

New member
My hips are the worst! I feel like my legs are going to fall off sometimes. I also have pain in my shoulders, elbows, knees, wrists and back. My doc says that a lot of cfers hurt and they really don't know why. It keeps me up all night and riding in a car makes me really stiff. I'm really sorry, but I literally feel your pain.


New member
My hips are the worst! I feel like my legs are going to fall off sometimes. I also have pain in my shoulders, elbows, knees, wrists and back. My doc says that a lot of cfers hurt and they really don't know why. It keeps me up all night and riding in a car makes me really stiff. I'm really sorry, but I literally feel your pain.


New member
My hips are the worst! I feel like my legs are going to fall off sometimes. I also have pain in my shoulders, elbows, knees, wrists and back. My doc says that a lot of cfers hurt and they really don't know why. It keeps me up all night and riding in a car makes me really stiff. I'm really sorry, but I literally feel your pain.


New member
My hips are the worst! I feel like my legs are going to fall off sometimes. I also have pain in my shoulders, elbows, knees, wrists and back. My doc says that a lot of cfers hurt and they really don't know why. It keeps me up all night and riding in a car makes me really stiff. I'm really sorry, but I literally feel your pain.


New member
My hips are the worst! I feel like my legs are going to fall off sometimes. I also have pain in my shoulders, elbows, knees, wrists and back. My doc says that a lot of cfers hurt and they really don't know why. It keeps me up all night and riding in a car makes me really stiff. I'm really sorry, but I literally feel your pain.


New member
I was having body joint pain and the creaking/popping where it was getting slightly painful. I could tell it was getting worse. I focused on natural anti-inflammatories, in diet and supplement form. There are many many many herbs and herb extracts that can help big time with joint paint/inflammation. Three big ones right off the top of my head: Oregano oil, fizzy NAC, Turmeric. Also, many essential oils, even rubbed in topically to the area can work miracles for this problem. You have to be careful with internal use though. Just do your research, it's fairly easy to do if you have time on your hands.

Before I started using these things, I would go to get up and ache like crazy, and my joints, specifically in my knees and hips would pop, and creak. Now, I no longer have these issues. I also used to have Gout, and it would kick the crap out of me when I would eat a strong meat meal or drink beer the previous night. I no longer eat meat, but I still drink beer on weekends. I haven't had a Gout flare up, or even Gout related stiffness in a very long time.

Take a look into these things, they more than likely will help you.


New member
I was having body joint pain and the creaking/popping where it was getting slightly painful. I could tell it was getting worse. I focused on natural anti-inflammatories, in diet and supplement form. There are many many many herbs and herb extracts that can help big time with joint paint/inflammation. Three big ones right off the top of my head: Oregano oil, fizzy NAC, Turmeric. Also, many essential oils, even rubbed in topically to the area can work miracles for this problem. You have to be careful with internal use though. Just do your research, it's fairly easy to do if you have time on your hands.

Before I started using these things, I would go to get up and ache like crazy, and my joints, specifically in my knees and hips would pop, and creak. Now, I no longer have these issues. I also used to have Gout, and it would kick the crap out of me when I would eat a strong meat meal or drink beer the previous night. I no longer eat meat, but I still drink beer on weekends. I haven't had a Gout flare up, or even Gout related stiffness in a very long time.

Take a look into these things, they more than likely will help you.


New member
I was having body joint pain and the creaking/popping where it was getting slightly painful. I could tell it was getting worse. I focused on natural anti-inflammatories, in diet and supplement form. There are many many many herbs and herb extracts that can help big time with joint paint/inflammation. Three big ones right off the top of my head: Oregano oil, fizzy NAC, Turmeric. Also, many essential oils, even rubbed in topically to the area can work miracles for this problem. You have to be careful with internal use though. Just do your research, it's fairly easy to do if you have time on your hands.

Before I started using these things, I would go to get up and ache like crazy, and my joints, specifically in my knees and hips would pop, and creak. Now, I no longer have these issues. I also used to have Gout, and it would kick the crap out of me when I would eat a strong meat meal or drink beer the previous night. I no longer eat meat, but I still drink beer on weekends. I haven't had a Gout flare up, or even Gout related stiffness in a very long time.

Take a look into these things, they more than likely will help you.


New member
I was having body joint pain and the creaking/popping where it was getting slightly painful. I could tell it was getting worse. I focused on natural anti-inflammatories, in diet and supplement form. There are many many many herbs and herb extracts that can help big time with joint paint/inflammation. Three big ones right off the top of my head: Oregano oil, fizzy NAC, Turmeric. Also, many essential oils, even rubbed in topically to the area can work miracles for this problem. You have to be careful with internal use though. Just do your research, it's fairly easy to do if you have time on your hands.

Before I started using these things, I would go to get up and ache like crazy, and my joints, specifically in my knees and hips would pop, and creak. Now, I no longer have these issues. I also used to have Gout, and it would kick the crap out of me when I would eat a strong meat meal or drink beer the previous night. I no longer eat meat, but I still drink beer on weekends. I haven't had a Gout flare up, or even Gout related stiffness in a very long time.

Take a look into these things, they more than likely will help you.


New member
I was having body joint pain and the creaking/popping where it was getting slightly painful. I could tell it was getting worse. I focused on natural anti-inflammatories, in diet and supplement form. There are many many many herbs and herb extracts that can help big time with joint paint/inflammation. Three big ones right off the top of my head: Oregano oil, fizzy NAC, Turmeric. Also, many essential oils, even rubbed in topically to the area can work miracles for this problem. You have to be careful with internal use though. Just do your research, it's fairly easy to do if you have time on your hands.
<br />
<br />Before I started using these things, I would go to get up and ache like crazy, and my joints, specifically in my knees and hips would pop, and creak. Now, I no longer have these issues. I also used to have Gout, and it would kick the crap out of me when I would eat a strong meat meal or drink beer the previous night. I no longer eat meat, but I still drink beer on weekends. I haven't had a Gout flare up, or even Gout related stiffness in a very long time.
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<br />Take a look into these things, they more than likely will help you.
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New member
Here is a good description of what Turmeric does in the body (not saying this would definitely heal you of the pain, but the substance is a mega natural anti-inflammatory with a very strong gene expression):

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is an ancient spice native to India and Southeast Asia, best known for its distinctive flavor and yellow color, used in curries and some prepared mustards. Besides being a food additive, turmeric has been used for centuries in Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and other traditional medicines as a remedy for stomach and liver ailments.

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, contains a mixture of powerful phytonutrients known as curcuminoids. Curcuminoids have antioxidant properties, meaning they fight the damaging effects of free radical molecules in the body. They've also been shown to have significant anti-inflammatory effects.

Curcuminoids may play a part in blocking a key biological pathway that causes damage to cells and may lead to their unhealthy, unrestrained growth¹. They shut down nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB), known to regulate expression of more than 300 genes that promote inflammatory responses which lead to joint inflammation and cell damage.


New member
Here is a good description of what Turmeric does in the body (not saying this would definitely heal you of the pain, but the substance is a mega natural anti-inflammatory with a very strong gene expression):

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is an ancient spice native to India and Southeast Asia, best known for its distinctive flavor and yellow color, used in curries and some prepared mustards. Besides being a food additive, turmeric has been used for centuries in Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and other traditional medicines as a remedy for stomach and liver ailments.

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, contains a mixture of powerful phytonutrients known as curcuminoids. Curcuminoids have antioxidant properties, meaning they fight the damaging effects of free radical molecules in the body. They've also been shown to have significant anti-inflammatory effects.

Curcuminoids may play a part in blocking a key biological pathway that causes damage to cells and may lead to their unhealthy, unrestrained growth¹. They shut down nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB), known to regulate expression of more than 300 genes that promote inflammatory responses which lead to joint inflammation and cell damage.


New member
Here is a good description of what Turmeric does in the body (not saying this would definitely heal you of the pain, but the substance is a mega natural anti-inflammatory with a very strong gene expression):

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is an ancient spice native to India and Southeast Asia, best known for its distinctive flavor and yellow color, used in curries and some prepared mustards. Besides being a food additive, turmeric has been used for centuries in Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and other traditional medicines as a remedy for stomach and liver ailments.

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, contains a mixture of powerful phytonutrients known as curcuminoids. Curcuminoids have antioxidant properties, meaning they fight the damaging effects of free radical molecules in the body. They've also been shown to have significant anti-inflammatory effects.

Curcuminoids may play a part in blocking a key biological pathway that causes damage to cells and may lead to their unhealthy, unrestrained growth¹. They shut down nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB), known to regulate expression of more than 300 genes that promote inflammatory responses which lead to joint inflammation and cell damage.


New member
Here is a good description of what Turmeric does in the body (not saying this would definitely heal you of the pain, but the substance is a mega natural anti-inflammatory with a very strong gene expression):

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is an ancient spice native to India and Southeast Asia, best known for its distinctive flavor and yellow color, used in curries and some prepared mustards. Besides being a food additive, turmeric has been used for centuries in Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and other traditional medicines as a remedy for stomach and liver ailments.

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, contains a mixture of powerful phytonutrients known as curcuminoids. Curcuminoids have antioxidant properties, meaning they fight the damaging effects of free radical molecules in the body. They've also been shown to have significant anti-inflammatory effects.

Curcuminoids may play a part in blocking a key biological pathway that causes damage to cells and may lead to their unhealthy, unrestrained growth¹. They shut down nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB), known to regulate expression of more than 300 genes that promote inflammatory responses which lead to joint inflammation and cell damage.


New member
Here is a good description of what Turmeric does in the body (not saying this would definitely heal you of the pain, but the substance is a mega natural anti-inflammatory with a very strong gene expression):
<br />
<br />Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is an ancient spice native to India and Southeast Asia, best known for its distinctive flavor and yellow color, used in curries and some prepared mustards. Besides being a food additive, turmeric has been used for centuries in Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and other traditional medicines as a remedy for stomach and liver ailments.
<br />
<br />Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, contains a mixture of powerful phytonutrients known as curcuminoids. Curcuminoids have antioxidant properties, meaning they fight the damaging effects of free radical molecules in the body. They've also been shown to have significant anti-inflammatory effects.
<br />
<br />Curcuminoids may play a part in blocking a key biological pathway that causes damage to cells and may lead to their unhealthy, unrestrained growth¹. They shut down nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB), known to regulate expression of more than 300 genes that promote inflammatory responses which lead to joint inflammation and cell damage.
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New member
This happens to me a lot! especially when my appetite is low, i get bruises easily and my joints swell and get very sore, especialy wrists and elbows. it used to be in my ankles and knees too but i got a pair of othopedic insoles for my shoes and that cleared up.


New member
This happens to me a lot! especially when my appetite is low, i get bruises easily and my joints swell and get very sore, especialy wrists and elbows. it used to be in my ankles and knees too but i got a pair of othopedic insoles for my shoes and that cleared up.


New member
This happens to me a lot! especially when my appetite is low, i get bruises easily and my joints swell and get very sore, especialy wrists and elbows. it used to be in my ankles and knees too but i got a pair of othopedic insoles for my shoes and that cleared up.


New member
This happens to me a lot! especially when my appetite is low, i get bruises easily and my joints swell and get very sore, especialy wrists and elbows. it used to be in my ankles and knees too but i got a pair of othopedic insoles for my shoes and that cleared up.


New member
This happens to me a lot! especially when my appetite is low, i get bruises easily and my joints swell and get very sore, especialy wrists and elbows. it used to be in my ankles and knees too but i got a pair of othopedic insoles for my shoes and that cleared up.