Depression and Cystic Fibrosis


New member
I think its great that you were able to avoid make poor decisions regarding your behavior as an adolescent in these wild times. Unfortunately Haley was not. Im not sure where you are from and what your invironment is like but in our area 90% of the young teens are doing some type of experimenting with drugs and/or alcohol. My children both attended public and a very elite private school where the partying was present at both. Thankfully, Haley was able to honestly communicate with her parents to make us aware of what was going on so that we could help her. I know of many teens who are not open with their parents and live secret lives. Finally it's judgemental people like you who make it difficult for people to step forth and try to seek support from others. Until you walk in someone elses shoes you really are not qualified to make judgement. We answer only to God for our mistakes and we are forgiven through His son, *****. Maybe you should reflect on your comment and try to find a way to be supportive.


New member
I think its great that you were able to avoid make poor decisions regarding your behavior as an adolescent in these wild times. Unfortunately Haley was not. Im not sure where you are from and what your invironment is like but in our area 90% of the young teens are doing some type of experimenting with drugs and/or alcohol. My children both attended public and a very elite private school where the partying was present at both. Thankfully, Haley was able to honestly communicate with her parents to make us aware of what was going on so that we could help her. I know of many teens who are not open with their parents and live secret lives. Finally it's judgemental people like you who make it difficult for people to step forth and try to seek support from others. Until you walk in someone elses shoes you really are not qualified to make judgement. We answer only to God for our mistakes and we are forgiven through His son, *****. Maybe you should reflect on your comment and try to find a way to be supportive.


New member
I think its great that you were able to avoid make poor decisions regarding your behavior as an adolescent in these wild times. Unfortunately Haley was not. Im not sure where you are from and what your invironment is like but in our area 90% of the young teens are doing some type of experimenting with drugs and/or alcohol. My children both attended public and a very elite private school where the partying was present at both. Thankfully, Haley was able to honestly communicate with her parents to make us aware of what was going on so that we could help her. I know of many teens who are not open with their parents and live secret lives. Finally it's judgemental people like you who make it difficult for people to step forth and try to seek support from others. Until you walk in someone elses shoes you really are not qualified to make judgement. We answer only to God for our mistakes and we are forgiven through His son, *****. Maybe you should reflect on your comment and try to find a way to be supportive.


New member
I think its great that you were able to avoid make poor decisions regarding your behavior as an adolescent in these wild times. Unfortunately Haley was not. Im not sure where you are from and what your invironment is like but in our area 90% of the young teens are doing some type of experimenting with drugs and/or alcohol. My children both attended public and a very elite private school where the partying was present at both. Thankfully, Haley was able to honestly communicate with her parents to make us aware of what was going on so that we could help her. I know of many teens who are not open with their parents and live secret lives. Finally it's judgemental people like you who make it difficult for people to step forth and try to seek support from others. Until you walk in someone elses shoes you really are not qualified to make judgement. We answer only to God for our mistakes and we are forgiven through His son, *****. Maybe you should reflect on your comment and try to find a way to be supportive.


New member
I think the drinking alcohol thing Amy picked up on is interesting considering here the legal age is 18 and in Holland is 16, but in the US it is 21. So it's whether you chose not to drink because you are breaking the law, or it's because some people aren't mature or ready to drink young.

I had my first drink at 16 and have always been very responsible with it.


New member
I think the drinking alcohol thing Amy picked up on is interesting considering here the legal age is 18 and in Holland is 16, but in the US it is 21. So it's whether you chose not to drink because you are breaking the law, or it's because some people aren't mature or ready to drink young.

I had my first drink at 16 and have always been very responsible with it.


New member
I think the drinking alcohol thing Amy picked up on is interesting considering here the legal age is 18 and in Holland is 16, but in the US it is 21. So it's whether you chose not to drink because you are breaking the law, or it's because some people aren't mature or ready to drink young.

I had my first drink at 16 and have always been very responsible with it.


New member
I think the drinking alcohol thing Amy picked up on is interesting considering here the legal age is 18 and in Holland is 16, but in the US it is 21. So it's whether you chose not to drink because you are breaking the law, or it's because some people aren't mature or ready to drink young.

I had my first drink at 16 and have always been very responsible with it.


New member
I think the drinking alcohol thing Amy picked up on is interesting considering here the legal age is 18 and in Holland is 16, but in the US it is 21. So it's whether you chose not to drink because you are breaking the law, or it's because some people aren't mature or ready to drink young.

I had my first drink at 16 and have always been very responsible with it.


New member
I think the drinking alcohol thing Amy picked up on is interesting considering here the legal age is 18 and in Holland is 16, but in the US it is 21. So it's whether you chose not to drink because you are breaking the law, or it's because some people aren't mature or ready to drink young.

I had my first drink at 16 and have always been very responsible with it.


New member
Just realised how OT and irrelevant to the current topic my last post was. Just wanted to make a point really...sorry!


New member
Just realised how OT and irrelevant to the current topic my last post was. Just wanted to make a point really...sorry!


New member
Just realised how OT and irrelevant to the current topic my last post was. Just wanted to make a point really...sorry!


New member
Just realised how OT and irrelevant to the current topic my last post was. Just wanted to make a point really...sorry!


New member
Just realised how OT and irrelevant to the current topic my last post was. Just wanted to make a point really...sorry!


New member
Just realised how OT and irrelevant to the current topic my last post was. Just wanted to make a point really...sorry!


New member
I think part of the reason my 17 yr daughter has experimented with alcohol before being legal is that she wants to experience as much as she can while she is able. Im in total disagreement with that philosophy because drinking and drugs will just speed up her disease process. Hopefully most people with open minds can understand her irrational thinking. That is why it is so important for there to be more psych reources to help chronically ill children deal with their situations.


New member
I think part of the reason my 17 yr daughter has experimented with alcohol before being legal is that she wants to experience as much as she can while she is able. Im in total disagreement with that philosophy because drinking and drugs will just speed up her disease process. Hopefully most people with open minds can understand her irrational thinking. That is why it is so important for there to be more psych reources to help chronically ill children deal with their situations.


New member
I think part of the reason my 17 yr daughter has experimented with alcohol before being legal is that she wants to experience as much as she can while she is able. Im in total disagreement with that philosophy because drinking and drugs will just speed up her disease process. Hopefully most people with open minds can understand her irrational thinking. That is why it is so important for there to be more psych reources to help chronically ill children deal with their situations.


New member
I think part of the reason my 17 yr daughter has experimented with alcohol before being legal is that she wants to experience as much as she can while she is able. Im in total disagreement with that philosophy because drinking and drugs will just speed up her disease process. Hopefully most people with open minds can understand her irrational thinking. That is why it is so important for there to be more psych reources to help chronically ill children deal with their situations.