Regular High School


New member
I went to regular high school. I did well, didn't contact anymore germs in school than I would have in public places. However, when I went away to live at the dorms my first and second years of college, the close living situation was the probable cause for my culturing strains of nasty bugs!

Take care! God bless!


New member
I went to a regular high school. Though I was never hospitalized while in high school so I can not be much help there.

They should accomodate you if you are having a hard time keeping up with classes. Talk to your councilor about it or have your parents/guardian call and talk to someone. You are a senior and you are so close to graduating that it would be a shame for you to drop out now. But you need to talk to your school so that they know what it going on and can make arrangements for you.


New member
I went to a regular high school. Though I was never hospitalized while in high school so I can not be much help there.

They should accomodate you if you are having a hard time keeping up with classes. Talk to your councilor about it or have your parents/guardian call and talk to someone. You are a senior and you are so close to graduating that it would be a shame for you to drop out now. But you need to talk to your school so that they know what it going on and can make arrangements for you.


New member
I went to a regular high school. Though I was never hospitalized while in high school so I can not be much help there.

They should accomodate you if you are having a hard time keeping up with classes. Talk to your councilor about it or have your parents/guardian call and talk to someone. You are a senior and you are so close to graduating that it would be a shame for you to drop out now. But you need to talk to your school so that they know what it going on and can make arrangements for you.


New member
I went to a regular high school. Though I was never hospitalized while in high school so I can not be much help there.

They should accomodate you if you are having a hard time keeping up with classes. Talk to your councilor about it or have your parents/guardian call and talk to someone. You are a senior and you are so close to graduating that it would be a shame for you to drop out now. But you need to talk to your school so that they know what it going on and can make arrangements for you.


New member
I went to a regular high school. Though I was never hospitalized while in high school so I can not be much help there.

They should accomodate you if you are having a hard time keeping up with classes. Talk to your councilor about it or have your parents/guardian call and talk to someone. You are a senior and you are so close to graduating that it would be a shame for you to drop out now. But you need to talk to your school so that they know what it going on and can make arrangements for you.


I'm doing my last year of high school over two years mainly so I can take less work load per year without all the hassles of hospital admissions etc.


I'm doing my last year of high school over two years mainly so I can take less work load per year without all the hassles of hospital admissions etc.


I'm doing my last year of high school over two years mainly so I can take less work load per year without all the hassles of hospital admissions etc.


I'm doing my last year of high school over two years mainly so I can take less work load per year without all the hassles of hospital admissions etc.


I'm doing my last year of high school over two years mainly so I can take less work load per year without all the hassles of hospital admissions etc.
My best friend has CF & we both attend a public high school. Our school is very small and every student knows everyone and their business. FOrtunatley though, only those who are friends with him, or me for that matter, know about it. I leave it up to him as to who he wants to know about it, I never tell anyone about his condition unless he wants them to know about it. He lives his life in a completley perfect normal way, & we both enjoy our school.
My best friend has CF & we both attend a public high school. Our school is very small and every student knows everyone and their business. FOrtunatley though, only those who are friends with him, or me for that matter, know about it. I leave it up to him as to who he wants to know about it, I never tell anyone about his condition unless he wants them to know about it. He lives his life in a completley perfect normal way, & we both enjoy our school.
My best friend has CF & we both attend a public high school. Our school is very small and every student knows everyone and their business. FOrtunatley though, only those who are friends with him, or me for that matter, know about it. I leave it up to him as to who he wants to know about it, I never tell anyone about his condition unless he wants them to know about it. He lives his life in a completley perfect normal way, & we both enjoy our school.
My best friend has CF & we both attend a public high school. Our school is very small and every student knows everyone and their business. FOrtunatley though, only those who are friends with him, or me for that matter, know about it. I leave it up to him as to who he wants to know about it, I never tell anyone about his condition unless he wants them to know about it. He lives his life in a completley perfect normal way, & we both enjoy our school.
My best friend has CF & we both attend a public high school. Our school is very small and every student knows everyone and their business. FOrtunatley though, only those who are friends with him, or me for that matter, know about it. I leave it up to him as to who he wants to know about it, I never tell anyone about his condition unless he wants them to know about it. He lives his life in a completley perfect normal way, & we both enjoy our school.