And that is my point...If you *have* to get the surgery done due to a very bad sinus condition, to the point where quality of life is way reduced, then by all means go that route. I know I would if I was not able to maintain my quality of life via my alternative treatments. I just personally don't want to ride that never ending train of surgeries unless I have to. As of now...I use sprays, better diet, 2 strong saline nasal douches a day, lots of draining and spitting, and aggressive vest therapy. So far I guess i'm winning. I occasionally get a headache in a weird place in the back of my head, but I have been able to deal with that also, to where it's a rare occurance.
If I would have accepted my ENT surgeons recommendations, I probably would have been on my fourth surgery by now easy. As I have said before, I am not saying do not get surgery. Obviously if you are way screwed sinus wise, quality of life is way diminished, and alternative treatments haven't helped/solved your problem, then by all means go with the other option. I'm just saying, if you have slight sinus problems, and alternative treatments are working atleast for now, I wouldn't personally do it...Considering what all will take place. Sure, let's just say for the sake of argument that sinus surgery does not create more sinus surgery. But let's also say for the sake of real life experiences, once you have sinus surgery, it's nearly guaranteed you will have more sinus surgeries, and probably even more after that, and then more. If you can fend that increasingly frequent procedure off as long as you can, why not?