Night sweats [updated 5/3/08]


New member
Night sweats

thanks for posting Christy.

6 weeks is going to be a looooooooooong time to wait. but i'll continue to do other tests in the mean time.

doc wanted to check out sinus issues. i told him i felt fine but he said with chronic sinusitis you might always feel the same cuz it's chronic as opposed to acute episodes. i guess.... no harm in checking that out.

and i'll get my OGTT next week over spring break. it's a few months early but i think given the circumstances it's worth doing.

i'm still working on the eating thing. i'm going to go buy some nuts and deli meats to eat before bed for a few nights to see how that goes.

so again i'll keep you all posted. thanks so much again!!!!!


New member
Night sweats

thanks for posting Christy.

6 weeks is going to be a looooooooooong time to wait. but i'll continue to do other tests in the mean time.

doc wanted to check out sinus issues. i told him i felt fine but he said with chronic sinusitis you might always feel the same cuz it's chronic as opposed to acute episodes. i guess.... no harm in checking that out.

and i'll get my OGTT next week over spring break. it's a few months early but i think given the circumstances it's worth doing.

i'm still working on the eating thing. i'm going to go buy some nuts and deli meats to eat before bed for a few nights to see how that goes.

so again i'll keep you all posted. thanks so much again!!!!!


New member
Night sweats

thanks for posting Christy.

6 weeks is going to be a looooooooooong time to wait. but i'll continue to do other tests in the mean time.

doc wanted to check out sinus issues. i told him i felt fine but he said with chronic sinusitis you might always feel the same cuz it's chronic as opposed to acute episodes. i guess.... no harm in checking that out.

and i'll get my OGTT next week over spring break. it's a few months early but i think given the circumstances it's worth doing.

i'm still working on the eating thing. i'm going to go buy some nuts and deli meats to eat before bed for a few nights to see how that goes.

so again i'll keep you all posted. thanks so much again!!!!!


New member
Night sweats

thanks for posting Christy.

6 weeks is going to be a looooooooooong time to wait. but i'll continue to do other tests in the mean time.

doc wanted to check out sinus issues. i told him i felt fine but he said with chronic sinusitis you might always feel the same cuz it's chronic as opposed to acute episodes. i guess.... no harm in checking that out.

and i'll get my OGTT next week over spring break. it's a few months early but i think given the circumstances it's worth doing.

i'm still working on the eating thing. i'm going to go buy some nuts and deli meats to eat before bed for a few nights to see how that goes.

so again i'll keep you all posted. thanks so much again!!!!!


New member
Night sweats

thanks for posting Christy.
<br />
<br />6 weeks is going to be a looooooooooong time to wait. but i'll continue to do other tests in the mean time.
<br />
<br />doc wanted to check out sinus issues. i told him i felt fine but he said with chronic sinusitis you might always feel the same cuz it's chronic as opposed to acute episodes. i guess.... no harm in checking that out.
<br />
<br />and i'll get my OGTT next week over spring break. it's a few months early but i think given the circumstances it's worth doing.
<br />
<br />i'm still working on the eating thing. i'm going to go buy some nuts and deli meats to eat before bed for a few nights to see how that goes.
<br />
<br />so again i'll keep you all posted. thanks so much again!!!!!


New member
Night sweats

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>NoExcuses</b></i>

Plus you're probably on Denufosol, right D? that might have something to do with the PA stuff to.... I wouldn't be surprised.

I will be starting tiger 2 in a few weeks i think. SO EXCITED</end quote></div>

Yeah, but I've only been on Denufosol (or placebo) since September, and I've been clear since way before that. I do start Denufosol for sure in a few weeks. I'm excited for that!


New member
Night sweats

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>NoExcuses</b></i>

Plus you're probably on Denufosol, right D? that might have something to do with the PA stuff to.... I wouldn't be surprised.

I will be starting tiger 2 in a few weeks i think. SO EXCITED</end quote></div>

Yeah, but I've only been on Denufosol (or placebo) since September, and I've been clear since way before that. I do start Denufosol for sure in a few weeks. I'm excited for that!


New member
Night sweats

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>NoExcuses</b></i>

Plus you're probably on Denufosol, right D? that might have something to do with the PA stuff to.... I wouldn't be surprised.

I will be starting tiger 2 in a few weeks i think. SO EXCITED</end quote></div>

Yeah, but I've only been on Denufosol (or placebo) since September, and I've been clear since way before that. I do start Denufosol for sure in a few weeks. I'm excited for that!


New member
Night sweats

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>NoExcuses</b></i>

Plus you're probably on Denufosol, right D? that might have something to do with the PA stuff to.... I wouldn't be surprised.

I will be starting tiger 2 in a few weeks i think. SO EXCITED</end quote>

Yeah, but I've only been on Denufosol (or placebo) since September, and I've been clear since way before that. I do start Denufosol for sure in a few weeks. I'm excited for that!


New member
Night sweats

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>NoExcuses</b></i>

Plus you're probably on Denufosol, right D? that might have something to do with the PA stuff to.... I wouldn't be surprised.

I will be starting tiger 2 in a few weeks i think. SO EXCITED</end quote>

Yeah, but I've only been on Denufosol (or placebo) since September, and I've been clear since way before that. I do start Denufosol for sure in a few weeks. I'm excited for that!


Digital opinion leader
Night sweats

It is a long wait for culture! The myco the boys had was VERY slow growing, even slower than others.

I hope that's not what it is Amy, but its good to be on top of it.

Let us know.


Digital opinion leader
Night sweats

It is a long wait for culture! The myco the boys had was VERY slow growing, even slower than others.

I hope that's not what it is Amy, but its good to be on top of it.

Let us know.


Digital opinion leader
Night sweats

It is a long wait for culture! The myco the boys had was VERY slow growing, even slower than others.

I hope that's not what it is Amy, but its good to be on top of it.

Let us know.


Digital opinion leader
Night sweats

It is a long wait for culture! The myco the boys had was VERY slow growing, even slower than others.

I hope that's not what it is Amy, but its good to be on top of it.

Let us know.


Digital opinion leader
Night sweats

It is a long wait for culture! The myco the boys had was VERY slow growing, even slower than others.
<br />
<br />
<br />I hope that's not what it is Amy, but its good to be on top of it.
<br />
<br />Let us know.


New member
Night sweats

From what I understand (was told <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ), Amy, with the myco tests, they do a quick first check to see if they actually see any the bacteria in your culture (or something like that- my first check came back clear, and they started my zithro), but the actual culture takes 6-8 weeks. At least that was how my test went.


New member
Night sweats

From what I understand (was told <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ), Amy, with the myco tests, they do a quick first check to see if they actually see any the bacteria in your culture (or something like that- my first check came back clear, and they started my zithro), but the actual culture takes 6-8 weeks. At least that was how my test went.


New member
Night sweats

From what I understand (was told <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ), Amy, with the myco tests, they do a quick first check to see if they actually see any the bacteria in your culture (or something like that- my first check came back clear, and they started my zithro), but the actual culture takes 6-8 weeks. At least that was how my test went.


New member
Night sweats

From what I understand (was told <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ), Amy, with the myco tests, they do a quick first check to see if they actually see any the bacteria in your culture (or something like that- my first check came back clear, and they started my zithro), but the actual culture takes 6-8 weeks. At least that was how my test went.


New member
Night sweats

From what I understand (was told <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ), Amy, with the myco tests, they do a quick first check to see if they actually see any the bacteria in your culture (or something like that- my first check came back clear, and they started my zithro), but the actual culture takes 6-8 weeks. At least that was how my test went.