PS- I in fact DO understand where you're coming from.... I just flat out don't agree. I think people often mix the two up. I've spent 25 years of my life with an illness. Ten more years is going to do nothing to change my views. And I've talked to MY OWN "Well Spouse" and you know what? He thinks you people are nuts to think an illness gives you a license to cheat. (For those WS who feel this way I mean, I realize not everyone on that site holds that opinion). When I read about this, he was the FIRST person I talked to to hear his views. I wanted to know if I was being ridiculous for being upset, and to know how he felt about it being on the opposite side of the fence. But when it all comes down to it, as partners, we're on the same side of the fence at all times. He knows that at some point he's going to have to take care of me. I also on the other side of that realize that at times it's going to feel burdonsome to him. And if I could have it any other way.... trust me, I would. I think it's WAY more self-absorbed to expect people with opposing opinions to hold there tongues because your site doesn't value their opinion than it is for us to openly discuss (Fully accepting comments from opposing views) that we disapprove of something that was said. I listen to my own caregiver. He doesn't expect a pat on the back from anyone, he does what he does because he loves me. And if he wronged me, and then used my illness as an EXCUSE TO EXPLAIN IT AWAY.... well, I'm sorry... I just wouldn't stand for that. In fact, I think it would piss me off more....
I AM listening. I've read every response.... I "hear" you.... you just haven't changed my mind on the matter. And when I feel passionately about something, I don't let it go.
And hell... I'm fired up.