If you truely love someone, and they truely love you back.... they won't want to see you unhappy anymore than you want to see them unhappy. I would sooner slit my own wrists than find out my fiance cheated on me, but never came to me and told me how he felt about living with me and my illness.
Cheating happens sometimes. Illness or no illness. And maybe an illness can be a cause in the situation, but I still don't think it can be the EXCUSE or JUSTIFICATION for the action.
I personally never took offense to the topic, so much as someone declairing that "go them they were looking out for themselves for once!" (This is not an exact quote, but the jist of it.) And to imply that Allie has it easy because her spouse has passed on, or to imply that she's less of a WS than the other member's even, just because of the nature of his illness..... that REALLY offended me.
You can be supportive of someone without continuing on in a relationship with that person. Try a friendship. One of the few people who is truely supportive in times I've really needed him is an ex-boyfriend. We weren't right for eachother, and in part, he admited to me that it might have had something to do with my illness. He feared it would hold him back from things he wanted in life.... I wasn't as "adventureous" as he was because my illness set limits. The break-up was HORRIBLE, on-again, off-again for six straight months. But in the end, we decided to be just friends, and he's one of my fiance's groomsmen. And he's the only person I'd actively call if I were spitting up blood and scared, and I couldn't get ahold of my mother or fiance. Because I know he'd pat me on the back, and tell me bad jokes to make me feel less scared. And even though we're not romatically involved anymore.... he IS in fact there for me.
You can leave and not leave entirely. Offer love and support, but let the person know that you can't fully emotionally handle supporting them in a romantic manner. It IS in fact possible.
And I think that instead of patting the people who are condoning cheating on the back and telling them that they had the right to do it, and it' okay, is not healthy. I would think it would in fact be MORE supportive to let them know that there is no shame in stepping away..... because if they're that unhappy, I'm sure the person they are caring for feels it, and is equally unhappy. Nobody offered up other solutions.
As a person with an illness, do you really think I am completely blind to the suffering that MY illness causes everyone around me? I've watched my mother worry for 25years. My father hates hospitals and has to be tricked into coming to see me during a hospital stay. I deal more with everyone ELSES feelings about my being sick than I get to deal with my own feelings about being sick sometimes.... Gotta be strong for everyone else. I've been the source of tears with both my mother and fiance because I got sick. I feel HORRIBLE. I feel unworthy of their love, I feel like I'm being selfish to want to get married sometimes knowing that Matt will be sad when I'm gone. Half the time I work hard at staying well for everyone elses sake, and just stop caring on mine. I've had exes who came to the hospital to visit me when I was truely scared and alone, and I spent more time comforting them than they did me.
My fiance earns my love, gratitude and appreciation ALL THE TIME, and he does it not because he has too, but because he really IS a selfless person. He's got it rough. I'm no peach. I'm messy, and often times too tired to be of any help with anything. He financially supports us, comes home, often times cleans, and when he can, has appointed himself in charge of making sure I eat and gain weight. I love him more than life itself.... and that's not a cliche or an exageration.... it's the truth. He's not my enemy. And I am not HIS enemy. But the general feeling on that SOME of the people on that WS forum give off is that the sick spouse is the enemy. There is a LOT of resentment. And it's my personal opinion that I would never stay with someone who resented me because they had to care for me....