if you knew your unborn child had cf would you abort it


New member
Unfortunately, the issue shouldn't be whether or not the PARENTS can "live" with a child with a horrible disease. The point is that the CHILD is living with it and should not knowingly be brought into the world with a good possibility of suffering alot just because we (as parents) want to have another child for our own reasons. That's what makes this decision so self-centered.


New member
Unfortunately, the issue shouldn't be whether or not the PARENTS can "live" with a child with a horrible disease. The point is that the CHILD is living with it and should not knowingly be brought into the world with a good possibility of suffering alot just because we (as parents) want to have another child for our own reasons. That's what makes this decision so self-centered.


New member
I'm curious about something... for those of you who believe so strongly that it is wrong for a person to have a child when they know there is a risk of CF... do you also believe it is wrong for a person with CF to have children because of the suffering that child will go through in watching their parent be ill... not to mention losing the parent at a young age? Even if the child does not have CF, imagine the horror of having to watch your mommy or daddy suffer and die... is that not cruel as well???

I don't believe this myself... nor do I think it's wrong to have a child knowing the chance is there. I believe it's a personal decision... I believe that everyone suffers in life, some to different degrees than others and we can't avoid that...just trying to see things from a different prospective and see if you still think it's cruel when the situation is reversed.


New member
I'm curious about something... for those of you who believe so strongly that it is wrong for a person to have a child when they know there is a risk of CF... do you also believe it is wrong for a person with CF to have children because of the suffering that child will go through in watching their parent be ill... not to mention losing the parent at a young age? Even if the child does not have CF, imagine the horror of having to watch your mommy or daddy suffer and die... is that not cruel as well???

I don't believe this myself... nor do I think it's wrong to have a child knowing the chance is there. I believe it's a personal decision... I believe that everyone suffers in life, some to different degrees than others and we can't avoid that...just trying to see things from a different prospective and see if you still think it's cruel when the situation is reversed.


New member
I'm curious about something... for those of you who believe so strongly that it is wrong for a person to have a child when they know there is a risk of CF... do you also believe it is wrong for a person with CF to have children because of the suffering that child will go through in watching their parent be ill... not to mention losing the parent at a young age? Even if the child does not have CF, imagine the horror of having to watch your mommy or daddy suffer and die... is that not cruel as well???

I don't believe this myself... nor do I think it's wrong to have a child knowing the chance is there. I believe it's a personal decision... I believe that everyone suffers in life, some to different degrees than others and we can't avoid that...just trying to see things from a different prospective and see if you still think it's cruel when the situation is reversed.


New member
I think it's extremely cruel. If your mindset is to do the very best for a child, you would never obligate a child to a very good chance of living without a parent (the one with CF). Also, the time and care it takes for someone with CF to stay healthy puts a child in a definite 2nd place. Again, this is only if your goal is to do whatever it takes to make sure a child doesn't suffer because of your decisions.


New member
I think it's extremely cruel. If your mindset is to do the very best for a child, you would never obligate a child to a very good chance of living without a parent (the one with CF). Also, the time and care it takes for someone with CF to stay healthy puts a child in a definite 2nd place. Again, this is only if your goal is to do whatever it takes to make sure a child doesn't suffer because of your decisions.


New member
I think it's extremely cruel. If your mindset is to do the very best for a child, you would never obligate a child to a very good chance of living without a parent (the one with CF). Also, the time and care it takes for someone with CF to stay healthy puts a child in a definite 2nd place. Again, this is only if your goal is to do whatever it takes to make sure a child doesn't suffer because of your decisions.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>ReneeP</b></i>

I'm curious about something... for those of you who believe so strongly that it is wrong for a person to have a child when they know there is a risk of CF... do you also believe it is wrong for a person with CF to have children because of the suffering that child will go through in watching their parent be ill... not to mention losing the parent at a young age? Even if the child does not have CF, imagine the horror of having to watch your mommy or daddy suffer and die... is that not cruel as well???

I don't believe this myself... nor do I think it's wrong to have a child knowing the chance is there. I believe it's a personal decision... I believe that everyone suffers in life, some to different degrees than others and we can't avoid that...just trying to see things from a different prospective and see if you still think it's cruel when the situation is reversed.</end quote></div>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>ReneeP</b></i>

I'm curious about something... for those of you who believe so strongly that it is wrong for a person to have a child when they know there is a risk of CF... do you also believe it is wrong for a person with CF to have children because of the suffering that child will go through in watching their parent be ill... not to mention losing the parent at a young age? Even if the child does not have CF, imagine the horror of having to watch your mommy or daddy suffer and die... is that not cruel as well???

I don't believe this myself... nor do I think it's wrong to have a child knowing the chance is there. I believe it's a personal decision... I believe that everyone suffers in life, some to different degrees than others and we can't avoid that...just trying to see things from a different prospective and see if you still think it's cruel when the situation is reversed.</end quote></div>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>ReneeP</b></i>

I'm curious about something... for those of you who believe so strongly that it is wrong for a person to have a child when they know there is a risk of CF... do you also believe it is wrong for a person with CF to have children because of the suffering that child will go through in watching their parent be ill... not to mention losing the parent at a young age? Even if the child does not have CF, imagine the horror of having to watch your mommy or daddy suffer and die... is that not cruel as well???

I don't believe this myself... nor do I think it's wrong to have a child knowing the chance is there. I believe it's a personal decision... I believe that everyone suffers in life, some to different degrees than others and we can't avoid that...just trying to see things from a different prospective and see if you still think it's cruel when the situation is reversed.</end quote></div>


New member
Once again I have stuffed up the quote thing...oh well. I couldnt edit for some reason...

Just wanted to say that the above quote, I agree with you, and also, would not have an abortion. If abortions were outlawed, there would be a lot more children available for adoption. The old argument of self aborting etc., well, I just dont buy into that one. Most would opt for adoption.

Also, I agree in principle with your statement, however, I believe that people with CF should go ahead and have a family if that is their desire. I believe that pwcf should live their lives the same way everybody else does if that is their choice...why should people (either carriers or cfers) be ripped off from experiencing life and the choices others have?


New member
Once again I have stuffed up the quote thing...oh well. I couldnt edit for some reason...

Just wanted to say that the above quote, I agree with you, and also, would not have an abortion. If abortions were outlawed, there would be a lot more children available for adoption. The old argument of self aborting etc., well, I just dont buy into that one. Most would opt for adoption.

Also, I agree in principle with your statement, however, I believe that people with CF should go ahead and have a family if that is their desire. I believe that pwcf should live their lives the same way everybody else does if that is their choice...why should people (either carriers or cfers) be ripped off from experiencing life and the choices others have?


New member
Once again I have stuffed up the quote thing...oh well. I couldnt edit for some reason...

Just wanted to say that the above quote, I agree with you, and also, would not have an abortion. If abortions were outlawed, there would be a lot more children available for adoption. The old argument of self aborting etc., well, I just dont buy into that one. Most would opt for adoption.

Also, I agree in principle with your statement, however, I believe that people with CF should go ahead and have a family if that is their desire. I believe that pwcf should live their lives the same way everybody else does if that is their choice...why should people (either carriers or cfers) be ripped off from experiencing life and the choices others have?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>dasjsmum</b></i>
If abortions were outlawed, there would be a lot more children available for adoption. The old argument of self aborting etc., well, I just dont buy into that one. Most would opt for adoption.</end quote></div>

You don't have to buy into it. There are many horror stories from before the Roe v. Wade case of women aborting themselves, or getting illegal abortions and ending up infected, permanently sterile, or dead. Oh and raped.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>dasjsmum</b></i>
If abortions were outlawed, there would be a lot more children available for adoption. The old argument of self aborting etc., well, I just dont buy into that one. Most would opt for adoption.</end quote></div>

You don't have to buy into it. There are many horror stories from before the Roe v. Wade case of women aborting themselves, or getting illegal abortions and ending up infected, permanently sterile, or dead. Oh and raped.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>dasjsmum</b></i>
If abortions were outlawed, there would be a lot more children available for adoption. The old argument of self aborting etc., well, I just dont buy into that one. Most would opt for adoption.</end quote></div>

You don't have to buy into it. There are many horror stories from before the Roe v. Wade case of women aborting themselves, or getting illegal abortions and ending up infected, permanently sterile, or dead. Oh and raped.


New member
Roe V. Wade was a long time ago, things have changed...like 500,000 plus ( I dont know the exact number for the US) people killed before birth. I dont think the people who fought the battle for a womans right to choose had that vision at the time.

On the other hand, there are many more options available for contraception, and 1000's of people who desperately desire a children and would love to have one of those children.

The fact is, if pwcf want to adopt, the option is not realistically available anyhow.


New member
Roe V. Wade was a long time ago, things have changed...like 500,000 plus ( I dont know the exact number for the US) people killed before birth. I dont think the people who fought the battle for a womans right to choose had that vision at the time.

On the other hand, there are many more options available for contraception, and 1000's of people who desperately desire a children and would love to have one of those children.

The fact is, if pwcf want to adopt, the option is not realistically available anyhow.


New member
Roe V. Wade was a long time ago, things have changed...like 500,000 plus ( I dont know the exact number for the US) people killed before birth. I dont think the people who fought the battle for a womans right to choose had that vision at the time.

On the other hand, there are many more options available for contraception, and 1000's of people who desperately desire a children and would love to have one of those children.

The fact is, if pwcf want to adopt, the option is not realistically available anyhow.