HELP...I don't know what else to do...


New member
If I were you, I would call CPS in their area. You can contact a CF doc to explain to the social workers the ramifications of not having any care, and the smoking. The fact of the matter is, she is endagering these kids.

I applaud you for being the only one strong enough to stand up to her. I know that it would probably ruin your relationship with your mom, (but it doesn't sound like there is much to ruin) but she clearly is unable to take care of them. Your brother and sister need help, and you are the one that can help them.


New member
If I were you, I would call CPS in their area. You can contact a CF doc to explain to the social workers the ramifications of not having any care, and the smoking. The fact of the matter is, she is endagering these kids.

I applaud you for being the only one strong enough to stand up to her. I know that it would probably ruin your relationship with your mom, (but it doesn't sound like there is much to ruin) but she clearly is unable to take care of them. Your brother and sister need help, and you are the one that can help them.


New member
Just a quick update. I contacted the kids old social worker from Children's Hospital here and she is going to help me find out any and all information that I can get for my mom to send with my letter. She is also helping me get the letter together and making it seem not so abrasive. She remembers my brother and sister and even my mom. She was shocked at how my mother is handling it now. If my mom doesn't respond well to the letter she is going to help me take further steps to get them the help the need even if it means reporting it. This has had me physically ill for weeks/months even years. I am really glad I decided to come on this board because hearing from all of you has helped me gather my strength to do it. I appreciate you all.


New member
Just a quick update. I contacted the kids old social worker from Children's Hospital here and she is going to help me find out any and all information that I can get for my mom to send with my letter. She is also helping me get the letter together and making it seem not so abrasive. She remembers my brother and sister and even my mom. She was shocked at how my mother is handling it now. If my mom doesn't respond well to the letter she is going to help me take further steps to get them the help the need even if it means reporting it. This has had me physically ill for weeks/months even years. I am really glad I decided to come on this board because hearing from all of you has helped me gather my strength to do it. I appreciate you all.


New member
Just a quick update. I contacted the kids old social worker from Children's Hospital here and she is going to help me find out any and all information that I can get for my mom to send with my letter. She is also helping me get the letter together and making it seem not so abrasive. She remembers my brother and sister and even my mom. She was shocked at how my mother is handling it now. If my mom doesn't respond well to the letter she is going to help me take further steps to get them the help the need even if it means reporting it. This has had me physically ill for weeks/months even years. I am really glad I decided to come on this board because hearing from all of you has helped me gather my strength to do it. I appreciate you all.


New member
Just a quick update. I contacted the kids old social worker from Children's Hospital here and she is going to help me find out any and all information that I can get for my mom to send with my letter. She is also helping me get the letter together and making it seem not so abrasive. She remembers my brother and sister and even my mom. She was shocked at how my mother is handling it now. If my mom doesn't respond well to the letter she is going to help me take further steps to get them the help the need even if it means reporting it. This has had me physically ill for weeks/months even years. I am really glad I decided to come on this board because hearing from all of you has helped me gather my strength to do it. I appreciate you all.


New member
Just a quick update. I contacted the kids old social worker from Children's Hospital here and she is going to help me find out any and all information that I can get for my mom to send with my letter. She is also helping me get the letter together and making it seem not so abrasive. She remembers my brother and sister and even my mom. She was shocked at how my mother is handling it now. If my mom doesn't respond well to the letter she is going to help me take further steps to get them the help the need even if it means reporting it. This has had me physically ill for weeks/months even years. I am really glad I decided to come on this board because hearing from all of you has helped me gather my strength to do it. I appreciate you all.


New member
Just a quick update. I contacted the kids old social worker from Children's Hospital here and she is going to help me find out any and all information that I can get for my mom to send with my letter. She is also helping me get the letter together and making it seem not so abrasive. She remembers my brother and sister and even my mom. She was shocked at how my mother is handling it now. If my mom doesn't respond well to the letter she is going to help me take further steps to get them the help the need even if it means reporting it. This has had me physically ill for weeks/months even years. I am really glad I decided to come on this board because hearing from all of you has helped me gather my strength to do it. I appreciate you all.


New member
I'm so glad the social worker is so helpful!! It is so great you have an actual person supporting you and helping you through this process. It is great she remembers your family too. I am so happy to hear the news. Just out of curiousity...when your mom joined AA did she join a new religion or something...? I know some religions don't believe in medicine so could that be part of her reluctance to give your brother and sister care?


New member
I'm so glad the social worker is so helpful!! It is so great you have an actual person supporting you and helping you through this process. It is great she remembers your family too. I am so happy to hear the news. Just out of curiousity...when your mom joined AA did she join a new religion or something...? I know some religions don't believe in medicine so could that be part of her reluctance to give your brother and sister care?


New member
I'm so glad the social worker is so helpful!! It is so great you have an actual person supporting you and helping you through this process. It is great she remembers your family too. I am so happy to hear the news. Just out of curiousity...when your mom joined AA did she join a new religion or something...? I know some religions don't believe in medicine so could that be part of her reluctance to give your brother and sister care?


New member
I'm so glad the social worker is so helpful!! It is so great you have an actual person supporting you and helping you through this process. It is great she remembers your family too. I am so happy to hear the news. Just out of curiousity...when your mom joined AA did she join a new religion or something...? I know some religions don't believe in medicine so could that be part of her reluctance to give your brother and sister care?


New member
I'm so glad the social worker is so helpful!! It is so great you have an actual person supporting you and helping you through this process. It is great she remembers your family too. I am so happy to hear the news. Just out of curiousity...when your mom joined AA did she join a new religion or something...? I know some religions don't believe in medicine so could that be part of her reluctance to give your brother and sister care?


New member
I'm so glad the social worker is so helpful!! It is so great you have an actual person supporting you and helping you through this process. It is great she remembers your family too. I am so happy to hear the news. Just out of curiousity...when your mom joined AA did she join a new religion or something...? I know some religions don't believe in medicine so could that be part of her reluctance to give your brother and sister care?