HELP...I don't know what else to do...


New member
The social worker at the cf clinic is a really good idea. She may be able to talk to your mom and let her know that if the kids aren't seen in clinic pronto, <i>she</i> will have to report her (but she would really rather help her now, etc.). And in our state (I don't know about where you live, though, but if <i>Alabama</i> has it... lol) we have Kid One Transport, that gives kids without transportation a ride to get to their appointments, etc.. Then your siblings could arrange their own appointments, once the ball gets rolling.


New member
The social worker at the cf clinic is a really good idea. She may be able to talk to your mom and let her know that if the kids aren't seen in clinic pronto, <i>she</i> will have to report her (but she would really rather help her now, etc.). And in our state (I don't know about where you live, though, but if <i>Alabama</i> has it... lol) we have Kid One Transport, that gives kids without transportation a ride to get to their appointments, etc.. Then your siblings could arrange their own appointments, once the ball gets rolling.


New member
I am in Kentucky, and with them living in Frankfort there are 2 clinics that they can go to one in Lexington and one in Louisville. And yes its a great ideal to contact CPS and the social work at either clinic.

Now that's said Let me take a minute to vent I personally think that your Mom is a very very selfish person for one when you all were young for doing the drug thing and now for not getting the medical care you siblings need. One question if your Mom was sick would she not take herself to the doctor.

You may want to also inform your Mom that with your brother and sister having CF it entitles them to receive SSI in the state of Kentucky, oh but that would require her to see to it that they got medical care.

Some of you may think I'm being nasty mean but I'm generally pissed off, I can't imagine a Mom caring so little for their children that they would sit by day in and day out watching then suffer and knowing that death is just around the corner, I'm sorry but my thought are she is not a Mom and a very uncaring human

As far as having a hard life , Life is hard , but its the choices you make that can make it easy or worst. I am a single Mom of 2 I know how it is , my daughter has CF and CFRD, and her father has seen her maybe 5 times in 10 years, my son's father passed away when he was 5 and I have medical problems that prevent me from working after being with the same company for 13 years so I know what its like to do with out and to settle for what we can afford. but thats no reason not to get medical attention for your kids.

I know she can get a K-chip card for them, so there is no reason not to take them to the doctors.

I have other question but I feel I best stop here before I realy let my feelings out it you care to message me we can talk and may be I can get you intouch with the Lexingtom clinic,


New member
I am in Kentucky, and with them living in Frankfort there are 2 clinics that they can go to one in Lexington and one in Louisville. And yes its a great ideal to contact CPS and the social work at either clinic.

Now that's said Let me take a minute to vent I personally think that your Mom is a very very selfish person for one when you all were young for doing the drug thing and now for not getting the medical care you siblings need. One question if your Mom was sick would she not take herself to the doctor.

You may want to also inform your Mom that with your brother and sister having CF it entitles them to receive SSI in the state of Kentucky, oh but that would require her to see to it that they got medical care.

Some of you may think I'm being nasty mean but I'm generally pissed off, I can't imagine a Mom caring so little for their children that they would sit by day in and day out watching then suffer and knowing that death is just around the corner, I'm sorry but my thought are she is not a Mom and a very uncaring human

As far as having a hard life , Life is hard , but its the choices you make that can make it easy or worst. I am a single Mom of 2 I know how it is , my daughter has CF and CFRD, and her father has seen her maybe 5 times in 10 years, my son's father passed away when he was 5 and I have medical problems that prevent me from working after being with the same company for 13 years so I know what its like to do with out and to settle for what we can afford. but thats no reason not to get medical attention for your kids.

I know she can get a K-chip card for them, so there is no reason not to take them to the doctors.

I have other question but I feel I best stop here before I realy let my feelings out it you care to message me we can talk and may be I can get you intouch with the Lexingtom clinic,


New member
I am in Kentucky, and with them living in Frankfort there are 2 clinics that they can go to one in Lexington and one in Louisville. And yes its a great ideal to contact CPS and the social work at either clinic.

Now that's said Let me take a minute to vent I personally think that your Mom is a very very selfish person for one when you all were young for doing the drug thing and now for not getting the medical care you siblings need. One question if your Mom was sick would she not take herself to the doctor.

You may want to also inform your Mom that with your brother and sister having CF it entitles them to receive SSI in the state of Kentucky, oh but that would require her to see to it that they got medical care.

Some of you may think I'm being nasty mean but I'm generally pissed off, I can't imagine a Mom caring so little for their children that they would sit by day in and day out watching then suffer and knowing that death is just around the corner, I'm sorry but my thought are she is not a Mom and a very uncaring human

As far as having a hard life , Life is hard , but its the choices you make that can make it easy or worst. I am a single Mom of 2 I know how it is , my daughter has CF and CFRD, and her father has seen her maybe 5 times in 10 years, my son's father passed away when he was 5 and I have medical problems that prevent me from working after being with the same company for 13 years so I know what its like to do with out and to settle for what we can afford. but thats no reason not to get medical attention for your kids.

I know she can get a K-chip card for them, so there is no reason not to take them to the doctors.

I have other question but I feel I best stop here before I realy let my feelings out it you care to message me we can talk and may be I can get you intouch with the Lexingtom clinic,


New member
I am in Kentucky, and with them living in Frankfort there are 2 clinics that they can go to one in Lexington and one in Louisville. And yes its a great ideal to contact CPS and the social work at either clinic.

Now that's said Let me take a minute to vent I personally think that your Mom is a very very selfish person for one when you all were young for doing the drug thing and now for not getting the medical care you siblings need. One question if your Mom was sick would she not take herself to the doctor.

You may want to also inform your Mom that with your brother and sister having CF it entitles them to receive SSI in the state of Kentucky, oh but that would require her to see to it that they got medical care.

Some of you may think I'm being nasty mean but I'm generally pissed off, I can't imagine a Mom caring so little for their children that they would sit by day in and day out watching then suffer and knowing that death is just around the corner, I'm sorry but my thought are she is not a Mom and a very uncaring human

As far as having a hard life , Life is hard , but its the choices you make that can make it easy or worst. I am a single Mom of 2 I know how it is , my daughter has CF and CFRD, and her father has seen her maybe 5 times in 10 years, my son's father passed away when he was 5 and I have medical problems that prevent me from working after being with the same company for 13 years so I know what its like to do with out and to settle for what we can afford. but thats no reason not to get medical attention for your kids.

I know she can get a K-chip card for them, so there is no reason not to take them to the doctors.

I have other question but I feel I best stop here before I realy let my feelings out it you care to message me we can talk and may be I can get you intouch with the Lexingtom clinic,


New member
I am in Kentucky, and with them living in Frankfort there are 2 clinics that they can go to one in Lexington and one in Louisville. And yes its a great ideal to contact CPS and the social work at either clinic.

Now that's said Let me take a minute to vent I personally think that your Mom is a very very selfish person for one when you all were young for doing the drug thing and now for not getting the medical care you siblings need. One question if your Mom was sick would she not take herself to the doctor.

You may want to also inform your Mom that with your brother and sister having CF it entitles them to receive SSI in the state of Kentucky, oh but that would require her to see to it that they got medical care.

Some of you may think I'm being nasty mean but I'm generally pissed off, I can't imagine a Mom caring so little for their children that they would sit by day in and day out watching then suffer and knowing that death is just around the corner, I'm sorry but my thought are she is not a Mom and a very uncaring human

As far as having a hard life , Life is hard , but its the choices you make that can make it easy or worst. I am a single Mom of 2 I know how it is , my daughter has CF and CFRD, and her father has seen her maybe 5 times in 10 years, my son's father passed away when he was 5 and I have medical problems that prevent me from working after being with the same company for 13 years so I know what its like to do with out and to settle for what we can afford. but thats no reason not to get medical attention for your kids.

I know she can get a K-chip card for them, so there is no reason not to take them to the doctors.

I have other question but I feel I best stop here before I realy let my feelings out it you care to message me we can talk and may be I can get you intouch with the Lexingtom clinic,


New member
I am in Kentucky, and with them living in Frankfort there are 2 clinics that they can go to one in Lexington and one in Louisville. And yes its a great ideal to contact CPS and the social work at either clinic.

Now that's said Let me take a minute to vent I personally think that your Mom is a very very selfish person for one when you all were young for doing the drug thing and now for not getting the medical care you siblings need. One question if your Mom was sick would she not take herself to the doctor.

You may want to also inform your Mom that with your brother and sister having CF it entitles them to receive SSI in the state of Kentucky, oh but that would require her to see to it that they got medical care.

Some of you may think I'm being nasty mean but I'm generally pissed off, I can't imagine a Mom caring so little for their children that they would sit by day in and day out watching then suffer and knowing that death is just around the corner, I'm sorry but my thought are she is not a Mom and a very uncaring human

As far as having a hard life , Life is hard , but its the choices you make that can make it easy or worst. I am a single Mom of 2 I know how it is , my daughter has CF and CFRD, and her father has seen her maybe 5 times in 10 years, my son's father passed away when he was 5 and I have medical problems that prevent me from working after being with the same company for 13 years so I know what its like to do with out and to settle for what we can afford. but thats no reason not to get medical attention for your kids.

I know she can get a K-chip card for them, so there is no reason not to take them to the doctors.

I have other question but I feel I best stop here before I realy let my feelings out it you care to message me we can talk and may be I can get you intouch with the Lexingtom clinic,


New member
See this is another thing. When she gets sick she doesn't go to the doctor. AA has warped her thinking I think. She disagrees with drugs in general. I started seeing a therapist and psychiatrist last year to deal with my problems of physical and emotional abuse amongst the things with the family and when they put me on meds she didn't like it at all. I think she doesn't want anything to be wrong with her kids ever. after a ton of thinking, stewing and what not I have come to the conclusion I can't just sit here and let it go on anymore. Since she won't talk to me about it I am going to be writing her a letter to let her know how I feel and that if she doesn't do something ASAP I will be calling CPS. The reason I have to write it in a letter is because she won't talk to me about it. I have tried face to face so many times I can't even explain. I would ideally love to see her take control and start doing something. It isn't fair or right to them at all to not know what's going on. It rips me apart on the inside every single day. I am sooo depressed about it it sometimes immobilizes me. But along with the letter I am going to research and find out anything I can to help her get the ball rolling and then if she doesn't do something I will have to report it. I feel guilty because I am really close to them. I hate this. I don't want them to resent me either. It's just hard. Although this is the first time I have ever gotten on this board you all have helped me with my decsion immensely. I will keep you all updated and any info anyone has for me would be helpful. Thanks.


New member
See this is another thing. When she gets sick she doesn't go to the doctor. AA has warped her thinking I think. She disagrees with drugs in general. I started seeing a therapist and psychiatrist last year to deal with my problems of physical and emotional abuse amongst the things with the family and when they put me on meds she didn't like it at all. I think she doesn't want anything to be wrong with her kids ever. after a ton of thinking, stewing and what not I have come to the conclusion I can't just sit here and let it go on anymore. Since she won't talk to me about it I am going to be writing her a letter to let her know how I feel and that if she doesn't do something ASAP I will be calling CPS. The reason I have to write it in a letter is because she won't talk to me about it. I have tried face to face so many times I can't even explain. I would ideally love to see her take control and start doing something. It isn't fair or right to them at all to not know what's going on. It rips me apart on the inside every single day. I am sooo depressed about it it sometimes immobilizes me. But along with the letter I am going to research and find out anything I can to help her get the ball rolling and then if she doesn't do something I will have to report it. I feel guilty because I am really close to them. I hate this. I don't want them to resent me either. It's just hard. Although this is the first time I have ever gotten on this board you all have helped me with my decsion immensely. I will keep you all updated and any info anyone has for me would be helpful. Thanks.


New member
See this is another thing. When she gets sick she doesn't go to the doctor. AA has warped her thinking I think. She disagrees with drugs in general. I started seeing a therapist and psychiatrist last year to deal with my problems of physical and emotional abuse amongst the things with the family and when they put me on meds she didn't like it at all. I think she doesn't want anything to be wrong with her kids ever. after a ton of thinking, stewing and what not I have come to the conclusion I can't just sit here and let it go on anymore. Since she won't talk to me about it I am going to be writing her a letter to let her know how I feel and that if she doesn't do something ASAP I will be calling CPS. The reason I have to write it in a letter is because she won't talk to me about it. I have tried face to face so many times I can't even explain. I would ideally love to see her take control and start doing something. It isn't fair or right to them at all to not know what's going on. It rips me apart on the inside every single day. I am sooo depressed about it it sometimes immobilizes me. But along with the letter I am going to research and find out anything I can to help her get the ball rolling and then if she doesn't do something I will have to report it. I feel guilty because I am really close to them. I hate this. I don't want them to resent me either. It's just hard. Although this is the first time I have ever gotten on this board you all have helped me with my decsion immensely. I will keep you all updated and any info anyone has for me would be helpful. Thanks.


New member
See this is another thing. When she gets sick she doesn't go to the doctor. AA has warped her thinking I think. She disagrees with drugs in general. I started seeing a therapist and psychiatrist last year to deal with my problems of physical and emotional abuse amongst the things with the family and when they put me on meds she didn't like it at all. I think she doesn't want anything to be wrong with her kids ever. after a ton of thinking, stewing and what not I have come to the conclusion I can't just sit here and let it go on anymore. Since she won't talk to me about it I am going to be writing her a letter to let her know how I feel and that if she doesn't do something ASAP I will be calling CPS. The reason I have to write it in a letter is because she won't talk to me about it. I have tried face to face so many times I can't even explain. I would ideally love to see her take control and start doing something. It isn't fair or right to them at all to not know what's going on. It rips me apart on the inside every single day. I am sooo depressed about it it sometimes immobilizes me. But along with the letter I am going to research and find out anything I can to help her get the ball rolling and then if she doesn't do something I will have to report it. I feel guilty because I am really close to them. I hate this. I don't want them to resent me either. It's just hard. Although this is the first time I have ever gotten on this board you all have helped me with my decsion immensely. I will keep you all updated and any info anyone has for me would be helpful. Thanks.


New member
See this is another thing. When she gets sick she doesn't go to the doctor. AA has warped her thinking I think. She disagrees with drugs in general. I started seeing a therapist and psychiatrist last year to deal with my problems of physical and emotional abuse amongst the things with the family and when they put me on meds she didn't like it at all. I think she doesn't want anything to be wrong with her kids ever. after a ton of thinking, stewing and what not I have come to the conclusion I can't just sit here and let it go on anymore. Since she won't talk to me about it I am going to be writing her a letter to let her know how I feel and that if she doesn't do something ASAP I will be calling CPS. The reason I have to write it in a letter is because she won't talk to me about it. I have tried face to face so many times I can't even explain. I would ideally love to see her take control and start doing something. It isn't fair or right to them at all to not know what's going on. It rips me apart on the inside every single day. I am sooo depressed about it it sometimes immobilizes me. But along with the letter I am going to research and find out anything I can to help her get the ball rolling and then if she doesn't do something I will have to report it. I feel guilty because I am really close to them. I hate this. I don't want them to resent me either. It's just hard. Although this is the first time I have ever gotten on this board you all have helped me with my decsion immensely. I will keep you all updated and any info anyone has for me would be helpful. Thanks.


New member
See this is another thing. When she gets sick she doesn't go to the doctor. AA has warped her thinking I think. She disagrees with drugs in general. I started seeing a therapist and psychiatrist last year to deal with my problems of physical and emotional abuse amongst the things with the family and when they put me on meds she didn't like it at all. I think she doesn't want anything to be wrong with her kids ever. after a ton of thinking, stewing and what not I have come to the conclusion I can't just sit here and let it go on anymore. Since she won't talk to me about it I am going to be writing her a letter to let her know how I feel and that if she doesn't do something ASAP I will be calling CPS. The reason I have to write it in a letter is because she won't talk to me about it. I have tried face to face so many times I can't even explain. I would ideally love to see her take control and start doing something. It isn't fair or right to them at all to not know what's going on. It rips me apart on the inside every single day. I am sooo depressed about it it sometimes immobilizes me. But along with the letter I am going to research and find out anything I can to help her get the ball rolling and then if she doesn't do something I will have to report it. I feel guilty because I am really close to them. I hate this. I don't want them to resent me either. It's just hard. Although this is the first time I have ever gotten on this board you all have helped me with my decsion immensely. I will keep you all updated and any info anyone has for me would be helpful. Thanks.


New member
I think you should definately call CPS if nothing ends up happening soon. However i think you should talk to a social worker at the CF clinic first because it would be better if she called CPS not you. My concern is that your brother and sister will be upset at you if you call CPS and that you will alienate yourself from them by doing so. I am also concerned that they might not think they need medical attention either and that calling CPS over a medical condition will harden them against the idea that they have an illness that needs medical attention. Simply awknowledging the severity of their illness would be alot to deal with anyway for them at this point but have their entire life uprooted because of it might really make them angry.

Also tell your mom that she can recieve ssi benefits if her kids are recieving medical care especially if you think she is motivated by money. Try to be kind to her until you are sure you have hit a wall since angering her will probably not get you anywhere (we are trying to get results not be rightous about who is right.)

My husband is in denial about my daughter's CF. It is just to painful for him to face it. He wants her on the minimal amount of enzymes, medications. He constantly questions the doctors. I don't believe that he is neglectful or selfish or doesn't care about our daughter. He just can't face the facts of the illness. In some ways i think it is actually good for my daughter but sometimes i worry she will be in denial about it too as a result.

It is such a difficult situation. I really hope everything turns out well.


New member
I think you should definately call CPS if nothing ends up happening soon. However i think you should talk to a social worker at the CF clinic first because it would be better if she called CPS not you. My concern is that your brother and sister will be upset at you if you call CPS and that you will alienate yourself from them by doing so. I am also concerned that they might not think they need medical attention either and that calling CPS over a medical condition will harden them against the idea that they have an illness that needs medical attention. Simply awknowledging the severity of their illness would be alot to deal with anyway for them at this point but have their entire life uprooted because of it might really make them angry.

Also tell your mom that she can recieve ssi benefits if her kids are recieving medical care especially if you think she is motivated by money. Try to be kind to her until you are sure you have hit a wall since angering her will probably not get you anywhere (we are trying to get results not be rightous about who is right.)

My husband is in denial about my daughter's CF. It is just to painful for him to face it. He wants her on the minimal amount of enzymes, medications. He constantly questions the doctors. I don't believe that he is neglectful or selfish or doesn't care about our daughter. He just can't face the facts of the illness. In some ways i think it is actually good for my daughter but sometimes i worry she will be in denial about it too as a result.

It is such a difficult situation. I really hope everything turns out well.


New member
I think you should definately call CPS if nothing ends up happening soon. However i think you should talk to a social worker at the CF clinic first because it would be better if she called CPS not you. My concern is that your brother and sister will be upset at you if you call CPS and that you will alienate yourself from them by doing so. I am also concerned that they might not think they need medical attention either and that calling CPS over a medical condition will harden them against the idea that they have an illness that needs medical attention. Simply awknowledging the severity of their illness would be alot to deal with anyway for them at this point but have their entire life uprooted because of it might really make them angry.

Also tell your mom that she can recieve ssi benefits if her kids are recieving medical care especially if you think she is motivated by money. Try to be kind to her until you are sure you have hit a wall since angering her will probably not get you anywhere (we are trying to get results not be rightous about who is right.)

My husband is in denial about my daughter's CF. It is just to painful for him to face it. He wants her on the minimal amount of enzymes, medications. He constantly questions the doctors. I don't believe that he is neglectful or selfish or doesn't care about our daughter. He just can't face the facts of the illness. In some ways i think it is actually good for my daughter but sometimes i worry she will be in denial about it too as a result.

It is such a difficult situation. I really hope everything turns out well.


New member
I think you should definately call CPS if nothing ends up happening soon. However i think you should talk to a social worker at the CF clinic first because it would be better if she called CPS not you. My concern is that your brother and sister will be upset at you if you call CPS and that you will alienate yourself from them by doing so. I am also concerned that they might not think they need medical attention either and that calling CPS over a medical condition will harden them against the idea that they have an illness that needs medical attention. Simply awknowledging the severity of their illness would be alot to deal with anyway for them at this point but have their entire life uprooted because of it might really make them angry.

Also tell your mom that she can recieve ssi benefits if her kids are recieving medical care especially if you think she is motivated by money. Try to be kind to her until you are sure you have hit a wall since angering her will probably not get you anywhere (we are trying to get results not be rightous about who is right.)

My husband is in denial about my daughter's CF. It is just to painful for him to face it. He wants her on the minimal amount of enzymes, medications. He constantly questions the doctors. I don't believe that he is neglectful or selfish or doesn't care about our daughter. He just can't face the facts of the illness. In some ways i think it is actually good for my daughter but sometimes i worry she will be in denial about it too as a result.

It is such a difficult situation. I really hope everything turns out well.


New member
I think you should definately call CPS if nothing ends up happening soon. However i think you should talk to a social worker at the CF clinic first because it would be better if she called CPS not you. My concern is that your brother and sister will be upset at you if you call CPS and that you will alienate yourself from them by doing so. I am also concerned that they might not think they need medical attention either and that calling CPS over a medical condition will harden them against the idea that they have an illness that needs medical attention. Simply awknowledging the severity of their illness would be alot to deal with anyway for them at this point but have their entire life uprooted because of it might really make them angry.

Also tell your mom that she can recieve ssi benefits if her kids are recieving medical care especially if you think she is motivated by money. Try to be kind to her until you are sure you have hit a wall since angering her will probably not get you anywhere (we are trying to get results not be rightous about who is right.)

My husband is in denial about my daughter's CF. It is just to painful for him to face it. He wants her on the minimal amount of enzymes, medications. He constantly questions the doctors. I don't believe that he is neglectful or selfish or doesn't care about our daughter. He just can't face the facts of the illness. In some ways i think it is actually good for my daughter but sometimes i worry she will be in denial about it too as a result.

It is such a difficult situation. I really hope everything turns out well.


New member
I think you should definately call CPS if nothing ends up happening soon. However i think you should talk to a social worker at the CF clinic first because it would be better if she called CPS not you. My concern is that your brother and sister will be upset at you if you call CPS and that you will alienate yourself from them by doing so. I am also concerned that they might not think they need medical attention either and that calling CPS over a medical condition will harden them against the idea that they have an illness that needs medical attention. Simply awknowledging the severity of their illness would be alot to deal with anyway for them at this point but have their entire life uprooted because of it might really make them angry.

Also tell your mom that she can recieve ssi benefits if her kids are recieving medical care especially if you think she is motivated by money. Try to be kind to her until you are sure you have hit a wall since angering her will probably not get you anywhere (we are trying to get results not be rightous about who is right.)

My husband is in denial about my daughter's CF. It is just to painful for him to face it. He wants her on the minimal amount of enzymes, medications. He constantly questions the doctors. I don't believe that he is neglectful or selfish or doesn't care about our daughter. He just can't face the facts of the illness. In some ways i think it is actually good for my daughter but sometimes i worry she will be in denial about it too as a result.

It is such a difficult situation. I really hope everything turns out well.