if you knew your unborn child had cf would you abort it


New member
You're right about the after affect of abortion.

As I read the books "Victims and Victors" as a way to help me weigh the decision whether to abort a rapist's child that I conceived, I came to the realization that I would find a way to handle the trauma of the assault, but I'd never be able to handle knowing that I had added further violence to the situation.

It didn't matter that I could completely justify doing so (my health was failing as a result of being pregnant and there was talk of having a 'therapeutic abortion'). I was engaged at the time and I had a dream that my husband to be was telling me he couldn't marry a murderer. I stood to lose far more from an abortion that the supposed freedom that it promised.

My decision was was was right for me. I can make decisions for other people. I believe it's possible to be pro-choice and not be pro-abortion. It just depends on your perspective. My CHOICE was to continue with the pregnancy. I'll never regret how I handled the situation.


New member
What AMAZING character you have! If I'm ever in a devastingly hard situation like you were, I can only hope to be as impressive a person as you are.


New member
What AMAZING character you have! If I'm ever in a devastingly hard situation like you were, I can only hope to be as impressive a person as you are.


New member
What AMAZING character you have! If I'm ever in a devastingly hard situation like you were, I can only hope to be as impressive a person as you are.


New member
I hope our new and improved supreme court soon bans all abortions with the exception only when a mother's life is in danger. Abortion is murder.


New member
I hope our new and improved supreme court soon bans all abortions with the exception only when a mother's life is in danger. Abortion is murder.


New member
I hope our new and improved supreme court soon bans all abortions with the exception only when a mother's life is in danger. Abortion is murder.


New member
You know, I wasn't going to weigh in until someone posted the "Abortion is Murder" line.

I am pro-choice. It's a woman's body and a woman's decision until the fetus is old enough to sustain life on it's own. I am pro-choice even though I will have to jump through no ends of hoops and pokes and prods to have a child with my H.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://imnotsorry.net">I'm not sorry, and I'm not the only one.</a>


New member
You know, I wasn't going to weigh in until someone posted the "Abortion is Murder" line.

I am pro-choice. It's a woman's body and a woman's decision until the fetus is old enough to sustain life on it's own. I am pro-choice even though I will have to jump through no ends of hoops and pokes and prods to have a child with my H.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://imnotsorry.net">I'm not sorry, and I'm not the only one.</a>


New member
You know, I wasn't going to weigh in until someone posted the "Abortion is Murder" line.

I am pro-choice. It's a woman's body and a woman's decision until the fetus is old enough to sustain life on it's own. I am pro-choice even though I will have to jump through no ends of hoops and pokes and prods to have a child with my H.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://imnotsorry.net">I'm not sorry, and I'm not the only one.</a>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>jfarel</b></i>

I hope our new and improved supreme court soon bans all abortions with the exception only when a mother's life is in danger. Abortion is murder.</end quote></div>

Its murder only in your opinion. It cannot be determined as to when a fetus is considered a human being. Besides that, what do you think will happen if abortion is outlawed? Girls will try to abort unwanted pregnancies themselves, which will lead to a huge mess.

Sorry...had to chip in on that one. Back to the original topic...


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>jfarel</b></i>

I hope our new and improved supreme court soon bans all abortions with the exception only when a mother's life is in danger. Abortion is murder.</end quote></div>

Its murder only in your opinion. It cannot be determined as to when a fetus is considered a human being. Besides that, what do you think will happen if abortion is outlawed? Girls will try to abort unwanted pregnancies themselves, which will lead to a huge mess.

Sorry...had to chip in on that one. Back to the original topic...


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>jfarel</b></i>

I hope our new and improved supreme court soon bans all abortions with the exception only when a mother's life is in danger. Abortion is murder.</end quote></div>

Its murder only in your opinion. It cannot be determined as to when a fetus is considered a human being. Besides that, what do you think will happen if abortion is outlawed? Girls will try to abort unwanted pregnancies themselves, which will lead to a huge mess.

Sorry...had to chip in on that one. Back to the original topic...


New member
I am going to post my answer and then probably never return to this discussion. No offense to anyone...it is just a very hard subject. I have my 2 yr old son who has CF. I had no idea what CF was when he was diagnosed. Up and to that point I had lived in a world where babies were only born healthy. My son is my reason for everything. I could not imagine not having him everyday. I am currently pregnant with our second and it was a very difficult decision. However, I could not have an abortion personally. I would take other measures to not get pregnant if that had been our decision. Our decision to have another baby was based on this: (Please know this is not my sappy life story...but it is reality for us).

My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease nearly 40 years ago.
My Father was diagnosed with MS at the age of 41, and then nearly lost his life to the West Nile Virus last summer. My Mom is going through tests now to see if she has cancer. And I know there are parents at hospitals around the world where their children have been diagnosed with very fatal diseases that they may not survive. There are also two teenagers in our state who were changing a flat tire on the side of the road when someone rammed into them. They have both lost both of their legs.

Life is not full of healthy people all the time. All of the people above have never wished to not be alive even when things were very tough for them. At this point in my life I am considered "healthy" but that does not mean that my doctor will not give me or my husband a horrible diagnosis in the future. We have a 25% chance our next child will have CF. That is what we know. We know 25%. We don't know 100% of the things that our future holds-or that this baby could have some other disease that we had never heard of before. My 2 yr old son has taught me more in the last 2 yrs that he has been a part of my life than most adults have taught me in my entire life.

****Please know that I am not stating any of this to hurt anyone's feelings or start a heated arguement/debate. I just wanted to put my case in with everyone else's**

1 son Caleb 2yrs old


New member
I am going to post my answer and then probably never return to this discussion. No offense to anyone...it is just a very hard subject. I have my 2 yr old son who has CF. I had no idea what CF was when he was diagnosed. Up and to that point I had lived in a world where babies were only born healthy. My son is my reason for everything. I could not imagine not having him everyday. I am currently pregnant with our second and it was a very difficult decision. However, I could not have an abortion personally. I would take other measures to not get pregnant if that had been our decision. Our decision to have another baby was based on this: (Please know this is not my sappy life story...but it is reality for us).

My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease nearly 40 years ago.
My Father was diagnosed with MS at the age of 41, and then nearly lost his life to the West Nile Virus last summer. My Mom is going through tests now to see if she has cancer. And I know there are parents at hospitals around the world where their children have been diagnosed with very fatal diseases that they may not survive. There are also two teenagers in our state who were changing a flat tire on the side of the road when someone rammed into them. They have both lost both of their legs.

Life is not full of healthy people all the time. All of the people above have never wished to not be alive even when things were very tough for them. At this point in my life I am considered "healthy" but that does not mean that my doctor will not give me or my husband a horrible diagnosis in the future. We have a 25% chance our next child will have CF. That is what we know. We know 25%. We don't know 100% of the things that our future holds-or that this baby could have some other disease that we had never heard of before. My 2 yr old son has taught me more in the last 2 yrs that he has been a part of my life than most adults have taught me in my entire life.

****Please know that I am not stating any of this to hurt anyone's feelings or start a heated arguement/debate. I just wanted to put my case in with everyone else's**

1 son Caleb 2yrs old


New member
I am going to post my answer and then probably never return to this discussion. No offense to anyone...it is just a very hard subject. I have my 2 yr old son who has CF. I had no idea what CF was when he was diagnosed. Up and to that point I had lived in a world where babies were only born healthy. My son is my reason for everything. I could not imagine not having him everyday. I am currently pregnant with our second and it was a very difficult decision. However, I could not have an abortion personally. I would take other measures to not get pregnant if that had been our decision. Our decision to have another baby was based on this: (Please know this is not my sappy life story...but it is reality for us).

My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease nearly 40 years ago.
My Father was diagnosed with MS at the age of 41, and then nearly lost his life to the West Nile Virus last summer. My Mom is going through tests now to see if she has cancer. And I know there are parents at hospitals around the world where their children have been diagnosed with very fatal diseases that they may not survive. There are also two teenagers in our state who were changing a flat tire on the side of the road when someone rammed into them. They have both lost both of their legs.

Life is not full of healthy people all the time. All of the people above have never wished to not be alive even when things were very tough for them. At this point in my life I am considered "healthy" but that does not mean that my doctor will not give me or my husband a horrible diagnosis in the future. We have a 25% chance our next child will have CF. That is what we know. We know 25%. We don't know 100% of the things that our future holds-or that this baby could have some other disease that we had never heard of before. My 2 yr old son has taught me more in the last 2 yrs that he has been a part of my life than most adults have taught me in my entire life.

****Please know that I am not stating any of this to hurt anyone's feelings or start a heated arguement/debate. I just wanted to put my case in with everyone else's**

1 son Caleb 2yrs old


New member
Unfortunately, the issue shouldn't be whether or not the PARENTS can "live" with a child with a horrible disease. The point is that the CHILD is living with it and should not knowingly be brought into the world with a good possibility of suffering alot just because we (as parents) want to have another child for our own reasons. That's what makes this decision so self-centered.