If you were my age, with CF, what would you do differently for your health?


New member
Hi, my name is Chris. I am 31 yrs old and have CF. I was diagnosed at birth. I grew up in a household full of smokers (yes they all smoked INSIDE). I remember laying in bed at night trying to clear my throat and breath easier, not knowing why I was having such a hard time. I remember getting out of the bed and my eyes spinning as though a tv screen was flipping inside my head. It made my so dizzy I had to sit down most of the time. I remember walking in the yard and just falling to one knee, not knowing why I lost my balance. I would just drop to me knees all of a sudden.

Despite all that, and many many other obstacles such as divorce, living with alcoholics, being around marajuana, physical abuse...despite all that, I am incredibly healthy.

I work two jobs and worked three for a couple of years, I go to college two days a week, i mow the yard, play basketball in my free time, run, and basicly do whatever I want. It has become harder in the last few years. I probably should slow down the pace a little.

I dont know that I would do anything differently. I firmly believe that it is appointed to man once to die, and that the one important thing for us to do is be ready. Whether we are 15 years old or 105 years old, we must live life to the fullest, but also know that there is a Power greater than us Who is ultimately in charge.

I believe I was placed here with a specific purpose in mind, and that once that purpose has been fulfilled, my time will be up. However, the great thing about it all is that my time will only be up for this earth... There is a song I love to hear and it goes like this...

"I wont have to worry when I reach the other shore. All my troubles will be over, and I'll rest forever more. My eyes will be on Jesus, and my heart will be aglow, and I won't have to worry anymore."

I also like your quote... "If He heals me, or if it kills me, I still win." That is true. Good luck! It sounds like you are doing a great job.



New member
Hi, my name is Chris. I am 31 yrs old and have CF. I was diagnosed at birth. I grew up in a household full of smokers (yes they all smoked INSIDE). I remember laying in bed at night trying to clear my throat and breath easier, not knowing why I was having such a hard time. I remember getting out of the bed and my eyes spinning as though a tv screen was flipping inside my head. It made my so dizzy I had to sit down most of the time. I remember walking in the yard and just falling to one knee, not knowing why I lost my balance. I would just drop to me knees all of a sudden.

Despite all that, and many many other obstacles such as divorce, living with alcoholics, being around marajuana, physical abuse...despite all that, I am incredibly healthy.

I work two jobs and worked three for a couple of years, I go to college two days a week, i mow the yard, play basketball in my free time, run, and basicly do whatever I want. It has become harder in the last few years. I probably should slow down the pace a little.

I dont know that I would do anything differently. I firmly believe that it is appointed to man once to die, and that the one important thing for us to do is be ready. Whether we are 15 years old or 105 years old, we must live life to the fullest, but also know that there is a Power greater than us Who is ultimately in charge.

I believe I was placed here with a specific purpose in mind, and that once that purpose has been fulfilled, my time will be up. However, the great thing about it all is that my time will only be up for this earth... There is a song I love to hear and it goes like this...

"I wont have to worry when I reach the other shore. All my troubles will be over, and I'll rest forever more. My eyes will be on Jesus, and my heart will be aglow, and I won't have to worry anymore."

I also like your quote... "If He heals me, or if it kills me, I still win." That is true. Good luck! It sounds like you are doing a great job.



New member
Hi, my name is Chris. I am 31 yrs old and have CF. I was diagnosed at birth. I grew up in a household full of smokers (yes they all smoked INSIDE). I remember laying in bed at night trying to clear my throat and breath easier, not knowing why I was having such a hard time. I remember getting out of the bed and my eyes spinning as though a tv screen was flipping inside my head. It made my so dizzy I had to sit down most of the time. I remember walking in the yard and just falling to one knee, not knowing why I lost my balance. I would just drop to me knees all of a sudden.

Despite all that, and many many other obstacles such as divorce, living with alcoholics, being around marajuana, physical abuse...despite all that, I am incredibly healthy.

I work two jobs and worked three for a couple of years, I go to college two days a week, i mow the yard, play basketball in my free time, run, and basicly do whatever I want. It has become harder in the last few years. I probably should slow down the pace a little.

I dont know that I would do anything differently. I firmly believe that it is appointed to man once to die, and that the one important thing for us to do is be ready. Whether we are 15 years old or 105 years old, we must live life to the fullest, but also know that there is a Power greater than us Who is ultimately in charge.

I believe I was placed here with a specific purpose in mind, and that once that purpose has been fulfilled, my time will be up. However, the great thing about it all is that my time will only be up for this earth... There is a song I love to hear and it goes like this...

"I wont have to worry when I reach the other shore. All my troubles will be over, and I'll rest forever more. My eyes will be on Jesus, and my heart will be aglow, and I won't have to worry anymore."

I also like your quote... "If He heals me, or if it kills me, I still win." That is true. Good luck! It sounds like you are doing a great job.



New member
Hi, my name is Chris. I am 31 yrs old and have CF. I was diagnosed at birth. I grew up in a household full of smokers (yes they all smoked INSIDE). I remember laying in bed at night trying to clear my throat and breath easier, not knowing why I was having such a hard time. I remember getting out of the bed and my eyes spinning as though a tv screen was flipping inside my head. It made my so dizzy I had to sit down most of the time. I remember walking in the yard and just falling to one knee, not knowing why I lost my balance. I would just drop to me knees all of a sudden.

Despite all that, and many many other obstacles such as divorce, living with alcoholics, being around marajuana, physical abuse...despite all that, I am incredibly healthy.

I work two jobs and worked three for a couple of years, I go to college two days a week, i mow the yard, play basketball in my free time, run, and basicly do whatever I want. It has become harder in the last few years. I probably should slow down the pace a little.

I dont know that I would do anything differently. I firmly believe that it is appointed to man once to die, and that the one important thing for us to do is be ready. Whether we are 15 years old or 105 years old, we must live life to the fullest, but also know that there is a Power greater than us Who is ultimately in charge.

I believe I was placed here with a specific purpose in mind, and that once that purpose has been fulfilled, my time will be up. However, the great thing about it all is that my time will only be up for this earth... There is a song I love to hear and it goes like this...

"I wont have to worry when I reach the other shore. All my troubles will be over, and I'll rest forever more. My eyes will be on Jesus, and my heart will be aglow, and I won't have to worry anymore."

I also like your quote... "If He heals me, or if it kills me, I still win." That is true. Good luck! It sounds like you are doing a great job.



New member
Hi, my name is Chris. I am 31 yrs old and have CF. I was diagnosed at birth. I grew up in a household full of smokers (yes they all smoked INSIDE). I remember laying in bed at night trying to clear my throat and breath easier, not knowing why I was having such a hard time. I remember getting out of the bed and my eyes spinning as though a tv screen was flipping inside my head. It made my so dizzy I had to sit down most of the time. I remember walking in the yard and just falling to one knee, not knowing why I lost my balance. I would just drop to me knees all of a sudden.
<br />
<br />Despite all that, and many many other obstacles such as divorce, living with alcoholics, being around marajuana, physical abuse...despite all that, I am incredibly healthy.
<br />
<br />I work two jobs and worked three for a couple of years, I go to college two days a week, i mow the yard, play basketball in my free time, run, and basicly do whatever I want. It has become harder in the last few years. I probably should slow down the pace a little.
<br />
<br />I dont know that I would do anything differently. I firmly believe that it is appointed to man once to die, and that the one important thing for us to do is be ready. Whether we are 15 years old or 105 years old, we must live life to the fullest, but also know that there is a Power greater than us Who is ultimately in charge.
<br />
<br />I believe I was placed here with a specific purpose in mind, and that once that purpose has been fulfilled, my time will be up. However, the great thing about it all is that my time will only be up for this earth... There is a song I love to hear and it goes like this...
<br />
<br />"I wont have to worry when I reach the other shore. All my troubles will be over, and I'll rest forever more. My eyes will be on Jesus, and my heart will be aglow, and I won't have to worry anymore."
<br />
<br />I also like your quote... "If He heals me, or if it kills me, I still win." That is true. Good luck! It sounds like you are doing a great job.
<br />
<br />Chris
<br />www.facebook.com/ccflewallen


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://blogs.cysticfibrosis.com/blogpost.cfm?threadid=32641&catid=1953">Live for today, plan for a tomorrow! </a>

If I had it to do over, I'd be more crazy than I was....!!! Or am!


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://blogs.cysticfibrosis.com/blogpost.cfm?threadid=32641&catid=1953">Live for today, plan for a tomorrow! </a>

If I had it to do over, I'd be more crazy than I was....!!! Or am!


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://blogs.cysticfibrosis.com/blogpost.cfm?threadid=32641&catid=1953">Live for today, plan for a tomorrow! </a>

If I had it to do over, I'd be more crazy than I was....!!! Or am!


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://blogs.cysticfibrosis.com/blogpost.cfm?threadid=32641&catid=1953">Live for today, plan for a tomorrow! </a>

If I had it to do over, I'd be more crazy than I was....!!! Or am!


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://blogs.cysticfibrosis.com/blogpost.cfm?threadid=32641&catid=1953">Live for today, plan for a tomorrow! </a>
<br />
<br />If I had it to do over, I'd be more crazy than I was....!!! Or am!


New member
I forgot to say I would highly recommend getting my finances in order. We just started doing that 2 years ago and it has made SUCH a huge difference. I know that by next year my working will be 'optional' if something were to come up and that is such a huge load off my shoulders. We have also taken the steps on wills since we have kids, getting proper insurance on everything that we can since I cant get much etc etc.

if you are interested I highly recommned the total money makeover by Dave Ramsey and you can read about our experience on my blog


New member
I forgot to say I would highly recommend getting my finances in order. We just started doing that 2 years ago and it has made SUCH a huge difference. I know that by next year my working will be 'optional' if something were to come up and that is such a huge load off my shoulders. We have also taken the steps on wills since we have kids, getting proper insurance on everything that we can since I cant get much etc etc.

if you are interested I highly recommned the total money makeover by Dave Ramsey and you can read about our experience on my blog


New member
I forgot to say I would highly recommend getting my finances in order. We just started doing that 2 years ago and it has made SUCH a huge difference. I know that by next year my working will be 'optional' if something were to come up and that is such a huge load off my shoulders. We have also taken the steps on wills since we have kids, getting proper insurance on everything that we can since I cant get much etc etc.

if you are interested I highly recommned the total money makeover by Dave Ramsey and you can read about our experience on my blog


New member
I forgot to say I would highly recommend getting my finances in order. We just started doing that 2 years ago and it has made SUCH a huge difference. I know that by next year my working will be 'optional' if something were to come up and that is such a huge load off my shoulders. We have also taken the steps on wills since we have kids, getting proper insurance on everything that we can since I cant get much etc etc.

if you are interested I highly recommned the total money makeover by Dave Ramsey and you can read about our experience on my blog


New member
I forgot to say I would highly recommend getting my finances in order. We just started doing that 2 years ago and it has made SUCH a huge difference. I know that by next year my working will be 'optional' if something were to come up and that is such a huge load off my shoulders. We have also taken the steps on wills since we have kids, getting proper insurance on everything that we can since I cant get much etc etc.
<br />
<br />if you are interested I highly recommned the total money makeover by Dave Ramsey and you can read about our experience on my blog