I just read this post. We were wanting to adopt the 6 year old we have known since 4 mos. and we have had legal custody of since 2 years old. But we were afraid that my husbands insurance wont cover him due to a pre existing condition. And we didn't want him not to be able to receive the same care and medications if we couldnt afford them. We have checked with the Human Services about trying to keep him on the medical card if we adopt but they would go by our income. Which means he would not qualify. Then they told us about this waiver but of course he did not qualify because he had no limitation. Such as a wheelchair, or things like that. So we were also told by some other social workers to just keep the legal custody the way it is and keep his medical card. We mainly wanted to adopt to give the child permancy. So he knows we wouldn't abandon him or anything. I really dont look for his biological parents to ever come around. The mother left when he was 2 and she had visitation set up and only came to half of them and then never came back, called or anything. We have learned that she has 3 other boys. ages 5, 2, 3 mos and possible pregnant with another. The father at court basically said whatevers best for him (he had never been involved with him) and that was the last of him.
When his mother was around before he was 2 we tried to get SSI. Someone cant remember who told us to apply. He was turned down . Due to no limitations. I tried to explain to them all about the medications and the treatments and everything but that didnt matter. He could walk, talk, and go to schol like normal so that was that.