My son (2 yrs. old) has had two PICC's, both done with a sedative in radiology. He was completely stoned an could have cared less with that versed they gave him. Afterwards they wrapped up his arm, but they still had two tiny stitches at the very top to keep it in. Both times on the inside of the upper arm. He didn't really seemed bothered by it being there. He didn't seem too sore either, although he didn't use that arm as much as the other one.
So if they don't use stitches, how do they keep it from sliding right out? BTW, even with the stitches Vinny's was pulled out and had to be re-done. The nurses kind of left it hanging down and taped instead of all wrapped up in gauze like they usually did. He was kneeling down and must have had his foot on the tip of the line (not even plugged into IV's at the time!) and when he stood up...ripppp, pulled the entire thing right out in one shot. The stitches ripped right through the plastic, and they were still in his arm. He didn't even really cry, just looked utterly shocked and confused.
Anyway, in my opinion, from watching my son, the PICC line was much better and much less traumatic than IVs. As for me, I would not let them put one in my son without sedation, or atleast some numbing cream when he's older.