
New member

It seems to me the problems we have with medicaid, medicare, etc. would only get worse with universal health care. If we cannot trust the government to be faithful with a few things, why would we trust the government to be faithful with many things?

I remember when I was living in Oregon, there were some people considering universal health care. It was ridiculous even to consider, however, because Oregon doesn't even have enough money to support its public schools, much less foot the doctor bills for everyone living there!

What Michael Moore is striving for is a perfect world, which is what socialism was designed to be when it was conceived. Unfortunately, reality has a tendency to get the way of idealism. As humans we are imperfect creatures, and as long as we are imperfect we are going to be incapable of creating a perfect society. To see evidence of this, we only have to look to any country that has ever embraced communism. It was a good idea, but it simply does not work.


New member

It seems to me the problems we have with medicaid, medicare, etc. would only get worse with universal health care. If we cannot trust the government to be faithful with a few things, why would we trust the government to be faithful with many things?

I remember when I was living in Oregon, there were some people considering universal health care. It was ridiculous even to consider, however, because Oregon doesn't even have enough money to support its public schools, much less foot the doctor bills for everyone living there!

What Michael Moore is striving for is a perfect world, which is what socialism was designed to be when it was conceived. Unfortunately, reality has a tendency to get the way of idealism. As humans we are imperfect creatures, and as long as we are imperfect we are going to be incapable of creating a perfect society. To see evidence of this, we only have to look to any country that has ever embraced communism. It was a good idea, but it simply does not work.


New member

In short, socialized medicine is a disaster.

Two points I haven't seen mentioned are...

1 - In countries with socialized medicine, they are actually experiencing a shortage of Dr.'s and are now recruiting from other countries like India. This shortage is due to the fact the the Dr.'s aren't compensated like they are in countries with a free market.

2 - Socialized medicine isn't free. It's supported by tax dollars. So, if you don't like what you pay in taxes now, you're in for a serious shock if we go to socialized medicine. Honestly, do you think our govt. is responsible enough/qualified to "run" something as critical as health care?

I have a close friend of mine that has moved here from the UK. Before he moved here he had a serious accident on his mountain bike. Basically he went face first into a fence post (4x4 wood). He required over 300 stiches in his face. At his local ER he was placed in the que and had to wait over 3 hours to be seen. Once he was seen he wasn't seen by a plastic surgeon just a general ER dr. Between the wait and the fact that he didn't get proper care for his wounds he has serious scarring. Since moving to the US, he's been to a plastic surgeon who was appauled at the lack of care given for such a serious injury.

My family is originally from Canada so I still have many relatives living there. They continually tell me how lucky Sean is to have been born here and how impressed with his quality of care. Yes, I pay for that quality of care but I'm happy I have the option. With socialized medicine, you get what you get with no options.


New member

In short, socialized medicine is a disaster.

Two points I haven't seen mentioned are...

1 - In countries with socialized medicine, they are actually experiencing a shortage of Dr.'s and are now recruiting from other countries like India. This shortage is due to the fact the the Dr.'s aren't compensated like they are in countries with a free market.

2 - Socialized medicine isn't free. It's supported by tax dollars. So, if you don't like what you pay in taxes now, you're in for a serious shock if we go to socialized medicine. Honestly, do you think our govt. is responsible enough/qualified to "run" something as critical as health care?

I have a close friend of mine that has moved here from the UK. Before he moved here he had a serious accident on his mountain bike. Basically he went face first into a fence post (4x4 wood). He required over 300 stiches in his face. At his local ER he was placed in the que and had to wait over 3 hours to be seen. Once he was seen he wasn't seen by a plastic surgeon just a general ER dr. Between the wait and the fact that he didn't get proper care for his wounds he has serious scarring. Since moving to the US, he's been to a plastic surgeon who was appauled at the lack of care given for such a serious injury.

My family is originally from Canada so I still have many relatives living there. They continually tell me how lucky Sean is to have been born here and how impressed with his quality of care. Yes, I pay for that quality of care but I'm happy I have the option. With socialized medicine, you get what you get with no options.


New member

In short, socialized medicine is a disaster.

Two points I haven't seen mentioned are...

1 - In countries with socialized medicine, they are actually experiencing a shortage of Dr.'s and are now recruiting from other countries like India. This shortage is due to the fact the the Dr.'s aren't compensated like they are in countries with a free market.

2 - Socialized medicine isn't free. It's supported by tax dollars. So, if you don't like what you pay in taxes now, you're in for a serious shock if we go to socialized medicine. Honestly, do you think our govt. is responsible enough/qualified to "run" something as critical as health care?

I have a close friend of mine that has moved here from the UK. Before he moved here he had a serious accident on his mountain bike. Basically he went face first into a fence post (4x4 wood). He required over 300 stiches in his face. At his local ER he was placed in the que and had to wait over 3 hours to be seen. Once he was seen he wasn't seen by a plastic surgeon just a general ER dr. Between the wait and the fact that he didn't get proper care for his wounds he has serious scarring. Since moving to the US, he's been to a plastic surgeon who was appauled at the lack of care given for such a serious injury.

My family is originally from Canada so I still have many relatives living there. They continually tell me how lucky Sean is to have been born here and how impressed with his quality of care. Yes, I pay for that quality of care but I'm happy I have the option. With socialized medicine, you get what you get with no options.


New member

In short, socialized medicine is a disaster.

Two points I haven't seen mentioned are...

1 - In countries with socialized medicine, they are actually experiencing a shortage of Dr.'s and are now recruiting from other countries like India. This shortage is due to the fact the the Dr.'s aren't compensated like they are in countries with a free market.

2 - Socialized medicine isn't free. It's supported by tax dollars. So, if you don't like what you pay in taxes now, you're in for a serious shock if we go to socialized medicine. Honestly, do you think our govt. is responsible enough/qualified to "run" something as critical as health care?

I have a close friend of mine that has moved here from the UK. Before he moved here he had a serious accident on his mountain bike. Basically he went face first into a fence post (4x4 wood). He required over 300 stiches in his face. At his local ER he was placed in the que and had to wait over 3 hours to be seen. Once he was seen he wasn't seen by a plastic surgeon just a general ER dr. Between the wait and the fact that he didn't get proper care for his wounds he has serious scarring. Since moving to the US, he's been to a plastic surgeon who was appauled at the lack of care given for such a serious injury.

My family is originally from Canada so I still have many relatives living there. They continually tell me how lucky Sean is to have been born here and how impressed with his quality of care. Yes, I pay for that quality of care but I'm happy I have the option. With socialized medicine, you get what you get with no options.


New member

In short, socialized medicine is a disaster.

Two points I haven't seen mentioned are...

1 - In countries with socialized medicine, they are actually experiencing a shortage of Dr.'s and are now recruiting from other countries like India. This shortage is due to the fact the the Dr.'s aren't compensated like they are in countries with a free market.

2 - Socialized medicine isn't free. It's supported by tax dollars. So, if you don't like what you pay in taxes now, you're in for a serious shock if we go to socialized medicine. Honestly, do you think our govt. is responsible enough/qualified to "run" something as critical as health care?

I have a close friend of mine that has moved here from the UK. Before he moved here he had a serious accident on his mountain bike. Basically he went face first into a fence post (4x4 wood). He required over 300 stiches in his face. At his local ER he was placed in the que and had to wait over 3 hours to be seen. Once he was seen he wasn't seen by a plastic surgeon just a general ER dr. Between the wait and the fact that he didn't get proper care for his wounds he has serious scarring. Since moving to the US, he's been to a plastic surgeon who was appauled at the lack of care given for such a serious injury.

My family is originally from Canada so I still have many relatives living there. They continually tell me how lucky Sean is to have been born here and how impressed with his quality of care. Yes, I pay for that quality of care but I'm happy I have the option. With socialized medicine, you get what you get with no options.


New member

In short, socialized medicine is a disaster.

Two points I haven't seen mentioned are...

1 - In countries with socialized medicine, they are actually experiencing a shortage of Dr.'s and are now recruiting from other countries like India. This shortage is due to the fact the the Dr.'s aren't compensated like they are in countries with a free market.

2 - Socialized medicine isn't free. It's supported by tax dollars. So, if you don't like what you pay in taxes now, you're in for a serious shock if we go to socialized medicine. Honestly, do you think our govt. is responsible enough/qualified to "run" something as critical as health care?

I have a close friend of mine that has moved here from the UK. Before he moved here he had a serious accident on his mountain bike. Basically he went face first into a fence post (4x4 wood). He required over 300 stiches in his face. At his local ER he was placed in the que and had to wait over 3 hours to be seen. Once he was seen he wasn't seen by a plastic surgeon just a general ER dr. Between the wait and the fact that he didn't get proper care for his wounds he has serious scarring. Since moving to the US, he's been to a plastic surgeon who was appauled at the lack of care given for such a serious injury.

My family is originally from Canada so I still have many relatives living there. They continually tell me how lucky Sean is to have been born here and how impressed with his quality of care. Yes, I pay for that quality of care but I'm happy I have the option. With socialized medicine, you get what you get with no options.


New member

The NHS in the UK can only get better. Its not free, I pay 9% national insurance tax,it is free to some, ones who dont/have never worked, immigrants and what not.
I have no bad experience of the system, sometimes it can be a little slow on the waiting list, I waited 6 months to get surgery on my knee.
Theres is something that is referred to as a 'post code lottery' (zip code), some treatments are readily available in certain areas of the country while not even offered in other areas. Take IVF for instance, in my health board area you can recieve one treatment if you have no children, other areas have different criteria like you ca have one child and two treatments...reason lack of money. Then there was the case recently of two metadone users being given IVF so they could have a baby, cant remember where that was, but it got everyones back up.
Our local hospital, Inverclyde Royal,( besides employing suicide bombers) is looking at closing the maternity ward, some years ago it got downgraded from consultant led to midwife led. It means that most births here have to be down at Paisley Alexandria, its only 30 mins away, but 30 mins is a long time in healthcare.

Reading all that back and I cant tell wether I am against socialieds medicine LOL
I guess its quite frustrating


New member

The NHS in the UK can only get better. Its not free, I pay 9% national insurance tax,it is free to some, ones who dont/have never worked, immigrants and what not.
I have no bad experience of the system, sometimes it can be a little slow on the waiting list, I waited 6 months to get surgery on my knee.
Theres is something that is referred to as a 'post code lottery' (zip code), some treatments are readily available in certain areas of the country while not even offered in other areas. Take IVF for instance, in my health board area you can recieve one treatment if you have no children, other areas have different criteria like you ca have one child and two treatments...reason lack of money. Then there was the case recently of two metadone users being given IVF so they could have a baby, cant remember where that was, but it got everyones back up.
Our local hospital, Inverclyde Royal,( besides employing suicide bombers) is looking at closing the maternity ward, some years ago it got downgraded from consultant led to midwife led. It means that most births here have to be down at Paisley Alexandria, its only 30 mins away, but 30 mins is a long time in healthcare.

Reading all that back and I cant tell wether I am against socialieds medicine LOL
I guess its quite frustrating


New member

The NHS in the UK can only get better. Its not free, I pay 9% national insurance tax,it is free to some, ones who dont/have never worked, immigrants and what not.
I have no bad experience of the system, sometimes it can be a little slow on the waiting list, I waited 6 months to get surgery on my knee.
Theres is something that is referred to as a 'post code lottery' (zip code), some treatments are readily available in certain areas of the country while not even offered in other areas. Take IVF for instance, in my health board area you can recieve one treatment if you have no children, other areas have different criteria like you ca have one child and two treatments...reason lack of money. Then there was the case recently of two metadone users being given IVF so they could have a baby, cant remember where that was, but it got everyones back up.
Our local hospital, Inverclyde Royal,( besides employing suicide bombers) is looking at closing the maternity ward, some years ago it got downgraded from consultant led to midwife led. It means that most births here have to be down at Paisley Alexandria, its only 30 mins away, but 30 mins is a long time in healthcare.

Reading all that back and I cant tell wether I am against socialieds medicine LOL
I guess its quite frustrating


New member

The NHS in the UK can only get better. Its not free, I pay 9% national insurance tax,it is free to some, ones who dont/have never worked, immigrants and what not.
I have no bad experience of the system, sometimes it can be a little slow on the waiting list, I waited 6 months to get surgery on my knee.
Theres is something that is referred to as a 'post code lottery' (zip code), some treatments are readily available in certain areas of the country while not even offered in other areas. Take IVF for instance, in my health board area you can recieve one treatment if you have no children, other areas have different criteria like you ca have one child and two treatments...reason lack of money. Then there was the case recently of two metadone users being given IVF so they could have a baby, cant remember where that was, but it got everyones back up.
Our local hospital, Inverclyde Royal,( besides employing suicide bombers) is looking at closing the maternity ward, some years ago it got downgraded from consultant led to midwife led. It means that most births here have to be down at Paisley Alexandria, its only 30 mins away, but 30 mins is a long time in healthcare.

Reading all that back and I cant tell wether I am against socialieds medicine LOL
I guess its quite frustrating


New member

The NHS in the UK can only get better. Its not free, I pay 9% national insurance tax,it is free to some, ones who dont/have never worked, immigrants and what not.
I have no bad experience of the system, sometimes it can be a little slow on the waiting list, I waited 6 months to get surgery on my knee.
Theres is something that is referred to as a 'post code lottery' (zip code), some treatments are readily available in certain areas of the country while not even offered in other areas. Take IVF for instance, in my health board area you can recieve one treatment if you have no children, other areas have different criteria like you ca have one child and two treatments...reason lack of money. Then there was the case recently of two metadone users being given IVF so they could have a baby, cant remember where that was, but it got everyones back up.
Our local hospital, Inverclyde Royal,( besides employing suicide bombers) is looking at closing the maternity ward, some years ago it got downgraded from consultant led to midwife led. It means that most births here have to be down at Paisley Alexandria, its only 30 mins away, but 30 mins is a long time in healthcare.

Reading all that back and I cant tell wether I am against socialieds medicine LOL
I guess its quite frustrating


New member

The NHS in the UK can only get better. Its not free, I pay 9% national insurance tax,it is free to some, ones who dont/have never worked, immigrants and what not.
I have no bad experience of the system, sometimes it can be a little slow on the waiting list, I waited 6 months to get surgery on my knee.
Theres is something that is referred to as a 'post code lottery' (zip code), some treatments are readily available in certain areas of the country while not even offered in other areas. Take IVF for instance, in my health board area you can recieve one treatment if you have no children, other areas have different criteria like you ca have one child and two treatments...reason lack of money. Then there was the case recently of two metadone users being given IVF so they could have a baby, cant remember where that was, but it got everyones back up.
Our local hospital, Inverclyde Royal,( besides employing suicide bombers) is looking at closing the maternity ward, some years ago it got downgraded from consultant led to midwife led. It means that most births here have to be down at Paisley Alexandria, its only 30 mins away, but 30 mins is a long time in healthcare.

Reading all that back and I cant tell wether I am against socialieds medicine LOL
I guess its quite frustrating


New member

Do we have anyone from France on these boards?

I'd like to hear more opinions of those who live in countries with socialized medicine...keep talking, this is very informative!!

Thanks for all the posts so far <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member

Do we have anyone from France on these boards?

I'd like to hear more opinions of those who live in countries with socialized medicine...keep talking, this is very informative!!

Thanks for all the posts so far <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member

Do we have anyone from France on these boards?

I'd like to hear more opinions of those who live in countries with socialized medicine...keep talking, this is very informative!!

Thanks for all the posts so far <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member

Do we have anyone from France on these boards?

I'd like to hear more opinions of those who live in countries with socialized medicine...keep talking, this is very informative!!

Thanks for all the posts so far <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member

Do we have anyone from France on these boards?

I'd like to hear more opinions of those who live in countries with socialized medicine...keep talking, this is very informative!!

Thanks for all the posts so far <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member

Do we have anyone from France on these boards?

I'd like to hear more opinions of those who live in countries with socialized medicine...keep talking, this is very informative!!

Thanks for all the posts so far <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">