most embarrassing


New member
Once when I was still working and I worked in an operating room, I was attacked by the horrible gas monster. I needed to escape quickly so as to not asphyxiate anyone so pressed the door opener and went out into the hallway. I had just let go of the bomb and who should come out to the change room but my boss. I thought she was going to throw up but I pretended the smell was from a patient not me. I think she knew the truth though. I was really embarassed.
Michelle - 48 wcf


New member
Once when I was still working and I worked in an operating room, I was attacked by the horrible gas monster. I needed to escape quickly so as to not asphyxiate anyone so pressed the door opener and went out into the hallway. I had just let go of the bomb and who should come out to the change room but my boss. I thought she was going to throw up but I pretended the smell was from a patient not me. I think she knew the truth though. I was really embarassed.
Michelle - 48 wcf


New member
Once when I was still working and I worked in an operating room, I was attacked by the horrible gas monster. I needed to escape quickly so as to not asphyxiate anyone so pressed the door opener and went out into the hallway. I had just let go of the bomb and who should come out to the change room but my boss. I thought she was going to throw up but I pretended the smell was from a patient not me. I think she knew the truth though. I was really embarassed.
Michelle - 48 wcf


New member
Once when I was still working and I worked in an operating room, I was attacked by the horrible gas monster. I needed to escape quickly so as to not asphyxiate anyone so pressed the door opener and went out into the hallway. I had just let go of the bomb and who should come out to the change room but my boss. I thought she was going to throw up but I pretended the smell was from a patient not me. I think she knew the truth though. I was really embarassed.
Michelle - 48 wcf


New member
Once when I was still working and I worked in an operating room, I was attacked by the horrible gas monster. I needed to escape quickly so as to not asphyxiate anyone so pressed the door opener and went out into the hallway. I had just let go of the bomb and who should come out to the change room but my boss. I thought she was going to throw up but I pretended the smell was from a patient not me. I think she knew the truth though. I was really embarassed.
<br />Michelle - 48 wcf


New member
When I first started at my currently job at a hospital (a couple years ago), I was down in the basement having lunch in the cafeteria with a couple coworkers. There is a restroom next to the cafe, so I told the girls not to wait up for me so I could go to the bathroom. I really had a stomachache and didn't want them having to wait around for me to finish.

The stalls down there are really tight, you can barely get the door closed once you're inside. Luckily my stomacheache subsided and it ended up being a quick trip to the bathroom for #1 (I know TMI, but it's important information).

I refuse to touch a public toilet's "flusher" with my hands, so I went to step on the flusher with my foot. I lost my balance and ended up putting all my weight on the flusher and busted the entire thing. Water started squirting out from the top of the toilet like a water fountain! I quickly grabbed the door to escape, but because it was so small in there, I couldn't get out! I was getting sprayed all over the place (gross!). I finally got out and walked embarrassed back to my work with wetness all over my legs.

My coworkers just about died. They still won't let the story go! At least it was just pee! And I got to change into some other scrubs afterwards.


New member
When I first started at my currently job at a hospital (a couple years ago), I was down in the basement having lunch in the cafeteria with a couple coworkers. There is a restroom next to the cafe, so I told the girls not to wait up for me so I could go to the bathroom. I really had a stomachache and didn't want them having to wait around for me to finish.

The stalls down there are really tight, you can barely get the door closed once you're inside. Luckily my stomacheache subsided and it ended up being a quick trip to the bathroom for #1 (I know TMI, but it's important information).

I refuse to touch a public toilet's "flusher" with my hands, so I went to step on the flusher with my foot. I lost my balance and ended up putting all my weight on the flusher and busted the entire thing. Water started squirting out from the top of the toilet like a water fountain! I quickly grabbed the door to escape, but because it was so small in there, I couldn't get out! I was getting sprayed all over the place (gross!). I finally got out and walked embarrassed back to my work with wetness all over my legs.

My coworkers just about died. They still won't let the story go! At least it was just pee! And I got to change into some other scrubs afterwards.


New member
When I first started at my currently job at a hospital (a couple years ago), I was down in the basement having lunch in the cafeteria with a couple coworkers. There is a restroom next to the cafe, so I told the girls not to wait up for me so I could go to the bathroom. I really had a stomachache and didn't want them having to wait around for me to finish.

The stalls down there are really tight, you can barely get the door closed once you're inside. Luckily my stomacheache subsided and it ended up being a quick trip to the bathroom for #1 (I know TMI, but it's important information).

I refuse to touch a public toilet's "flusher" with my hands, so I went to step on the flusher with my foot. I lost my balance and ended up putting all my weight on the flusher and busted the entire thing. Water started squirting out from the top of the toilet like a water fountain! I quickly grabbed the door to escape, but because it was so small in there, I couldn't get out! I was getting sprayed all over the place (gross!). I finally got out and walked embarrassed back to my work with wetness all over my legs.

My coworkers just about died. They still won't let the story go! At least it was just pee! And I got to change into some other scrubs afterwards.


New member
When I first started at my currently job at a hospital (a couple years ago), I was down in the basement having lunch in the cafeteria with a couple coworkers. There is a restroom next to the cafe, so I told the girls not to wait up for me so I could go to the bathroom. I really had a stomachache and didn't want them having to wait around for me to finish.

The stalls down there are really tight, you can barely get the door closed once you're inside. Luckily my stomacheache subsided and it ended up being a quick trip to the bathroom for #1 (I know TMI, but it's important information).

I refuse to touch a public toilet's "flusher" with my hands, so I went to step on the flusher with my foot. I lost my balance and ended up putting all my weight on the flusher and busted the entire thing. Water started squirting out from the top of the toilet like a water fountain! I quickly grabbed the door to escape, but because it was so small in there, I couldn't get out! I was getting sprayed all over the place (gross!). I finally got out and walked embarrassed back to my work with wetness all over my legs.

My coworkers just about died. They still won't let the story go! At least it was just pee! And I got to change into some other scrubs afterwards.


New member
When I first started at my currently job at a hospital (a couple years ago), I was down in the basement having lunch in the cafeteria with a couple coworkers. There is a restroom next to the cafe, so I told the girls not to wait up for me so I could go to the bathroom. I really had a stomachache and didn't want them having to wait around for me to finish.
<br />
<br />The stalls down there are really tight, you can barely get the door closed once you're inside. Luckily my stomacheache subsided and it ended up being a quick trip to the bathroom for #1 (I know TMI, but it's important information).
<br />
<br />I refuse to touch a public toilet's "flusher" with my hands, so I went to step on the flusher with my foot. I lost my balance and ended up putting all my weight on the flusher and busted the entire thing. Water started squirting out from the top of the toilet like a water fountain! I quickly grabbed the door to escape, but because it was so small in there, I couldn't get out! I was getting sprayed all over the place (gross!). I finally got out and walked embarrassed back to my work with wetness all over my legs.
<br />
<br />My coworkers just about died. They still won't let the story go! At least it was just pee! And I got to change into some other scrubs afterwards.


New member
OMG these are way too funny!!!!!!!!!!! I am wetting myself haha!

I have a really hard going to the bathroom in public (ie #2). I just can't do it. Well sometimes when nature calls you just gotta answer or there will be a mess. So one year around Christmas my boyfriend and I at the time were shopping. I had been having stomach issues all day. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and I went searching for a bathroom in one of the department stores. He had gone of shopping thankfully. So I am in there praying NO ONE will walk in. I hear the door open and grimace knowing the bathroom is just nasty right about now. So the lady comes in with her friend and I hear them stop and the one woman goes "OMG what IS that smell?" The other one is like "I don't know but let's find another bathroom". I was so completely mortified!!! They didn't see me or anything but still.

And of course after an incident like that you wonder if the smell is stuck to you!!! EWW!!! HAHA


New member
OMG these are way too funny!!!!!!!!!!! I am wetting myself haha!

I have a really hard going to the bathroom in public (ie #2). I just can't do it. Well sometimes when nature calls you just gotta answer or there will be a mess. So one year around Christmas my boyfriend and I at the time were shopping. I had been having stomach issues all day. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and I went searching for a bathroom in one of the department stores. He had gone of shopping thankfully. So I am in there praying NO ONE will walk in. I hear the door open and grimace knowing the bathroom is just nasty right about now. So the lady comes in with her friend and I hear them stop and the one woman goes "OMG what IS that smell?" The other one is like "I don't know but let's find another bathroom". I was so completely mortified!!! They didn't see me or anything but still.

And of course after an incident like that you wonder if the smell is stuck to you!!! EWW!!! HAHA


New member
OMG these are way too funny!!!!!!!!!!! I am wetting myself haha!

I have a really hard going to the bathroom in public (ie #2). I just can't do it. Well sometimes when nature calls you just gotta answer or there will be a mess. So one year around Christmas my boyfriend and I at the time were shopping. I had been having stomach issues all day. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and I went searching for a bathroom in one of the department stores. He had gone of shopping thankfully. So I am in there praying NO ONE will walk in. I hear the door open and grimace knowing the bathroom is just nasty right about now. So the lady comes in with her friend and I hear them stop and the one woman goes "OMG what IS that smell?" The other one is like "I don't know but let's find another bathroom". I was so completely mortified!!! They didn't see me or anything but still.

And of course after an incident like that you wonder if the smell is stuck to you!!! EWW!!! HAHA


New member
OMG these are way too funny!!!!!!!!!!! I am wetting myself haha!

I have a really hard going to the bathroom in public (ie #2). I just can't do it. Well sometimes when nature calls you just gotta answer or there will be a mess. So one year around Christmas my boyfriend and I at the time were shopping. I had been having stomach issues all day. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and I went searching for a bathroom in one of the department stores. He had gone of shopping thankfully. So I am in there praying NO ONE will walk in. I hear the door open and grimace knowing the bathroom is just nasty right about now. So the lady comes in with her friend and I hear them stop and the one woman goes "OMG what IS that smell?" The other one is like "I don't know but let's find another bathroom". I was so completely mortified!!! They didn't see me or anything but still.

And of course after an incident like that you wonder if the smell is stuck to you!!! EWW!!! HAHA


New member
OMG these are way too funny!!!!!!!!!!! I am wetting myself haha!
<br />
<br />I have a really hard going to the bathroom in public (ie #2). I just can't do it. Well sometimes when nature calls you just gotta answer or there will be a mess. So one year around Christmas my boyfriend and I at the time were shopping. I had been having stomach issues all day. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and I went searching for a bathroom in one of the department stores. He had gone of shopping thankfully. So I am in there praying NO ONE will walk in. I hear the door open and grimace knowing the bathroom is just nasty right about now. So the lady comes in with her friend and I hear them stop and the one woman goes "OMG what IS that smell?" The other one is like "I don't know but let's find another bathroom". I was so completely mortified!!! They didn't see me or anything but still.
<br />
<br />And of course after an incident like that you wonder if the smell is stuck to you!!! EWW!!! HAHA


New member
Ahhh Amy you reminded me of one of mine. I have always hated pooping in public. But as a child I did it more than I do now.

1). When I was in 4th grade or so, I pooped in the school bathroom. A kid walked by that I still know (though of course, he's grown up since then), and smelled it from the hall and started yelling about how nasty the girl's bathroom smelled. I wanted to die.

2). I was pooping in the bathroom at a restaurant my family frequents when I was like... must've been about 12? Well two girls came in, so I stopped and sat there quietly. I knew it reeked, but I hate making poop noises when people can hear. So as I sat there, I hear them go "Oh my god, it smells like someone died in here... wtf?!" and they just went on and on about it. And I'm sitting there wanting to crawl into the toilet and flush myself away. Luckily they never noticed I was there. But my dad always told me I should've chosen that time (right when they started talking about how awful it was) to make a really big poopy fart sound. Hahahahaha.

Oh and!!
3). A couple of months into my and Mike's relationship, I went into the hospital. We started dating in August, and I went in near Christmas. I had been having diarrhea, so I went into my bathroom. I had the TV up loud in my room, and I ran the water in the bathroom, and when I came out... Mike sort of gave me a sheepish grin and he says "You feel okay?" Apparently he heard it all. I wanted to die. But he was very nice about it. Ahhahaahahahaa.


New member
Ahhh Amy you reminded me of one of mine. I have always hated pooping in public. But as a child I did it more than I do now.

1). When I was in 4th grade or so, I pooped in the school bathroom. A kid walked by that I still know (though of course, he's grown up since then), and smelled it from the hall and started yelling about how nasty the girl's bathroom smelled. I wanted to die.

2). I was pooping in the bathroom at a restaurant my family frequents when I was like... must've been about 12? Well two girls came in, so I stopped and sat there quietly. I knew it reeked, but I hate making poop noises when people can hear. So as I sat there, I hear them go "Oh my god, it smells like someone died in here... wtf?!" and they just went on and on about it. And I'm sitting there wanting to crawl into the toilet and flush myself away. Luckily they never noticed I was there. But my dad always told me I should've chosen that time (right when they started talking about how awful it was) to make a really big poopy fart sound. Hahahahaha.

Oh and!!
3). A couple of months into my and Mike's relationship, I went into the hospital. We started dating in August, and I went in near Christmas. I had been having diarrhea, so I went into my bathroom. I had the TV up loud in my room, and I ran the water in the bathroom, and when I came out... Mike sort of gave me a sheepish grin and he says "You feel okay?" Apparently he heard it all. I wanted to die. But he was very nice about it. Ahhahaahahahaa.


New member
Ahhh Amy you reminded me of one of mine. I have always hated pooping in public. But as a child I did it more than I do now.

1). When I was in 4th grade or so, I pooped in the school bathroom. A kid walked by that I still know (though of course, he's grown up since then), and smelled it from the hall and started yelling about how nasty the girl's bathroom smelled. I wanted to die.

2). I was pooping in the bathroom at a restaurant my family frequents when I was like... must've been about 12? Well two girls came in, so I stopped and sat there quietly. I knew it reeked, but I hate making poop noises when people can hear. So as I sat there, I hear them go "Oh my god, it smells like someone died in here... wtf?!" and they just went on and on about it. And I'm sitting there wanting to crawl into the toilet and flush myself away. Luckily they never noticed I was there. But my dad always told me I should've chosen that time (right when they started talking about how awful it was) to make a really big poopy fart sound. Hahahahaha.

Oh and!!
3). A couple of months into my and Mike's relationship, I went into the hospital. We started dating in August, and I went in near Christmas. I had been having diarrhea, so I went into my bathroom. I had the TV up loud in my room, and I ran the water in the bathroom, and when I came out... Mike sort of gave me a sheepish grin and he says "You feel okay?" Apparently he heard it all. I wanted to die. But he was very nice about it. Ahhahaahahahaa.


New member
Ahhh Amy you reminded me of one of mine. I have always hated pooping in public. But as a child I did it more than I do now.

1). When I was in 4th grade or so, I pooped in the school bathroom. A kid walked by that I still know (though of course, he's grown up since then), and smelled it from the hall and started yelling about how nasty the girl's bathroom smelled. I wanted to die.

2). I was pooping in the bathroom at a restaurant my family frequents when I was like... must've been about 12? Well two girls came in, so I stopped and sat there quietly. I knew it reeked, but I hate making poop noises when people can hear. So as I sat there, I hear them go "Oh my god, it smells like someone died in here... wtf?!" and they just went on and on about it. And I'm sitting there wanting to crawl into the toilet and flush myself away. Luckily they never noticed I was there. But my dad always told me I should've chosen that time (right when they started talking about how awful it was) to make a really big poopy fart sound. Hahahahaha.

Oh and!!
3). A couple of months into my and Mike's relationship, I went into the hospital. We started dating in August, and I went in near Christmas. I had been having diarrhea, so I went into my bathroom. I had the TV up loud in my room, and I ran the water in the bathroom, and when I came out... Mike sort of gave me a sheepish grin and he says "You feel okay?" Apparently he heard it all. I wanted to die. But he was very nice about it. Ahhahaahahahaa.


New member
Ahhh Amy you reminded me of one of mine. I have always hated pooping in public. But as a child I did it more than I do now.
<br />
<br />1). When I was in 4th grade or so, I pooped in the school bathroom. A kid walked by that I still know (though of course, he's grown up since then), and smelled it from the hall and started yelling about how nasty the girl's bathroom smelled. I wanted to die.
<br />
<br />2). I was pooping in the bathroom at a restaurant my family frequents when I was like... must've been about 12? Well two girls came in, so I stopped and sat there quietly. I knew it reeked, but I hate making poop noises when people can hear. So as I sat there, I hear them go "Oh my god, it smells like someone died in here... wtf?!" and they just went on and on about it. And I'm sitting there wanting to crawl into the toilet and flush myself away. Luckily they never noticed I was there. But my dad always told me I should've chosen that time (right when they started talking about how awful it was) to make a really big poopy fart sound. Hahahahaha.
<br />
<br />Oh and!!
<br />3). A couple of months into my and Mike's relationship, I went into the hospital. We started dating in August, and I went in near Christmas. I had been having diarrhea, so I went into my bathroom. I had the TV up loud in my room, and I ran the water in the bathroom, and when I came out... Mike sort of gave me a sheepish grin and he says "You feel okay?" Apparently he heard it all. I wanted to die. But he was very nice about it. Ahhahaahahahaa.