Well I've known my thoughts on this for a long time. I am 25 and have watched 6 members of my family die of cancer. Thats equal to 1 person every 4yrs and a month or so. My grandmother has cancer and has been told there's nothing to do.
I know what she's gonna do when she can't take it any longer. Day or nite if she calls and ask me to come have a drink with her. I will drop what ever I'm doing. We will eat her favorite meal, watch her favorite movie, drink and play poker.
That is her wish. Being with her is the way I can show my love and respect to her. Her plan isn't selfish or new. She sat by her mother and sisters side when they died of cancer.
Years ago she looked at me and said I don't want to cause this kind of pain. I don't want to watch the people I love have this much pain in their heart. I don't want them to worry about my pain. I feel the same way.
I have had many others in my life pass of cancer and other long illness. Some fought some, some didn't , some never had an option to do either. I have always gone along with them. Because, it is a persons right to decide.