life was full of anxiety and it just sucked her coping skills right out of her.

She said the meds just helped her cope better during that time. She didnt need to stay on them indefinitely (although some with more severe issues would) and was grateful for finally seeking help.

You have a lot going on and I think that if nothing else consulting with someone would be a huge benefit to you AND your family! HUGS....


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>jdprecious</b></i>

i dont think i have depression.... but i do have serious anxiety... more like a constant worry
im not sleeping well (here most nights and early mornings reading all i can), and not eating, kinda withdrawing from my hubby and newborn, dont want to show affection to anyone but Jae. it is weird, i feel like some sort of understanding has snapped in me and ever since cf camp 3 weeks ago all these bad things are going to happen... i have to say my ignorance really was bliss...
my mom is pushing me to go to the doc to get on some sort of med but i am hoping my anxieties and fears will quiten down once i understand and come to terms with all ive learned in these past few weeks...</end quote>

I have never used prescribed meds, but a friend of mine used them for awhile when her son was going thru hell in his life. She was not "depressed", but her life was full of anxiety and it just sucked her coping skills right out of her.

She said the meds just helped her cope better during that time. She didnt need to stay on them indefinitely (although some with more severe issues would) and was grateful for finally seeking help.

You have a lot going on and I think that if nothing else consulting with someone would be a huge benefit to you AND your family! HUGS....


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>jdprecious</b></i>

i dont think i have depression.... but i do have serious anxiety... more like a constant worry
im not sleeping well (here most nights and early mornings reading all i can), and not eating, kinda withdrawing from my hubby and newborn, dont want to show affection to anyone but Jae. it is weird, i feel like some sort of understanding has snapped in me and ever since cf camp 3 weeks ago all these bad things are going to happen... i have to say my ignorance really was bliss...
my mom is pushing me to go to the doc to get on some sort of med but i am hoping my anxieties and fears will quiten down once i understand and come to terms with all ive learned in these past few weeks...</end quote>

I have never used prescribed meds, but a friend of mine used them for awhile when her son was going thru hell in his life. She was not "depressed", but her life was full of anxiety and it just sucked her coping skills right out of her.

She said the meds just helped her cope better during that time. She didnt need to stay on them indefinitely (although some with more severe issues would) and was grateful for finally seeking help.

You have a lot going on and I think that if nothing else consulting with someone would be a huge benefit to you AND your family! HUGS....


New member
my 17yr daughter struggles with daily severe depression bought on by stresses due to cf- health problems, constant iv therapies, home nursing 7 hrs/day leaves her extremely isolated. -------------- ----- Cf has contributed to her hiding from the world- she grew up embarrassed that she had cf. She tried her best to keep her secret from the small school she went to. But the more secretive she was the more kids talked and rejected her. As her mom, i tried to convince her to accept who God made her to be with cf and all. There had to be a reason I'd tell her. --------------She always limits herself to become close to one or two people and time after time they get caught up in their 'fun' busy lives and she gets left behind because she cant keep up. -- ------------- Now that she's older her limited friends are into the partying scene -drinking , pot, cigs, and because she is so desparate to fit in she tried all of these things. SELF-MEDICATING she began to love the escape these substances gave her. Wanting to constantly party. Meanwhile her dad, brother and I are flipping out! Ever since she was diagnosed at the age of 5mos we have lived every day of our lives making sacrifices to fight for her health and very survival -------------- As crazy as this sounds as I was partially happy that at least she was experiencing normal teenage stuff. She got her first boyfriend in february and for a brief time she was happy, but we were all worried about what she was doing to her body. --------------- SHE IS MRSA + AND HAS SEVERE DAMGE IN BOTH UPPER LOBES EXTREME BRONCHIECTISIS THROUGHOUT ALL LOBES. SHE IS ON CONSTANT ANTIBIOTICS, ORAL 2 WKS, IV THREE WEEKS, TREATMENT 4-5 DAY, DIABETES, FEEDING TUBE,NIGHTIME DRIP, DUE TO THIS DIFFICULT SCHEDULE SHE HAS A HOME NURSE TO HELP WITH CARE. ------------------In the movie STEEL MAGNOLIAS there was a line that julia roberts character said to her mom about having a baby knowing that it could shorten her own life due to severe diabetes, "I would rather have one day of wonderful than a life full of empty nothing." I thought maybe at least she was finding some happiness, when I would tell her she neede to get out of this partying nonsense because it would most definetly shorten her life she said I was being selfish. ------------------Next chapter: she takes pills,pot and alcohol all at once makes a mistake and cheats on her boyfriend which causes major problems for their already dysfunctional relationship. She cuts her wrists to punish herself for hurting boyfreind, which leads me to look for in-patient psych treatment . -----------------The complexity of her cf care we can not find a medical facility to handle her needs. We tried dallas childrens hospital -MAJOR NIGHTMARE she was in a unit with 90% eating disorder kids, no one there for her to identify with. She was discharged from ther after three days because she began to have a flare up and they freaked out because of the MRSA- which is so annoying because she need the protection from others germs more than them getting what she has. ---------------Which brings up a point about cross contamination-this issue has lead to making cf people even more isolated than many other chronically ill populations. It would be so wonderful for haley to have a relationship with someone with cf, sharing the commonalities of being sick, social problems.etc. Just having friends that could truly identify with what you were going through. They would understand the importance of being there for you when you were down. -------------- Party people are only there for the good times. Haley is finding this out the hard way. Thank God she has seen that drugs and alcohol are self-destructive, by her refusing this lifestyle she has lost her so-called friends. ---------------- She broke up with her problematic boyfriend who was also her best friend and that is causing the most severe depression she has ever experienced. She feels completely empty and lost and is terrifid that she will never find another guy that accepts her with all of her medical problems and bodily gadgets. This has been the most emotionally challenging time for me. ------------- I've learned to handle the physical problems of cf, fighting day to day, but when Haley is so heartbroken and hopeless I feel hopeless as well. -------------This is a long sad story and we are in the midst of a very depressing time. The depression seems to be making her body weaker and she has been having more problems breathing which has landed her back in the hospital on ivs just after getting off and out from the last hospitalization just 3 weeks ago. --------------Her doctors are arranging for her to be seen by the transplant docs in houston, just one more difficult thing to deal with. I"ll have to admit it is difficult sometimes to stay positive and hopeful. I just keep thinking "life sucks then you die." How terrible is that? -------------If anyone has any suggestions for us to find our way out of this rut they would be greatly appreciated. ---------------This reply is to share with you a story that you were not alone in your depression and I'm sure any one suffering with a chronic illness of any kind has similar experiences. --------------What can we do to alert the medical community that these issues are not being addressed. Sure psych docs can prescribe pills but we need resources to help cf families cope with the depression and help us find solutions to make the quality of life better for those fighting the daily battles fof this destructive disease. We need to find a reason to want to survive.


New member
my 17yr daughter struggles with daily severe depression bought on by stresses due to cf- health problems, constant iv therapies, home nursing 7 hrs/day leaves her extremely isolated. -------------- ----- Cf has contributed to her hiding from the world- she grew up embarrassed that she had cf. She tried her best to keep her secret from the small school she went to. But the more secretive she was the more kids talked and rejected her. As her mom, i tried to convince her to accept who God made her to be with cf and all. There had to be a reason I'd tell her. --------------She always limits herself to become close to one or two people and time after time they get caught up in their 'fun' busy lives and she gets left behind because she cant keep up. -- ------------- Now that she's older her limited friends are into the partying scene -drinking , pot, cigs, and because she is so desparate to fit in she tried all of these things. SELF-MEDICATING she began to love the escape these substances gave her. Wanting to constantly party. Meanwhile her dad, brother and I are flipping out! Ever since she was diagnosed at the age of 5mos we have lived every day of our lives making sacrifices to fight for her health and very survival -------------- As crazy as this sounds as I was partially happy that at least she was experiencing normal teenage stuff. She got her first boyfriend in february and for a brief time she was happy, but we were all worried about what she was doing to her body. --------------- SHE IS MRSA + AND HAS SEVERE DAMGE IN BOTH UPPER LOBES EXTREME BRONCHIECTISIS THROUGHOUT ALL LOBES. SHE IS ON CONSTANT ANTIBIOTICS, ORAL 2 WKS, IV THREE WEEKS, TREATMENT 4-5 DAY, DIABETES, FEEDING TUBE,NIGHTIME DRIP, DUE TO THIS DIFFICULT SCHEDULE SHE HAS A HOME NURSE TO HELP WITH CARE. ------------------In the movie STEEL MAGNOLIAS there was a line that julia roberts character said to her mom about having a baby knowing that it could shorten her own life due to severe diabetes, "I would rather have one day of wonderful than a life full of empty nothing." I thought maybe at least she was finding some happiness, when I would tell her she neede to get out of this partying nonsense because it would most definetly shorten her life she said I was being selfish. ------------------Next chapter: she takes pills,pot and alcohol all at once makes a mistake and cheats on her boyfriend which causes major problems for their already dysfunctional relationship. She cuts her wrists to punish herself for hurting boyfreind, which leads me to look for in-patient psych treatment . -----------------The complexity of her cf care we can not find a medical facility to handle her needs. We tried dallas childrens hospital -MAJOR NIGHTMARE she was in a unit with 90% eating disorder kids, no one there for her to identify with. She was discharged from ther after three days because she began to have a flare up and they freaked out because of the MRSA- which is so annoying because she need the protection from others germs more than them getting what she has. ---------------Which brings up a point about cross contamination-this issue has lead to making cf people even more isolated than many other chronically ill populations. It would be so wonderful for haley to have a relationship with someone with cf, sharing the commonalities of being sick, social problems.etc. Just having friends that could truly identify with what you were going through. They would understand the importance of being there for you when you were down. -------------- Party people are only there for the good times. Haley is finding this out the hard way. Thank God she has seen that drugs and alcohol are self-destructive, by her refusing this lifestyle she has lost her so-called friends. ---------------- She broke up with her problematic boyfriend who was also her best friend and that is causing the most severe depression she has ever experienced. She feels completely empty and lost and is terrifid that she will never find another guy that accepts her with all of her medical problems and bodily gadgets. This has been the most emotionally challenging time for me. ------------- I've learned to handle the physical problems of cf, fighting day to day, but when Haley is so heartbroken and hopeless I feel hopeless as well. -------------This is a long sad story and we are in the midst of a very depressing time. The depression seems to be making her body weaker and she has been having more problems breathing which has landed her back in the hospital on ivs just after getting off and out from the last hospitalization just 3 weeks ago. --------------Her doctors are arranging for her to be seen by the transplant docs in houston, just one more difficult thing to deal with. I"ll have to admit it is difficult sometimes to stay positive and hopeful. I just keep thinking "life sucks then you die." How terrible is that? -------------If anyone has any suggestions for us to find our way out of this rut they would be greatly appreciated. ---------------This reply is to share with you a story that you were not alone in your depression and I'm sure any one suffering with a chronic illness of any kind has similar experiences. --------------What can we do to alert the medical community that these issues are not being addressed. Sure psych docs can prescribe pills but we need resources to help cf families cope with the depression and help us find solutions to make the quality of life better for those fighting the daily battles fof this destructive disease. We need to find a reason to want to survive.


New member
my 17yr daughter struggles with daily severe depression bought on by stresses due to cf- health problems, constant iv therapies, home nursing 7 hrs/day leaves her extremely isolated. -------------- ----- Cf has contributed to her hiding from the world- she grew up embarrassed that she had cf. She tried her best to keep her secret from the small school she went to. But the more secretive she was the more kids talked and rejected her. As her mom, i tried to convince her to accept who God made her to be with cf and all. There had to be a reason I'd tell her. --------------She always limits herself to become close to one or two people and time after time they get caught up in their 'fun' busy lives and she gets left behind because she cant keep up. -- ------------- Now that she's older her limited friends are into the partying scene -drinking , pot, cigs, and because she is so desparate to fit in she tried all of these things. SELF-MEDICATING she began to love the escape these substances gave her. Wanting to constantly party. Meanwhile her dad, brother and I are flipping out! Ever since she was diagnosed at the age of 5mos we have lived every day of our lives making sacrifices to fight for her health and very survival -------------- As crazy as this sounds as I was partially happy that at least she was experiencing normal teenage stuff. She got her first boyfriend in february and for a brief time she was happy, but we were all worried about what she was doing to her body. --------------- SHE IS MRSA + AND HAS SEVERE DAMGE IN BOTH UPPER LOBES EXTREME BRONCHIECTISIS THROUGHOUT ALL LOBES. SHE IS ON CONSTANT ANTIBIOTICS, ORAL 2 WKS, IV THREE WEEKS, TREATMENT 4-5 DAY, DIABETES, FEEDING TUBE,NIGHTIME DRIP, DUE TO THIS DIFFICULT SCHEDULE SHE HAS A HOME NURSE TO HELP WITH CARE. ------------------In the movie STEEL MAGNOLIAS there was a line that julia roberts character said to her mom about having a baby knowing that it could shorten her own life due to severe diabetes, "I would rather have one day of wonderful than a life full of empty nothing." I thought maybe at least she was finding some happiness, when I would tell her she neede to get out of this partying nonsense because it would most definetly shorten her life she said I was being selfish. ------------------Next chapter: she takes pills,pot and alcohol all at once makes a mistake and cheats on her boyfriend which causes major problems for their already dysfunctional relationship. She cuts her wrists to punish herself for hurting boyfreind, which leads me to look for in-patient psych treatment . -----------------The complexity of her cf care we can not find a medical facility to handle her needs. We tried dallas childrens hospital -MAJOR NIGHTMARE she was in a unit with 90% eating disorder kids, no one there for her to identify with. She was discharged from ther after three days because she began to have a flare up and they freaked out because of the MRSA- which is so annoying because she need the protection from others germs more than them getting what she has. ---------------Which brings up a point about cross contamination-this issue has lead to making cf people even more isolated than many other chronically ill populations. It would be so wonderful for haley to have a relationship with someone with cf, sharing the commonalities of being sick, social problems.etc. Just having friends that could truly identify with what you were going through. They would understand the importance of being there for you when you were down. -------------- Party people are only there for the good times. Haley is finding this out the hard way. Thank God she has seen that drugs and alcohol are self-destructive, by her refusing this lifestyle she has lost her so-called friends. ---------------- She broke up with her problematic boyfriend who was also her best friend and that is causing the most severe depression she has ever experienced. She feels completely empty and lost and is terrifid that she will never find another guy that accepts her with all of her medical problems and bodily gadgets. This has been the most emotionally challenging time for me. ------------- I've learned to handle the physical problems of cf, fighting day to day, but when Haley is so heartbroken and hopeless I feel hopeless as well. -------------This is a long sad story and we are in the midst of a very depressing time. The depression seems to be making her body weaker and she has been having more problems breathing which has landed her back in the hospital on ivs just after getting off and out from the last hospitalization just 3 weeks ago. --------------Her doctors are arranging for her to be seen by the transplant docs in houston, just one more difficult thing to deal with. I"ll have to admit it is difficult sometimes to stay positive and hopeful. I just keep thinking "life sucks then you die." How terrible is that? -------------If anyone has any suggestions for us to find our way out of this rut they would be greatly appreciated. ---------------This reply is to share with you a story that you were not alone in your depression and I'm sure any one suffering with a chronic illness of any kind has similar experiences. --------------What can we do to alert the medical community that these issues are not being addressed. Sure psych docs can prescribe pills but we need resources to help cf families cope with the depression and help us find solutions to make the quality of life better for those fighting the daily battles fof this destructive disease. We need to find a reason to want to survive.


New member
my 17yr daughter struggles with daily severe depression bought on by stresses due to cf- health problems, constant iv therapies, home nursing 7 hrs/day leaves her extremely isolated. -------------- ----- Cf has contributed to her hiding from the world- she grew up embarrassed that she had cf. She tried her best to keep her secret from the small school she went to. But the more secretive she was the more kids talked and rejected her. As her mom, i tried to convince her to accept who God made her to be with cf and all. There had to be a reason I'd tell her. --------------She always limits herself to become close to one or two people and time after time they get caught up in their 'fun' busy lives and she gets left behind because she cant keep up. -- ------------- Now that she's older her limited friends are into the partying scene -drinking , pot, cigs, and because she is so desparate to fit in she tried all of these things. SELF-MEDICATING she began to love the escape these substances gave her. Wanting to constantly party. Meanwhile her dad, brother and I are flipping out! Ever since she was diagnosed at the age of 5mos we have lived every day of our lives making sacrifices to fight for her health and very survival -------------- As crazy as this sounds as I was partially happy that at least she was experiencing normal teenage stuff. She got her first boyfriend in february and for a brief time she was happy, but we were all worried about what she was doing to her body. --------------- SHE IS MRSA + AND HAS SEVERE DAMGE IN BOTH UPPER LOBES EXTREME BRONCHIECTISIS THROUGHOUT ALL LOBES. SHE IS ON CONSTANT ANTIBIOTICS, ORAL 2 WKS, IV THREE WEEKS, TREATMENT 4-5 DAY, DIABETES, FEEDING TUBE,NIGHTIME DRIP, DUE TO THIS DIFFICULT SCHEDULE SHE HAS A HOME NURSE TO HELP WITH CARE. ------------------In the movie STEEL MAGNOLIAS there was a line that julia roberts character said to her mom about having a baby knowing that it could shorten her own life due to severe diabetes, "I would rather have one day of wonderful than a life full of empty nothing." I thought maybe at least she was finding some happiness, when I would tell her she neede to get out of this partying nonsense because it would most definetly shorten her life she said I was being selfish. ------------------Next chapter: she takes pills,pot and alcohol all at once makes a mistake and cheats on her boyfriend which causes major problems for their already dysfunctional relationship. She cuts her wrists to punish herself for hurting boyfreind, which leads me to look for in-patient psych treatment . -----------------The complexity of her cf care we can not find a medical facility to handle her needs. We tried dallas childrens hospital -MAJOR NIGHTMARE she was in a unit with 90% eating disorder kids, no one there for her to identify with. She was discharged from ther after three days because she began to have a flare up and they freaked out because of the MRSA- which is so annoying because she need the protection from others germs more than them getting what she has. ---------------Which brings up a point about cross contamination-this issue has lead to making cf people even more isolated than many other chronically ill populations. It would be so wonderful for haley to have a relationship with someone with cf, sharing the commonalities of being sick, social problems.etc. Just having friends that could truly identify with what you were going through. They would understand the importance of being there for you when you were down. -------------- Party people are only there for the good times. Haley is finding this out the hard way. Thank God she has seen that drugs and alcohol are self-destructive, by her refusing this lifestyle she has lost her so-called friends. ---------------- She broke up with her problematic boyfriend who was also her best friend and that is causing the most severe depression she has ever experienced. She feels completely empty and lost and is terrifid that she will never find another guy that accepts her with all of her medical problems and bodily gadgets. This has been the most emotionally challenging time for me. ------------- I've learned to handle the physical problems of cf, fighting day to day, but when Haley is so heartbroken and hopeless I feel hopeless as well. -------------This is a long sad story and we are in the midst of a very depressing time. The depression seems to be making her body weaker and she has been having more problems breathing which has landed her back in the hospital on ivs just after getting off and out from the last hospitalization just 3 weeks ago. --------------Her doctors are arranging for her to be seen by the transplant docs in houston, just one more difficult thing to deal with. I"ll have to admit it is difficult sometimes to stay positive and hopeful. I just keep thinking "life sucks then you die." How terrible is that? -------------If anyone has any suggestions for us to find our way out of this rut they would be greatly appreciated. ---------------This reply is to share with you a story that you were not alone in your depression and I'm sure any one suffering with a chronic illness of any kind has similar experiences. --------------What can we do to alert the medical community that these issues are not being addressed. Sure psych docs can prescribe pills but we need resources to help cf families cope with the depression and help us find solutions to make the quality of life better for those fighting the daily battles fof this destructive disease. We need to find a reason to want to survive.


New member
my 17yr daughter struggles with daily severe depression bought on by stresses due to cf- health problems, constant iv therapies, home nursing 7 hrs/day leaves her extremely isolated. -------------- ----- Cf has contributed to her hiding from the world- she grew up embarrassed that she had cf. She tried her best to keep her secret from the small school she went to. But the more secretive she was the more kids talked and rejected her. As her mom, i tried to convince her to accept who God made her to be with cf and all. There had to be a reason I'd tell her. --------------She always limits herself to become close to one or two people and time after time they get caught up in their 'fun' busy lives and she gets left behind because she cant keep up. -- ------------- Now that she's older her limited friends are into the partying scene -drinking , pot, cigs, and because she is so desparate to fit in she tried all of these things. SELF-MEDICATING she began to love the escape these substances gave her. Wanting to constantly party. Meanwhile her dad, brother and I are flipping out! Ever since she was diagnosed at the age of 5mos we have lived every day of our lives making sacrifices to fight for her health and very survival -------------- As crazy as this sounds as I was partially happy that at least she was experiencing normal teenage stuff. She got her first boyfriend in february and for a brief time she was happy, but we were all worried about what she was doing to her body. --------------- SHE IS MRSA + AND HAS SEVERE DAMGE IN BOTH UPPER LOBES EXTREME BRONCHIECTISIS THROUGHOUT ALL LOBES. SHE IS ON CONSTANT ANTIBIOTICS, ORAL 2 WKS, IV THREE WEEKS, TREATMENT 4-5 DAY, DIABETES, FEEDING TUBE,NIGHTIME DRIP, DUE TO THIS DIFFICULT SCHEDULE SHE HAS A HOME NURSE TO HELP WITH CARE. ------------------In the movie STEEL MAGNOLIAS there was a line that julia roberts character said to her mom about having a baby knowing that it could shorten her own life due to severe diabetes, "I would rather have one day of wonderful than a life full of empty nothing." I thought maybe at least she was finding some happiness, when I would tell her she neede to get out of this partying nonsense because it would most definetly shorten her life she said I was being selfish. ------------------Next chapter: she takes pills,pot and alcohol all at once makes a mistake and cheats on her boyfriend which causes major problems for their already dysfunctional relationship. She cuts her wrists to punish herself for hurting boyfreind, which leads me to look for in-patient psych treatment . -----------------The complexity of her cf care we can not find a medical facility to handle her needs. We tried dallas childrens hospital -MAJOR NIGHTMARE she was in a unit with 90% eating disorder kids, no one there for her to identify with. She was discharged from ther after three days because she began to have a flare up and they freaked out because of the MRSA- which is so annoying because she need the protection from others germs more than them getting what she has. ---------------Which brings up a point about cross contamination-this issue has lead to making cf people even more isolated than many other chronically ill populations. It would be so wonderful for haley to have a relationship with someone with cf, sharing the commonalities of being sick, social problems.etc. Just having friends that could truly identify with what you were going through. They would understand the importance of being there for you when you were down. -------------- Party people are only there for the good times. Haley is finding this out the hard way. Thank God she has seen that drugs and alcohol are self-destructive, by her refusing this lifestyle she has lost her so-called friends. ---------------- She broke up with her problematic boyfriend who was also her best friend and that is causing the most severe depression she has ever experienced. She feels completely empty and lost and is terrifid that she will never find another guy that accepts her with all of her medical problems and bodily gadgets. This has been the most emotionally challenging time for me. ------------- I've learned to handle the physical problems of cf, fighting day to day, but when Haley is so heartbroken and hopeless I feel hopeless as well. -------------This is a long sad story and we are in the midst of a very depressing time. The depression seems to be making her body weaker and she has been having more problems breathing which has landed her back in the hospital on ivs just after getting off and out from the last hospitalization just 3 weeks ago. --------------Her doctors are arranging for her to be seen by the transplant docs in houston, just one more difficult thing to deal with. I"ll have to admit it is difficult sometimes to stay positive and hopeful. I just keep thinking "life sucks then you die." How terrible is that? -------------If anyone has any suggestions for us to find our way out of this rut they would be greatly appreciated. ---------------This reply is to share with you a story that you were not alone in your depression and I'm sure any one suffering with a chronic illness of any kind has similar experiences. --------------What can we do to alert the medical community that these issues are not being addressed. Sure psych docs can prescribe pills but we need resources to help cf families cope with the depression and help us find solutions to make the quality of life better for those fighting the daily battles fof this destructive disease. We need to find a reason to want to survive.


New member
my 17yr daughter struggles with daily severe depression bought on by stresses due to cf- health problems, constant iv therapies, home nursing 7 hrs/day leaves her extremely isolated. -------------- ----- Cf has contributed to her hiding from the world- she grew up embarrassed that she had cf. She tried her best to keep her secret from the small school she went to. But the more secretive she was the more kids talked and rejected her. As her mom, i tried to convince her to accept who God made her to be with cf and all. There had to be a reason I'd tell her. --------------She always limits herself to become close to one or two people and time after time they get caught up in their 'fun' busy lives and she gets left behind because she cant keep up. -- ------------- Now that she's older her limited friends are into the partying scene -drinking , pot, cigs, and because she is so desparate to fit in she tried all of these things. SELF-MEDICATING she began to love the escape these substances gave her. Wanting to constantly party. Meanwhile her dad, brother and I are flipping out! Ever since she was diagnosed at the age of 5mos we have lived every day of our lives making sacrifices to fight for her health and very survival -------------- As crazy as this sounds as I was partially happy that at least she was experiencing normal teenage stuff. She got her first boyfriend in february and for a brief time she was happy, but we were all worried about what she was doing to her body. --------------- SHE IS MRSA + AND HAS SEVERE DAMGE IN BOTH UPPER LOBES EXTREME BRONCHIECTISIS THROUGHOUT ALL LOBES. SHE IS ON CONSTANT ANTIBIOTICS, ORAL 2 WKS, IV THREE WEEKS, TREATMENT 4-5 DAY, DIABETES, FEEDING TUBE,NIGHTIME DRIP, DUE TO THIS DIFFICULT SCHEDULE SHE HAS A HOME NURSE TO HELP WITH CARE. ------------------In the movie STEEL MAGNOLIAS there was a line that julia roberts character said to her mom about having a baby knowing that it could shorten her own life due to severe diabetes, "I would rather have one day of wonderful than a life full of empty nothing." I thought maybe at least she was finding some happiness, when I would tell her she neede to get out of this partying nonsense because it would most definetly shorten her life she said I was being selfish. ------------------Next chapter: she takes pills,pot and alcohol all at once makes a mistake and cheats on her boyfriend which causes major problems for their already dysfunctional relationship. She cuts her wrists to punish herself for hurting boyfreind, which leads me to look for in-patient psych treatment . -----------------The complexity of her cf care we can not find a medical facility to handle her needs. We tried dallas childrens hospital -MAJOR NIGHTMARE she was in a unit with 90% eating disorder kids, no one there for her to identify with. She was discharged from ther after three days because she began to have a flare up and they freaked out because of the MRSA- which is so annoying because she need the protection from others germs more than them getting what she has. ---------------Which brings up a point about cross contamination-this issue has lead to making cf people even more isolated than many other chronically ill populations. It would be so wonderful for haley to have a relationship with someone with cf, sharing the commonalities of being sick, social problems.etc. Just having friends that could truly identify with what you were going through. They would understand the importance of being there for you when you were down. -------------- Party people are only there for the good times. Haley is finding this out the hard way. Thank God she has seen that drugs and alcohol are self-destructive, by her refusing this lifestyle she has lost her so-called friends. ---------------- She broke up with her problematic boyfriend who was also her best friend and that is causing the most severe depression she has ever experienced. She feels completely empty and lost and is terrifid that she will never find another guy that accepts her with all of her medical problems and bodily gadgets. This has been the most emotionally challenging time for me. ------------- I've learned to handle the physical problems of cf, fighting day to day, but when Haley is so heartbroken and hopeless I feel hopeless as well. -------------This is a long sad story and we are in the midst of a very depressing time. The depression seems to be making her body weaker and she has been having more problems breathing which has landed her back in the hospital on ivs just after getting off and out from the last hospitalization just 3 weeks ago. --------------Her doctors are arranging for her to be seen by the transplant docs in houston, just one more difficult thing to deal with. I"ll have to admit it is difficult sometimes to stay positive and hopeful. I just keep thinking "life sucks then you die." How terrible is that? -------------If anyone has any suggestions for us to find our way out of this rut they would be greatly appreciated. ---------------This reply is to share with you a story that you were not alone in your depression and I'm sure any one suffering with a chronic illness of any kind has similar experiences. --------------What can we do to alert the medical community that these issues are not being addressed. Sure psych docs can prescribe pills but we need resources to help cf families cope with the depression and help us find solutions to make the quality of life better for those fighting the daily battles fof this destructive disease. We need to find a reason to want to survive.


New member
My mother would have murdered me if I was doing drugs or alcohol at that age. Or at any age for that matter....

Didn't matter that I had CF. My parents were working hard to pay my medical bills and to clothe and feed me. And for me to disrepect them while I lived under their roof would not have been tolerated, depression or not.

I wouldn't have been let out of the house for parties.


New member
My mother would have murdered me if I was doing drugs or alcohol at that age. Or at any age for that matter....

Didn't matter that I had CF. My parents were working hard to pay my medical bills and to clothe and feed me. And for me to disrepect them while I lived under their roof would not have been tolerated, depression or not.

I wouldn't have been let out of the house for parties.


New member
My mother would have murdered me if I was doing drugs or alcohol at that age. Or at any age for that matter....

Didn't matter that I had CF. My parents were working hard to pay my medical bills and to clothe and feed me. And for me to disrepect them while I lived under their roof would not have been tolerated, depression or not.

I wouldn't have been let out of the house for parties.


New member
My mother would have murdered me if I was doing drugs or alcohol at that age. Or at any age for that matter....

Didn't matter that I had CF. My parents were working hard to pay my medical bills and to clothe and feed me. And for me to disrepect them while I lived under their roof would not have been tolerated, depression or not.

I wouldn't have been let out of the house for parties.


New member
My mother would have murdered me if I was doing drugs or alcohol at that age. Or at any age for that matter....

Didn't matter that I had CF. My parents were working hard to pay my medical bills and to clothe and feed me. And for me to disrepect them while I lived under their roof would not have been tolerated, depression or not.

I wouldn't have been let out of the house for parties.


New member
My mother would have murdered me if I was doing drugs or alcohol at that age. Or at any age for that matter....

Didn't matter that I had CF. My parents were working hard to pay my medical bills and to clothe and feed me. And for me to disrepect them while I lived under their roof would not have been tolerated, depression or not.

I wouldn't have been let out of the house for parties.


New member
I think its great that you were able to avoid make poor decisions regarding your behavior as an adolescent in these wild times. Unfortunately Haley was not. Im not sure where you are from and what your invironment is like but in our area 90% of the young teens are doing some type of experimenting with drugs and/or alcohol. My children both attended public and a very elite private school where the partying was present at both. Thankfully, Haley was able to honestly communicate with her parents to make us aware of what was going on so that we could help her. I know of many teens who are not open with their parents and live secret lives. Finally it's judgemental people like you who make it difficult for people to step forth and try to seek support from others. Until you walk in someone elses shoes you really are not qualified to make judgement. We answer only to God for our mistakes and we are forgiven through His son, *****. Maybe you should reflect on your comment and try to find a way to be supportive.


New member
I think its great that you were able to avoid make poor decisions regarding your behavior as an adolescent in these wild times. Unfortunately Haley was not. Im not sure where you are from and what your invironment is like but in our area 90% of the young teens are doing some type of experimenting with drugs and/or alcohol. My children both attended public and a very elite private school where the partying was present at both. Thankfully, Haley was able to honestly communicate with her parents to make us aware of what was going on so that we could help her. I know of many teens who are not open with their parents and live secret lives. Finally it's judgemental people like you who make it difficult for people to step forth and try to seek support from others. Until you walk in someone elses shoes you really are not qualified to make judgement. We answer only to God for our mistakes and we are forgiven through His son, *****. Maybe you should reflect on your comment and try to find a way to be supportive.